Static and Dynamic Haptograms to Communicate Semantic Content


Based on the ontology developed in the ongoing SUITCEYES EU-funded project to bridge visual analytics for situational awareness and navigation with semantic labelling of environmental cues, we designed a set of dynamic haptograms to represent concepts for two-way communication between deafblind and non-deafblind users. A haptogram corresponds to a tactile symbol drawn over a touchscreen, its dynamic nature referring to the act of writing or drawing, where the touchscreen can take several forms, including a smart textile screen designated for specific areas on the body. In its current version, our haptogram set is generated over a 4x4 matrix of cells and is displayed on the back of the user, tested for robustness at the receiving end. The concepts and concept sequences simulating simple questions and answers represented by dynamic haptograms are focused on ontology content for now but can be scaled up.