Securing industrial control system environments: the missing piece

2018, Journal of Cyber Security Technology


Cyber-attacks on Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are no longer matters of anticipation. Industrial infrastructures are continually being targeted by malicious cyber actors with very little resistance on their paths. From network breaches to data theft, denial of service attacks to privilege escalation; command and control functions have in some way been exerted on targeted industrial systems. Safety, security, resilience, reliability and performance require private industrial control system user organizations and the public sector to device strategies and steps towards dealing decisively to these emerging and increasing ICS cyber security concerns. There are already couple security solutions proposed by governments, private organizations, academia, and industries for achieving this goal. This discourse reviews the ICS security risk landscape, current security strategies and solutions with a view to discovering the gaps or weaknesses in the effective mitigation of cyber-attacks, and the enhancement of cyber security. Notable fissures in existing ICS security solutions include: greater emphasis on technology security while discounting other critical bits like people and processes, which is clearly incongruent with emerging security threats and attack trends, the unilateral dimension strategy towards security which focuses more on SCADA systems, and the emergence of more sector-specific solutions as against generic security solutions. Better solutions include approaches that follow similar evolutionary patterns as the problem trend. These include cyber security measures that would embrace constant evolution in response to changes in the threat, vulnerabilities, attacks, and impact domains. Solutions that recognise and capture; people, process, and technology security enhancement into a single system entity with holistic provisioning that can meet all three-entity vulnerabilities for a more secured ICS environment.