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1996, Coherence and Quantum Optics VII…
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The single mode binomial states of the quantized electromagnetic field are defined, in terms of the number state basis In) as1: (1) where The probability of ocurrence of m photons, is a binomial distribution, Each photon has a probability p of being emitted, having M independent ways of doing it. It is interesting to note that if p → ∞ and M → such that pM = α constant, ∣p, M 〉 → ∣α〉 where ∣α〉 is a coherent state. If p → 1, then ∣p, M〉(number state having M photons). Therefore, the binomial states could allow a continuous interpolation betweeen fundamentally different quantum-mechanical states. Their generation could be in principle accomplished in a. system containing N 2 molecules mixed with CO 2 1 , as well as in a free electron laser2.
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2008
We show that the N -photon generalized binomial states of electromagnetic field may be put in a bijective mapping with the coherent atomic states of N two-level atoms. We exploit this correspondence to simply obtain both known and new properties of the N -photon generalized binomial states. In particular, an overcomplete basis of these binomial states and an orthonormal basis are obtained. Finally, the squeezing properties of generalized binomial state are analyzed.
We show that the N-photon generalized binomial states of electromagnetic field may be put in a bijective mapping with the coherent atomic states of N two-level atoms. We exploit this correspondence to simply obtain both known and new properties of the N-photon generalized binomial states. In particular, an over-complete basis of these binomial states and an orthonormal basis are obtained. Finally, the squeezing properties of generalized binomial state are analyzed.
Physical Review A, 1994
We investigate the nonclassical properties of the single-mode binomial states of the quantized electromagnetic 6eld. We concentrate our analysis on the fact that the binomial states interpolate between the coherent states and the number states, depending on the values of the parameters involved. We discuss their statistical properties, such as squeezing (second and fourth order) and sub-Poissonian character. We show how the transition between those two fundamentally diferent states occurs, employing quasiprobability distributions in phase space, and we provide, at the same time, an interesting picture for the origin of second-order quadrature squeezing. We also discuss the phase properties of the binomial states using the Hermitian-phase-operator formalism.
Science China-physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2010
By the method of coherent-state orthogonalization expansion, the atomic inversion and the anti-bunching effect in a two-level atomic system interacting with binomial state field are studied under the Jaynes-Cummings model without rotating wave approximation. The influence of the parameter and the detuning on the anti-bunching effect are discussed, and the anti-bunching effect is also discussed under the conditions of strong coupling. Our studies show that the second order coherence degrees are quite different between the situations of with and without-rotating wave approximation. For the latter when the detuning increases, the duration of the bunching effect increases at the beginning and then decreases, and finally the light field displays anti-bunching effect completely.
We present a concise review of recent experimental results concerning the conditional implementation of coherent superpositions of single-photon additions onto distinct field modes. Such a basic operation is seen to give rise to a wealth of interesting and useful effects, from the generation of a tunable degree of entanglement to the birth of peculiar correlations in the photon numbers and the quadratures of multimode, multiphoton, states of light. The experimental investigation of these properties will have an impact both on fundamental studies concerning, for example, the quantumness and entanglement of macroscopic states, and for possible applications in the realm of quantum-enhanced technologies.
Physical Review A
The Schrödinger equation in the rotating-wave approximation has been solved nonperturbatively to study the temporal behavior of the occupation probabilities of different levels of a four-level atom interacting with four arbitrarily intense laser fields, such that the frequency of one of them equals the sum of the other three. The three-photon-excitation population dynamics, which is already complex, is strongly modified by one-photon excitation and detunings. Under certain conditions the three-photon excitation traps the population in the state initially populated; the population starts flowing into other states when one-photon excitation is also operative.
Physics Letters A, 2010
A high-fidelity scheme to generate N-photon generalized binomial states (NGBSs) in a single-mode high-Q cavity is proposed. A method to construct superpositions of exact orthogonal NGBSs is also provided. It is then shown that these states, for any value of N, may be used for a realization of a controlled-NOT gate, based on the dispersive interaction between the cavity field and a control two-level atom. The possible implementation of the schemes is finally discussed.
Advances in Chemical Physics, 2001
Journal of Soviet Laser Research, 1989
Equations are derived, and numerical calculations performed, for the photon distribution function in correlated and squeezed light. It is shown that the distribution function oscillates as a function of the correlation and squeezing coefficients. The connection with experiments on photon counting is discussed. The concept (and term) "correlated coherent state" was introduced in [I, 2] on the basis of an analysis of the Schrodinger-Robertson uncertainty relation [3, 4] for the coordinate and momentum on the basis of the uncertainty-minimization condition. The properties of this state were described and compared with those of the minimum-uncertainty state [5], also called the two-photon state [21] or the squeezed state [7, 6]. The concept of correlated light (sound) as a field-mode state, corresponding to correlated coherent state of a corresponding harmonic oscillator, was introduced in an analysis [8, I0] of oscillators of quantized electromagnetic or acoustic fields. I. Correlated Coherent States of a Harmonic Oscillator. Generation of Correlated Coherent States Correlated coherent states (CCS) are defined as eigenstates of the annihilation of operator b obtained by a Bogolyubov transformation from the creation and annihilation operators a + and a of a harmonic oscillator [9, i0, 19] b=ua+va + lul ~-Ivl 2= I ~I@= ! (i) b+=:a+u*: blfl>=~l~> The expression for the expectation values of the dimensionless coordinate and momentum in a state [~> and for their variances are of the form:
The dynamics of an exact two-photon Hamiltonian is used to study the time evolution of an initially disentangled pure state of the atom-field system as it goes through cycles of entanglement separated by instances of disentanglement. For specific initial states of the electromagnetic field, the output state is a pure quantum superposition of a squeezed vacuum state and an orthogonal, odd-photon-number state. The odd-photon-number state, which is not a squeezed state, exhibits both nonclassical sub-Poissonian and classical super-Poissonian photon statistics. In the latter case the quantum superposition resembles a macroscopic superposition state. Conditions are obtained on the atom-cavity interaction time for such states to represent the steady states in the injection in a high-Q cavity of a monoenergetic, low-density beam of three-level atoms in a coherent state
Physical Review A, 2006
A "quasi-deterministic" scheme to generate a two-photon generalized binomial state in a single-mode high-Q cavity is proposed. We also suggest a single-shot scheme to measure the generated state based on a probe two-level atom that "reads" the cavity field. The possibility of implementing the schemes is discussed.
