Binomial States of Light Revisited

1996, Coherence and Quantum Optics VII


The single mode binomial states of the quantized electromagnetic field are defined, in terms of the number state basis In) as1: (1) where The probability of ocurrence of m photons, is a binomial distribution, Each photon has a probability p of being emitted, having M independent ways of doing it. It is interesting to note that if p → ∞ and M → such that pM = α constant, ∣p, M 〉 → ∣α〉 where ∣α〉 is a coherent state. If p → 1, then ∣p, M〉(number state having M photons). Therefore, the binomial states could allow a continuous interpolation betweeen fundamentally different quantum-mechanical states. Their generation could be in principle accomplished in a. system containing N 2 molecules mixed with CO 2 1 , as well as in a free electron laser2.