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This study aims to examine the effect of gender on English as a foreign language (EFL) achievement test at the end of RUN2 (Young adults) at ILI (Iran language institute in 2013). In other words, the aim of this study was to determine whether students’ gender can affect learning English as a foreign language or not. Participants of the study were 100 guidance school students (50 males and 50 females) selected from four different classes. The employed procedures were quantitative methods of analysis and making use of descriptive analysis, pair t-test, and the effect size. The results indicated that EFL learning is to some extent related to gender and it has a significant effect on the achievement test. The results of this study help instructors to select their instructional strategies more effectively related to gender of students.
Learners are affected by many factors in the foreign language learning process. The level of cognitive development, socio economic and cultural background, the ability to acquire a language, types of memory system, age and motivation can be expressed as the factors affecting foreign language learning. One particularly interesting factor is gender that runs in parallel with other factors. This factor can affect language use and learning as a result of biological differences between the two sexes .Having gone over a good number of works studied the impact of gender on foreign language learning, the present researchers found out that there were no clear distinction between male and female in learning a foreign language but the way of using a language and strategies used by learners in learning process were applied by them differently. These differences help them become successful in different areas of learning, whether in math, language arts, sciences or others.
This study examined the impact of gender on students' achievement in learning English as a foreign language in secondary and higher vocational schools in Po-land, as well as teachers' and stu-dents' opinions concerning the importance of this influence. The collected data provided ample evidence that girls achieved significantly better results than boys. Such results support the socio-linguistic finding that female students outperform males as they are more open to new linguistic forms in the target language and eradicate interlanguage forms that deviate from target language norms more readily than their male counterparts (Ellis, 2012). However, these findings were not reflected in the opinions of the student and teacher participants. Both parties held a strong conviction that gender played no major role in learning English. The article concludes by outlining some implications for educational policy makers and foreign language teachers.
In Viet Nam and many other nations, people tend to make general assumptions about language learning like that “Females are better at language learning than males”, “Languages are females’ subjects”. Those assumptions have caused a negative impression on males about language learning. As a result, there is a remarkable worldwide inequality in the number of male and female English majors. Are females really superior to males in language learning? Do their different ways in language learning play an important role in their success? If the differences in learning methods are said to be responsible, their learning strategies may account for their different level of success in language learning. Those questions inspired the author to determine whether there are any significant differences in learning strategies due to gender. The paper first synthesized previous research to have an overview of learning strategies males tend to prefer and those that females favour. Then, from the awareness...
This study intended to investigate the language learning strategies used by learners of English as a foreign language, aiming to find the amount of strategies and the domain differences of the strategies used; to reveal the link between strategy use and success levels; and to find out the difference in strategy use between genders and its influence on their achievement in English. 257 (153 male, 104 female) students from Atılım University English Preparatory School participated in the study. At the time of the study all the participants were in the same proficiency level, and were distributed to different classes of the same level. The data were gathered through strategy inventory for language learning (SILL) of Oxford (1990), which was translated to Turkish by Cesur and Fer (2007). v The instrument, based on Oxford's (1990) classification of the language learning strategies, is composed of 50 items in six subscales. The participants responded to the inventory before the end of the level they were in. The data were analyzed through SPSS (15.0) to find the relationship of language learning strategies, gender and achievement in learning the target language. To reveal the interconnections between these factors, independent t-tests and an ANOVA test, along with post hoc procedures were performed on the gathered data. The findings of the study revealed that use of language learning strategies are positively effective in success in English, that females were significantly more successful than males in terms of achievement tests, and that they used more language learning strategies in learning English. Depending on the statistical results, it is discovered that there is a significant connection between gender, language learning strategies and achievement in English.
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to determine the role of the sex variable in foreign language learning success by reviewing and connecting data gathered from several tests and studies, all of them dealing with boys ’ and girls ’ achievement, attitudes, motivation, opinions and learning strategies as regards foreign languages. In the light of the data analysed, the hypothesis put forward for consideration is that girls ’ achievement in foreign language learning is enhanced by the interaction of neurological, cognitive, affective, social and educational factors. Each factor is activated in a different way for boys and for girls, with the result that girls are equipped with a combined network of variables whose mutual influence is eventually responsible for their success in foreign language learning. Key words: interaction, Foreign Language Learning, sex, stereotypes, variables. RESUMEN: El propósito de este artículo es determinar el papel de la variable del género en el apren...
