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2011, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design
L`Saered space" has always been a significant locatien fbr enhancing human spirituality. The purpose of this research is to define sacred space, clarify the relationship between the "sacred" and the "profane," and explore the nature, function, practice and types of sacred space to construct a preliminary conceptual model fbr designing sacred space. This research proposes several contributions in several dimensions: (1) There is a correspondence between "sacred" space and "spirituai" space, and a dual interactive relationship between "external" tangible space and "internal" spiritual space; (2) Sacred space is the "mcdium'i and "symbol" to communicate with god, deity, or personal spirituality; (3) there is a distinction between thc '`sacred" and the "profane." Three strategies: buffered space, rite, or sanctified activities could define sacred fields; (4) The field model must inspire thc sensation and perception with the sacrcd aura and visualization to eonstruct the sacred field. The centrality and sacred focus are significant to form the sacred axis. <5) The conceptual model should comprise perceptional selg sacred believed principle, sacred activities, sacred time, sacred space and sacred objects integrated to each other, (6) Designing sacred space should consider with three layersi the heaven, the human, and the earth. (7) Nature, the significant factor of sacred spaee, should be implicated as the first layer. (8) The methods of experiencing sacred space arc gradually moving from formalized religious faith to informal, daily, rnultifaceted personal spiritual experiences in Taiwan. Kbvwords:, spiritual space, ritual ,!)Tmbolism, enhancing THE SCIENCE OFDESIGN BULLETIN OF JSSDVoL58 M.4 201131
Sitanan Trakulsuebchai, 2023
In this research paper, I explore the new design approach to the relationship between neuroscience and architecture, which examines how our brains respond to different spaces. The idea of how certain qualities of a space affect the user experience has been around in architecture for a long time. As a result, researchers are experimenting with technologically enhanced methods to understand these theories better than ever before. Making use of powerful theories regarding space could allow designers to create arrangements that suit individual experiences or needs more effectively. The goal of this study is to create more understanding of architecture and neuroscience. It is also intended to provide personal perspectives on the research and the architectural project that is potentially associated with it.
All material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we, are made of Light which has been spent, and this crumpled mass called material casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light. (1) -Louis Kahn A unique combination of natural and man made phenomena help make a particular work of architecture sacred. (2) Architecture and light are markers for the passage of time and events, a reference point for man's place on the landscape and in the cosmos. How the admission of light into or by a built structure enhances the spiritual essence of a site on the landscape and is also of particular interest to this paper which includes certain light related student design projects.
Architecture & human behavior : How design and type of space shape our habits and senses., 2023
The correlation between architecture and human behavior has been widely acknowledged as a significant aspect of the design process. The objective of the present research article is to examine the impact of spatial design and configuration on human behavior, habits, and sensory perception. The impact of architectural environments on human experiences can be comprehended by means of comparative analysis of various human design techniques and empirical observation of how humans interact with and replicate architecture through their evolved sensory faculties. The aim of this study is to enhance the design process through the incorporation of user experiences, the workflow of designers. An enhanced comprehension of the correlation between architecture and human behavior can be attained through the assessment of extant architecture and human philosophy via design subjects.
