External Ear

2017, The Professional Medical Journal

Objectives: To determine morphometric measurements of external ear amongmedical students of Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat. Study Design: Crosssectional. Setting: This study was done among students of First & Second year MBBS classesat Nawaz sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat. Period: 2015. Methodology: The studygroup consisted of 120 girls and 80 boys with age range 18 to 22 (median 20). Total Ear height,lobular height, lobular width and distances of helical root and insertion of the lobule from thelateral palpebral commissure were measured by using vernier caliper. Results: With analysisof normative cross-sectional data, this study endeavors to show anatomic and aestheticdifferences between boys and girls. The average total ear height across the study group forboth left and right ears was 6.50cm. The average lobular height was 1.9cm. The average lobularwidth was 2cm. The height of the pinna was significantly larger in boys than girls. The distancebetw...