Gender differences between male and female language learners have recently attracted the attention of researchers, especially in terms of how these differences impact learning achievements. Hence, this study examines gender differences in language learning without representing a specific sample area or population. It investigates previous studies by extracting the theories applied, sampling methods, data collection methods, and data analysis tools. The findings revealed that most studies employed simple random sampling techniques, and quantitative data collection methods were vastly more common than qualitative methods. Questionnaires and interviews played an important role in data collection, while SPSS was the most used data analysis tool. The findings from previous studies hold divergent views; while some studies agreed that gender does not have a significant impact on learning languages, other studies hold different views and reported that motivation, self-efficacy, cognitive load, and learning styles, among others, could be gender differences between males and females with respect to learning languages. These findings will be beneficial to language teachers and instructors regarding possible techniques to employ to enhance comprehensive and effective learning among both males and females.
JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran)
Gender difference can be assumed as an individual difference generally existing and catching attention in the foreign language teaching and learning.This research aims at finding out the strategies used by the students in learning English and students’ perspective on the learning strategies based on their gender. The data are gathered through questionnaires and interview which are given to the students of English Language Education Department. This study discovered that male and female students differ in the learning strategy, and the female students score higher in the use of learning strategy than the males. Metacognitive and social learning strategy were highly used by female students. On the other hand, male students score compensation, metacognitive and cognitive learning strategy as their attempts to learn English. The result also found that females use all the strategies more often than males particularly on metacognitive strategy. Moreover, there are differences in the use o...
The impact of Gender in EFL classroom has always been an issue of discussion. With the difference of social and cultural background, the role of gender differs from nation to nation. In Bangladesh, gender role is defined based on social, cultural, and traditional beliefs. This study is an attempt to find out whether genders of learners as well as genders of teachers create barriers in EFL learning in Bangladesh. In the study a number of 198 students responded to the questionnaires prepared for a survey to find out the impact of gender of students and teachers in EFL classroom. Adding to this, 20 students and 9 teachers from a university further illustrated this issue by participating in semi-structured open ended interviews. The findings of this mixed method study reveal that the socio-culturally defined gender role of male and female in the society impacts inside English as a foreign language class in Bangladesh. Self-efficacy of teachers and learners may help address the issue. In this regard, emphasis may be put on teacher self-efficacy to raise awareness among the teachers and learner self-efficacy to help learners to consciously avoid gender discrimination in classroom at the tertiary level.
Gender issues have become the talk of today's educational forum. Although the literacy rate is more among boys than girls; it is quite interesting to observe that girls are securing better rank than boys in almost all academic and other competitive examinations. Academic achievement is considered as a key criterion to judge one's total potentialities and capacities. This study examined the gander difference in the performance of students in English language in Nigerian secondary schools. Ex-post facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of three hundred (300) students, selected using stratified random sampling procedure from the Science secondary schools in Kano state Nigeria. The data collected ware the students’ performances in English language achievement test. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Independent-Sample t-test to test the hypotheses at 0.05, level of significance. Overall results showed that students perform below average and a significant gender difference exists in English performance, significant gender difference was also observed with respect to school location; Females performed above average in both urban and rural schools while males performed below average. It was recommended that English teachers should regularly test students on the various English concepts and feedback provided should be used to prepare them for credible performance in English at both internal and external examinations.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2018
A growing mass of research has reported that each human being is different like a signature and particular characteristics based on their specific personalities have a strong effect on their language learning possibilities. Research posits that identification of EFL learners' beliefs about language learning positively affects language learning process as it helps the teachers to address to their students' learning effectively and also bears positive overbearing in case they bear some less positive beliefs. The study in hand is an attempt to investigate the beliefs of Saudi undergraduates along gender lines by using Horwitz's (1987) BALLI. The comparative analyses generated by Independent-sample T-test reveal that male participants have assigned comparatively higher values to the majority of the questionnaire items as compared to their female counterparts. The participants of this survey have exhibited the greatest gender-based differences in their beliefs about "motivation and expectations". Beliefs about "learning and communication strategies" and "the nature of language learning" have shown medium gender-based differences whereas male and female participants have seen eye to eye to each other in their perceived beliefs related to "foreign language aptitude" and difficulty of language learning. The findings of this empirical study have several pedagogical implications to revisit and modify teaching/learning practices of English language in Saudi Arabia in particular and Arab world in general. The findings will help English language teachers teaching in the KSA to understand the gender-based dimensionality of the language learning beliefs which will help them align their teaching methods to their learners' beliefs; thus, maximizing the possibilities of much sought after goal of effective and efficient ELT in the KSA.