Unpublished M.Arch.S. thesis, 2013
The purpose of this research is to expand the knowledge of sacred architecture by bridging the gap between the “subjective” phenomenology of human experience and architecture’s “objective” built conditions. The research employs mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis of survey data as well as graphical analysis of specific case studies. The analyses from these methods demonstrate the importance, relevance, and compatibility of Lindsay Jones’ conceptual model or “morphology of ritual-architectural priorities” when (re)designing sacred spaces during the evidence-based design process. Design professionals and religious specialists can improve the experience of sacred architecture by incorporating Jones’ conceptual model within the evidence-based design process. A preliminary survey tool, designed using Jones’ categories, was tested against a non-probability sample of respondents (N=112). In general, the survey can be replicated case by case to identify which categories of sacred space are important for different user groups – an essential part of programming and pre-design. As top design priorities are identified and converted into research questions, information and evidence are collected. Evidence of people’s actual (i.e., real, lived) “subjective” experiences that occur within specific cases of Catholic sacred architecture are derived from Julio Bermudez’s large survey database (N=2,872) of “extraordinary architectural experiences.” In addition, graphical analysis and interpretation of the “objective” built conditions are conducted for the Pantheon, Chartres Cathedral, and the chapel at Ronchamp. The empirical data for both “subjective” and “objective” conditions are then compared in order to test Jones’ conceptual model. For example, does a sacred space built with “XYZ” category actually result in “XYZ” experience? The study concludes that built environments possessing a higher presence and quality of Jones’ “morphology of ritual-architectural priorities” in the “objective” built conditions are more likely to be perceived as sacred, produce extraordinary experiences, and transform human understanding. Meanwhile, the opposite is also plausible. Evidence-based design for sacred architecture and transformative human experience demand more attention from scholarly inquiry.
International Journal of Advance Research Ideas and Innovations in Technology
Senses, the only information input media, play a mediating role between the built spaces and their experiences by the users. These spaces act as a stimulus on the senses of its users, the response to which is initially generated by the 'non-conscious' mind of the user; eventually leading to a like or dislike towards space. Architecture is all about experience created in a space, the look, feel and aesthetics; the success of which is measured by the time a user spends appreciating the space. Structuring senses, as the name puts forward, is a study that focuses upon the relationship between a space structure and its impact on the sensory media of the users, aiming to establish a balance and reduce the gap between the design intent and the design product. This declaration shall point towards an exchange of dialogue between a person and space. 1. AN ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITY From the three basic needs of human life, Food, Clothing and Shelter, the building industry is associated with the latter one. Having spent centuries in developing upon these necessities, this industry strongly attends to the user experience in the spaces being built. The environments we live in affect us hugely in molding our lifestyle in the social and cultural aspects; sometimes economic aspects as well. The power of design in shaping the lives of people has not been away from the attention of the field theoreticians. The role of this industry, today, is to be responsible for a comfortable, healthy, smooth and happy living of all the people. The ultimate purpose of building the varied scale settings is to enhance the experience of the users spending their lives in these spaces. In the interaction between built spaces and human beings, Architects play a role similar to a movie director; involving reading and recognizing spatial potential, on the one hand, and understanding societal needs on the other. The design language adapts from situation to situation in accordance with these factors, constantly constructing perspectives anew, observe and listen to and since the space from a range of different angles of expression. As a discipline, architecture harbours the potential to endow ephemeral things in concrete. [1]. 2. CIRCUMSCRIBING THE SCOPE This declaration focuses upon public architecture-spaces effectively used by multiple groups and classes of people. Talking about moods and emotions in spaces for all, this shall not necessarily be similar for all individuals. This process of subconscious assessment is also associated with the personal memories and the social and cultural upbringings of an individual user. This declaration is a literature review including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to the topic. 3. THE INTENT OF BUILDING DESIGN Architecture is all about creating experience, having been conceived after using up enormous resources and time, every space instils an experiential emotion or feeling within its users, which in most of the cases happens through the non-conscious-a term used by Sarah Goldhagen [2], referring to cognitions that we could access consciously, but most don't. Architects are ethically passive designers, whether designing a single room or an entire community, the intention is to enhance the leftover space for the user(s) that exists between things-could be walls, greens, water, furniture or any feature. With this, it is clear that architects are on a roll of creating these set of events in spaces for various users. Architecture is a journey over a series of spaces travelling through numerous transitions, breakpoints and interaction zones, setting up the mood for the forthcoming