Physical Review A, 2007
We introduce the N -photon quantum superposition of two orthogonal generalized binomial states of electromagnetic field. We then propose, using resonant atom-cavity interactions, non-conditional schemes to generate and reveal such a quantum superposition for the two-photon case in a singlemode high-Q cavity. We finally discuss the implementation of the proposed schemes.
Egyptian Journal of Solids, 2003
The excited binomial state of the radiation field has been recently introduced by repeated application of the photon creation operator on binomial states. In this paper the Glauber second order correlation functions, the quasiprobability distribution functions (Winger function and Q-function) for such states are examined.
Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2009
Rosario Lo Franco,∗ Giuseppe Compagno, Antonino Messina, and Anna Napoli CNISM and Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche, Universit`a di Palermo, via Archirafi 36, 90123 Palermo, Italy (Dated: February 26, 2009) Extending a previous result on the generation ...
Physics Letters A, 2003
We compare the efficiencies of two interesting schemes to generate truncated states of the light field in running modes, namely the "quantum scissors" and the "beam-splitter array" schemes. The latter is applied to create the reciprocal-binomial state as a travelling wave, required to implement recent experimental proposals of phase-distribution determination and of quantum lithography.
Physical Review Letters, 2006
We report on the experimental observation of quantum-network-compatible light described by a non-positive Wigner function. The state is generated by photon subtraction from a squeezed vacuum state produced by a continuous wave optical parametric amplifier. Ideally, the state is a coherent superposition of odd photon number states, closely resembling a superposition of weak coherent states (a Schrödinger cat), with the leading contribution from a single photon state in the low parametric gain limit. Light is generated with about 10,000 and more events per second in a nearly perfect spatial mode with a Fourier-limited frequency bandwidth which matches well atomic quantum memory requirements. The generated state of light is an excellent input state for testing quantum memories, quantum repeaters and linear optics quantum computers. PACS numbers: 03.65.Wj; 03.67.-a; 42.50.Dv
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2010
We obtain and investigate the regular eigenfunctions of simple differential operators x r d r+1 /dx r+1 , r = 1, 2, . . . with the eigenvalues equal to one. With the help of these eigenfunctions we construct a non-unitary analogue of boson displacement operator which will be acting on the vacuum. In this way we generate collective quantum states of the Fock space which are normalized and equipped with the resolution of unity with the positive weight functions that we obtain explicitly. These states are thus coherent states in the sense of Klauder. They span the truncated Fock space without first r lowest-lying basis states: |0 , |1 , . . . , |r − 1 . These states are squeezed, are sub-Poissonian in nature and are reminiscent of photon-added states at Agarwal et al.
Agarwal and Tara, in 1991 introduced a new class of states defined as 'm' times application of creation operator to Coherent States known as Excited Coherent States (ECS) or Photon Added Coherent States (PACS). They are neither completely quantum nor completely classical. Here we present and develop these Excited Coherent Sates from a basic and more approachable Wave-function approach. We have derived the ECS wave function as a blend of Coherent States and Fock States and thus established them as a result of Quantum fluctuations (represented by Fock states) on Coherent States. We further derived and analyzed basic relations such as wave packet width and uncertainty relation in a more generalized form and presented their development with time. Another important property of ECS is Quadrature Squeezing. Here we also present a general analysis of squeezing in ECS and derived conditions on parameters for squeezing.
We consider two separate atoms interacting with a single-mode optical resonator. When the frequency of the resonator field is twice the atomic transition frequency, we show that there exists a resonant coupling between one photon and two atoms, via intermediate virtual states connected by counter-rotating processes. If the resonator is prepared in its one-photon state, the photon can be jointly absorbed by the two atoms in their ground state which will both reach their excited state with probability close to one. Like ordinary quantum Rabi oscillations, this process is coherent and reversible, so that two atoms in their excited state will undergo a downward transition jointly emitting a single cavity photon. This joint absorption and emission processes can also occur with three atoms. The parameters used to investigate this process correspond to experimentally demonstrated values in circuit quantum electrodynamics systems. PACS numbers: 42.50.Pq, 42.50.Ct, 85.25.Cp, 84.40.Az 1 ar X ...
The dynamics of a two-photon Hamiltonian is used to generate a macroscopic, pure quantum superposition of the electromagnetic field composed of a squeezed vacuum state plus an orthogonal, odd photon numbers state. We consider the injection in a single-mode, lossless optical cavity of a monoenergetic, low-density beam of three-level atoms in a coherent state. Conditions are obtained on the interaction time and the detuning parameter of the mid level of the three-level atom for the realization of the quantum superposition. The new odd photon numbers state, which is not a squeezed state, exhibits non-classical properties such as sub-Poissonian and super-Poissonian photon statistics.
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