The use of foreign language in the EFL classrooms can be shaped by many factors, among which gender has a leading role. Gender, which is a prominent element of language learning, has become a subject of research for years. Previous studies have shown that male and female students learn, study, and use language differently. The present study attempts to understand the role of gender in using language differently inside the classroom. Further, this research examines the factors that determine gender differences inside the EFL classrooms. Several hypotheses were predicted about gender differences in using language. Therefore, a questionnaire was designed to collect data. The data were collected from 14 teachers in English department at Koya University/Kurdistan Region-Iraq. The results of the study confirmed almost all the hypotheses. As it was hypothesized, there were gender differences in using language. The results indicated that there are some factors that cause gender differences. The most significant factors related to the students' psychological conditions, the students' cultural and social backgrounds, the students' connection to the native speakers, the students' physical characteristics, and materials that are taught by the teachers. Besides, this paper recommends several pedagogical implications which are beneficial for the process of language teaching. This study affirms that the pedagogical implications deserve teachers' considerations.
JEEYAL (The Journal of English Teaching for Young and Adult Learners), 2023
The process of language learning embraces inclusivity, including variations between male and female students in their intelligence towards English as a foreign language, which directly influences their language learning competence. This research investigates the gender-based bias in language learning, with a specific focus on the English language proficiency of secondary school students. It aims to address the gap in our understanding of the relationship between gender identity and English learning outcomes, thereby shedding light on the inclusivity of the language learning process. By analysing written text products of high school students, collected as part of a comprehensive data collection effort, the researchers utilize systemic functional linguistics and feminist stylistics approaches. Through this analysis, they explore the construction of texts and delve into the influence of gender on language structural choices. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of gender-based variations in language learning and offer insights for developing more equitable language education practices, fostering an inclusive learning environment for all students.
Several studies and research have been conducted on the issue of gender gap attainment, most of which have concluded that female students are relatively higher achievers compared to males. This gap is attributed to different explanations depending on the angles from which it is viewed, amongst which is the average use of language learning strategies (LLS). Therefore, the current study attempts to find out and analyze the reasons why female and male students perform differently in the English classes in Oujda high schools. It also aims to discover who exploits LLS more in learning English as a foreign language. To effectively reach this goal, the researchers use a self-developed observation checklist to identify who outperforms the other and a structured interview to discern who uses LLS more effectively. As a result, two points emerged in this research paper. The current study attempts to find out about femalemale differences in English attainment. Besides, it seeks explanations for male and female performance in the English classes in Oujda high schools. It also aims to discover who exploits LLS more in learning English as a foreign language. To fill this gap, a number of 960 students were observed, and 32 students were interviewed. The study is approached using the mixed-method of quantitative and qualitative design, where a descriptive approach is used. Data is gathered through both instruments observation and interviews in five high schools. To effectively reach this goal, the researchers use a self-developed observation checklist to identify who outperforms the other and a structured interview to discern who uses LLS more effectively. As a result, two points emerged in this research paper. First, this research paper proves that females outperform males in English classes. Second, females use more learning strategies than males. The researchers infer from the results that there is an attainment gap, namely, male students underachieve females.
The investigator has taken an attempt to assess the impact of gender in language education of secondary school students. Descriptive survey method has been used for assessing the views of the secondary school students. A sample of 100 secondary school students consisting of 50 boys and 50 girls from class IX has been taken through random sampling method from Sheosagar Block of Rohtas district of Bihar. The investigator used self-made questionnaire and have administered over the secondary school students. The collected data have been analyzed and interpreted by utilizing the statistical techniques like mean and percentage. The findings of the study reveal from the views of the secondary school students that gender in language education brings impact not only in understanding the course content but also in expanding their knowledge in various fields of their life and facing the challenges in it.
European Journal of Contemporary Education
This study deals with the research into the relationship between gender, motivation and achievement in learning English as a foreign language. A good command of English is of paramount importance for an individual to be successful in numerous aspects of life such as professional, personal and educational. The aim of this research was to determine how gender influences motivation and achievement in learning English as a foreign language. The research sample consists of 185 students aged ten (fifth grade), fourteen (ninth grade) and eighteen (twelfth grade). The results demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between gender and motivation. Ten-year-old students exhibit the highest motivation for learning English as a foreign language, while the eighteen-year-olds exhibit the lowest motivation. In addition, female students are more successful at learning English as a foreign language than male students at each group/grade level. Moreover, the findings also reveal statistically significant results in measuring the correlation between achievement and motivation and can be highly beneficial for teachers, parents and students in adopting the most effective approach to learning and teaching English as a foreign language.
