Staatsprojekt Europa


The EU is often discussed as a new form that is neither a state nor an international organisation, nor an international treaty. In addition, a perspective dominates in which politics is reinterpreted as a problem of administration and experts, and is thus withdrawn from democratic decision-making. This anthology develops a different perspective that is critical of domination in order to understand the EU as a state project in crisis. Whether the multi-scale state apparatus ensemble of the EU will develop into a state with inner coherence, or whether the EU will disintegrate during the current crisis depends on social struggles and power relations. Here, it is crucial whether the neoliberal European state project can be stabilised or whether a new post-neoliberal state project will emerge from these struggles. Otherwise, the disintegration processes will continue to intensify. With contributions by Hans-Jürgen Bieling, Hauke Brunkhorst, Moritz Elliesen, Fabian Georgi, Nicholas Henkel...