Constructing a Preliminary Model for Designing Sacred Space

2011, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design


L`Saered space" has always been a significant locatien fbr enhancing human spirituality. The purpose of this research is to define sacred space, clarify the relationship between the "sacred" and the "profane," and explore the nature, function, practice and types of sacred space to construct a preliminary conceptual model fbr designing sacred space. This research proposes several contributions in several dimensions: (1) There is a correspondence between "sacred" space and "spirituai" space, and a dual interactive relationship between "external" tangible space and "internal" spiritual space; (2) Sacred space is the "mcdium'i and "symbol" to communicate with god, deity, or personal spirituality; (3) there is a distinction between thc '`sacred" and the "profane." Three strategies: buffered space, rite, or sanctified activities could define sacred fields; (4) The field model must inspire thc sensation and perception with the sacrcd aura and visualization to eonstruct the sacred field. The centrality and sacred focus are significant to form the sacred axis. <5) The conceptual model should comprise perceptional selg sacred believed principle, sacred activities, sacred time, sacred space and sacred objects integrated to each other, (6) Designing sacred space should consider with three layersi the heaven, the human, and the earth. (7) Nature, the significant factor of sacred spaee, should be implicated as the first layer. (8) The methods of experiencing sacred space arc gradually moving from formalized religious faith to informal, daily, rnultifaceted personal spiritual experiences in Taiwan. Kbvwords:, spiritual space, ritual ,!)Tmbolism, enhancing THE SCIENCE OFDESIGN BULLETIN OF JSSDVoL58 M.4 201131