This study reports the performance of five thousand one hundred and eighty three undergraduate and graduate students on a language proficiency test called Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT). It consists of one hundred traditional multiple choice items selected from the disclosed Test of English as a Foreign Language and measures the listening and reading comprehension abilities as well as structural knowledge. It was taken by students majoring in five branches of knowledge, i.e., agriculture, basic sciences, engineering, humanities and social sciences, and medical sciences, in Iran. The One-Way ANOVA analysis of scores showed that female test takers scored significantly higher than males not only on the MSRT but also on its structure, listening and reading comprehension subtests. The same analysis also showed that engineering test takers scored significantly higher than agriculture, basic sciences and humanities and social sciences on the listening comprehension subtest and MSRT. The scores of engineering and medical science test takers on the reading comprehension subtest were, however, significantly higher than humanities and social science test takers only. The results are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.
Nigerian Educational Digest(NED), 2023
Gender is an important language learning variable. The purpose of this study was thus to examine the influence of gender on the formation of language learning attitudes among college students. Hence, the study made use of Mixed Methods Research (MMR). In specific, the design was an explanatory sequential mixed method involving formulation of questions, data collection, data analysis, interpretation, and validation. The respondents of this study were the students of Kwara State College of Education (Technical) Lafiagi, a technical-based college situated in Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State of Nigeria. A sample of 265 students were taken for the administration of the questionnaire. In the same vein, the study collected a sample of 27 students for the interview protocol session being approximately 10% of the sample population used for the quantitative phase of data collection. The study made use of an adopted questionnaire; Attitude towards Language (ATol) scale as used by Eshghinejad (2016) based on Baker's (1992) LLA Model. It was found, among others that there was no significant difference in the attitudes of both male and female students towards learning of English language since the p-value (=0.641) was greater than 0.05. That is, the students' attitudes towards learning English were same and positive. Hence, in the context of this study, gender had no overtly observed influence on the college students' attitudes towards English language. In other words, attitude appeared to be gender-general rather than being genderspecific. Therefore, both the male and female students had the same attitudes towards learning English. Also, the study revealed that as gender did not have any significant influence on the overall attitude, there was no significant difference in the attitudes of both male and female college students at the level of each of the components of language learning attitudes. Based on this, it can be argued that while attitudes are important learning variable in language learning, gender had effect on the attitude formation.
Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies
Gender discrimination in every walk of society in Pakistan is one of the major issues now. The aim of this paper is to take this issue into a language classroom and to see if gender disparity is found there. To discover this, an English language proficiency classroom was selected where the academic activities of male and female learners of English were observed for ten weeks against eight variables, namely: awareness of personality, motivation for learning English, selection of topics for class discussion, style of presentation, peer evaluation, performance in classroom activities and problem solving, performance in single-gender and cross-gender groups, and test performance. The study revealed that female students were better at cognitiveacademic language proficiency whereas male learners were better at basic interpersonal communication skills. However, it was also discovered that some of the differences were culture specific rather than based on gender, i.e. there is little or no ...
This research was aimed at finding the language learning strategies dominantly applied by male and female students of English study program academic year 2014/2015, then describing them in genders’ perspective. Also, this research was aimed at knowing the correlation between language learning strategies and TOEFL score achievement. This research was mixed method research with triangulation design convergence model. To collect the data, some instruments were used, such as, (1) questionnaire, (2) interview, and (3) documentation. To analyze the data, some techniques were used, as follow, (1) data reduction, (2) data display, (3) data transformation, (4) data correlation, (5) data consolidation, and (6) data integration. The population of this research was 51 students who enrolled in TOEFL training. The results showed that: (1) Cognitive strategy is the strategy dominantly applied by both male and female in learning the target language. (2) Indirect strategies included as the strategie...
Aligarh Journal of Linguistics, 2022
This study examined the gender variation in using language learning strategies (LLSs) by the foreign postgraduate students studying at two universities in India. It explored the influence of gender on the choice of strategies while writing academic essays in English and also investigated the impact of instructing LLS on the writing proficiency based on gender. An intervention study was conducted on 100 foreign postgraduate students (49 males and 51 females) who are non-native speakers of English. An adapted version of Oxford's (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and a writing activity were administered as research instruments. The results demonstrated that gender does not affect the overall use and preferences of language learning strategies when writing in English except in one category, namely, monitoring and evaluation, as females indicate employing them more often than males. In addition, it revealed that gender plays no role in the impact of LLSs instruction on the students' writing performance. The results suggest that students' LLSs might be affected by other cultural or individual factors apart from gender, which can be used to interpret the differences, if they exist, in strategies preferred by male and female learners in other studies.
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