Design Philosophy Papers, 2010
Religion is important and powerful. We, in design, treat it as a feature of the client's brief that we have to work around (organization of spaces) or incorporate as a formal feature (furniture for religious spaces). That is a peripheral way of dealing with religion and is an example of design in a reactive utilitarian mode or as an aesthetic and primarily visual discourse. In the modernist project the alignment of design with technology, the analytical and scientific, was proposed as sufficient for delivering solutions. However now that design has begun to view itself as an agency for deep change it actively looks for ways to carry people with it. My task is to propose that design can harness the positive powers of religion to achieve collaborative, and thus lasting, change. In what follows, I will explore this proposition not via a focus upon religion but upon a key aspect of religion, the sacred. The exploration begins with three reflections upon my personal experience of negotiating the sacred in India and elsewhere. Building on this, a four part model of the sacred is put forward, which is then extrapolated from to develop connections to design and to the secular discourses of sustainability. Reflection 1-negotiating religion My father is an atheist and to be more precise he professes a belief in the Vasisht-Advaita-the Hindu philosophy of non-duality, oneness, or more precisely not-two-nessbranch of vedantic philosophy in which the world is clearly recognized as being either
International Design Journal
This paper presents the findings of a study on metaphysical approaches to building design. Three major Asian cultures, the Chinese-Buddhist, Indian-Hindu, and Malay-Islam, are reviewed. There are similarities found in principles towards achieving the occupants' well-being. Functionality became priority and rituals are performed at ensuring the well-being and prosperity of future occupants. Whereas, the Chinese-Buddhist practice is called Feng Shui, the Indian-Hindu tradition is based on Vastu-Vidya. The Malay-Islam is extractions from religious teachings written in a manuscript titled Tajul Muluk. The paper concludes that metaphysical approach could still play its roles in the design today.
Library Progress International, 2024
The primary focus of design practice in society is meeting basic human requirements, such as physical and physiological demands, with little regard for higher-order needs, such as spiritual growth. Modern urban planning focuses primarily on the social components of public space, which are meaningless for users and lead to less socially and environmentally responsible environments devoid of human factors. Therefore, the most intimate requirements of a person must be taken care of in the constructed environment. This study looks for elements of the built environment that support locations where people can derive more meaning from their surroundings through the physical layout of the space. This research project explores the relationship between spirituality and architectural design practice to make the unseen aspects of the built world more apparent. In the framework of the built environment, spirituality is defined in this project. With a correct grasp of form, space, and elements, architecture must foster a sense of place and assist spiritual development. Architecture improves people's lives visually and spiritually and aids in the artificial framework's compatibility with the environment. Recognizing the design features that produce profound reflections beyond personal taste in certain architectural situations is important. The fundamental aspect of architectural experience is sensory, and energy forces produce emotional reaction patterns. Consistent patterns of findings, regardless of individual differences, may help architects create brain-informed architecture. Spaces represented by well-selected geometric shapes and the appropriate kind of energy create an environment that gives users the finest experience possible.
The Design Journal An International Journal for All Aspects of Design Volume 20, 2017 - Issue sup1: Design for Next: Proceedings of the 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Sapienza University of Rome, 12-14 April 2017, 2017
Religions are something related to God, but played by humans and humans require witnesses of God's presence in their lives. The production of artefacts linked to Religion is something interconnected to our society and the design discipline, beyond borderline boundaries with art and self-production, is the one that shall care of this. Through creativity and matter, design delivers the sign of a holy presence or, at least, it offers a key to the comprehension of our world. The paper would show how the three Religions of the Book, through their design, reveal cultural connections and economical relationships with the land of use and its own habits and heritage, in a cross-cultural process that demonstrates consistently integration and diversification, simultaneously separation and union. Focusing on objects and visual products, the aim of this essay is to widen integration and reciprocal understanding in the next society, through design-driven cultural process.
