Optimizing drinking water distribution system operations

2019, European Journal of Operational Research

Due to the fast pace of urbanization, governments and water supply service providers have struggled to manage the services and the expansion of investments. The operation of Water Distribution Systems (WDS) is often complex, especially when considering the changes in tariffs throughout the day. The cost of energy in these systems can reach 30% of total operating costs and its careful management can represent increased efficiency. The optimization of WDS scheduling operation appears as an effective method to reduce operating costs while ensuring a good service level to the population. In this paper we propose a new linear relaxation for a non-linear integer programming formulation for WDS in order to optimize its operation costs. We test our method on three benchmark instances from the literature improving all solutions from the competing algorithms. We also apply it to a larger new instance obtained from the WDS from the city of Florianópolis, southern Brazil, significantly outperforming the current solution employed by the utility provider. This study makes four main contributions. First, our formulation includes new aspects related to the capacity of storage tanks that were not considered before, which yields a more realistic representation of the physics of water and tanks. Second, our linearization technique includes a variable number of breakpoints, resulting in significantly fewer binary variables for a given error level. Third, our relaxation reduces the search of the space solutions. Lastly, we provide a new real-life instance and improve the solutions for three available benchmark instances.