Children’ s right to participation in early childhood education 1



Since the adoption by the UN in 1989 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), children’s participation has been one of the most highly debated and examined aspects of it. While there is no consensus on a general definition of children’s participation, it is clear that as a concept it relates to many dimensions and processes. The aim of this paper is not to provide an exhaustive presentation of relevant research on children’s right to participation in early childhood education sector; its intention is to provide an overview of some up to date researches, to explore how the international guidelines as formulated in the UN documents mentioned, are relevant to early childhood education and attempt to raise some questions and stimulate further reflections. This paper’s conclusion is that implementing children’s participation in practice is far from imposing of a predefined, fully conceptualized framework on children, or about empowering them and facilitating their agency, bu...