Progress(es): Theory and Practice, 2017
This essay introduces the theoretical and application principles of a model of analysis and spatial architectonic design called Evolutive Design. It is aimed, in the first place, at defining the “elemental components of space”, attributable to the historical architectonic and environmental heritage, that belong to a circumscribed “landscape” and are prevalently identifiable as a “homogenous spatial region”. Subsequently, the model is useful to detect the degrees of relationship existing between the various “validated elemental components” that, therefore, can be identified as “resources”. This way it is possible to come to comprehend the more or less complex structure that characterises every single territory. At the same time, it is possible to comprehend the multiplicity of the (physical and immaterial) behaviours which are to be controlled for a correct design of the anthropic space, it being related to the building, the urban space or the extended territory. From here, the study model offers the potential to assess the degrees of bond that the project can assume with the surrounding resources as well as the effects that the project might generate on the surrounding spatial dynamics. Regardless of the choice to respect, enhance or alter some orders or degrees of connection between the “resources” of a specific “spatial region”, every project (of either restoration or new intervention), ends up altering the internal “status” of such system. Hence, the validity of a model capable of providing the designers and the public administration with an evolutive tool of knowledge and control of the territory. The paper is conceptual and foundational, synthesizing fragments from several different disciplines, including philosophy, software engineering, design theory. The paper is intended to raise awareness of the farreaching implications of the architecture compared with the cultural context of belonging.
American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2021
Spirituality is a concept that has deep meaning in the universe and is independent of time and place yet connected to architecture. It is a broad notion that touches everyone. The sense of Spirituality and its interrelation with architecture is a topic that needs research. Today's architecture requires an explanation for its effects on the spiritual growth of an individual. The term spirituality is not widely observed in today's architecture and is not used in most contemporary architecture. The past architect being aware of the spiritual growth's significance had shaped an architecture that was proportionate to that time's culture and beliefs. By using architectural elements, they had filled the objective body with spiritual beliefs. This paper presents the impact of contemplative spaces and sacred geometry on the spiritual development of a person and also it studies the relationship between spirituality and architecture. This paper also discusses how architecture and contemplative spaces accelerate the recovery rate and the individual's spiritual journey.
The paper intends to analyse the common ground between the field of visual perception and architectural design. The architectural product always addresses an user, who will react in a certain way towards the architectural object, towards built space, towards her/his environment in general. This relationship is bidirectional and its effects are visible both ways: we modify the environment through the designing process (architecture, urban planning, design in general) and the (built) environment modifies our behaviour. In this context, it is crucial that we understand the functioning mechanisms of the perceptual processes - which will be detailed throughout the first part of the paper. Perception is indeed a very complex process, that involves gathering information through our senses; processing it - which implies analysing the received information and comparing it against previously gathered knowledge, based on past experiences -; and formulating particular responses - also based on previous experiences. Perception is in essence a highly creative process: although we relate to the same reality, we will perceive it in a different way according to what that environment means to each of us. The second part of the paper will study several parallel theories on perception developed by architects, urban planners and psychologists. We will also pay special attention to several conclusions reached by Jean Piaget and Bärbel Inhelder upon the way in which perception develops from an early age. These studies are essential in establishing a growth and progression pattern throughout childhood, relating it to the different stages of the development process of space perception. Finally, the third part will present two case studies focusing on the manner in which users, with different cultural backgrounds, perceive the space they inhabit and, another two case studies, which show how and why users change their environment - cases in which the designer failed to produce spaces with meaning according to the users’ paradigm.
Pitchaya Tangtanawirut , 2021
In our current society , The rise of Psychology has become an important factor to influence the future architectural design and drive the crowd differently. The psychological and cultural driven factor which possibly leads to the new or recreational way of receiving Media through our visual perception that plays roles to our community and architecture on the crowd behaviour. In this case , we are still wondering: Can our visual perception shape the way we behave in space? Referring to the study in relation between Crowd Emotional feelings and action tendencies mentioned that People tend to feel connected and happy when they are attending the event compared with the non-event situation which tends to gain negative emotions among the crowd which leads to aggressive behaviour. Also with the influence of Human perception and Media, the Social experiment of Traumatic Film Paradigm ,most people tend to remember and recall the extreme memory from the media they received and also influence their decision and perception of each place. We utilize and analyze the data from the Experiment, Research and online article as the supporting point of claiming that Psychology has to become the main factor to drive Biopolitics, the space made for people and by people. the possibility of reshaping the crowd in the space through research of Visual Perception , Proxemics and also the territories which influence the crowd movement. Start by studying through very tiny to large scales including our mind, (Decision making to join the crowd), our body(Proxemics and Personal Boundaries) , and Tangtanawirut 2 Our space (Exploration through different types of crowd). In this case, we can apply these studies to create predictions of being together in the public space through redesign of street infrastructure , furniture and also the reformation of regulations to let us be together safely and happily in the public space. We all want our street to feel like home and to be able to dress and act whatever you can be. Again , we claim that Psychology can possibly shape our future civicness to balance emotions and perception of being together as the crowd.
Phenomenology concerns the understanding of the relationship between human experience and the environment. In architectural design, phenomenology shapes the space beyond visual aesthetics, considering all sensations, touch, sound, smell, and taste through the emphasis on human relations with their surroundings and meanings upon them. The movement began in the 1950s in parallel to modernism and the emergence of modern technology, reaching its peak in the late 1970s. However, experiences are subjective. The movement faced heavy criticism and has worn down since. As the phenomenology used in architecture is often based on one’s perspective, the architect, that perspective is forced onto the so-called ‘universal’ design. Nevertheless, some architects still found its importance in architecture and redefined the term ‘Critical phenomenology’ to properly implement the theory in architecture. The research paper will explore the phenomenology approaches through the studies of different architects and philosophers, and their criticism, discussing the potential of the method to implement in architecture further
CUA Magazine, 2012
Note on Sacred Space vis-a-vis the Catholic Faith and the Catholic University of America program on the subject. In addition to other people, Bermudez is cited a few times on the subject.
Architecture is not only about creating spaces but more importantly addresses the quality of place and users' experience. With certain intentions, the architect deploys form and choreographs the movement through space, harnessing various elements collectively to tell a story. However, the message is conveyed to the users successfully only when the senses are simultaneously addressed, and a relationship is created between the individual and the environment. This results in blending one's internal space with the experience of the world beyond, identified as "quality" (Zumthor 2006) or "life-enhancing" (Pallasmaa 2012) architecture. In this paper, the authors are particularly curious about the spiritual experience of Islamic architecture. Their research acknowledges the distinction between spirituality and religiosity, underscoring that transcendental qualities in space can be grasped by all people regardless of beliefs. The goal is not to say that all spaces are equal and that all buildings should provide an enhanced spiritual experience, but to examine those that have the requisite qualities so that designers can seek a better understanding of the concept of 'quality' space. To do so, this research serves to identify key criteria necessary in the exploration of spirituality as well as uncovering the importance of meaning, relationship, and resonance, more specifically, in Islamic architecture-together creating a transcendental encounter. Architecture is more than seeing. Transformative places can be felt with the heart and spaces can be experienced without sight. Sacred spaces in Islamic architecture are often intended to detach us from our materialistic lifestyle and unite us with our genuine internal state. Transcendental spaces aim to lift us into a realm beyond our logical mind (perceptual) to the inner space of the soul or the numinous place (Otto 1970). This special feeling or spark is universal and not solely limited to sacred architecture. The present paper explores a set of criteria developed by the authors and considers their importance in delivering transcendental architecture. For the second part of this research, which lies beyond the immediate scope of this paper, the research examines the application of the developed criteria in various high profile case studies for understanding the art of orchestrating architectural features and elements in delivering the notion of "flow" and "unity" in Islamic architecture through the lens of Sufism. This research interrogates the status-quo through a literature review and considers several well-known case studies known for their transformative qualities and a heightened sense of place. The research, in a larger sense, evokes logical argumentation to develop a conceptual framework including initial design parameters/guidelines, targeted to begin the journey of developing a conceptual framework including initial design parameters/guidelines, targeted to designers and architects aspiring to elevate their design potency and spatial mastery to reach transcendental and performative ends. The authors, at the current junction, seek a balance between provocation/speculation and rigor/discipline along with the identification of connections between several vital elements-sacrality, self, space, and wellbeing. In this paper, the authors conclude that many of the illuminations and recommendations revealed through this research find applicability in religious and spiritual traditions beyond the confines of Islam.
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