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2013, ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam
14 pages
1 file
Islam is a religion that emphasizes work or charity. Islam doesn't want, or even hates the people who laze around. In the history, business ethos of muslim society surpasses than any nation in the world. Therefore, Arabic traders are recognized as acontroller of the business in many countries around the world. Prophet Muhammad SAW and most of the companions are also known as the traders and entrepreneurs abroad. To show how important the work or charity, al Quran often link the "faith" word with the "charity" word. Therefore, to achieve quality of life in the world and in the hereafter, Islam does not only teach his followers to "mahdah" worship (formal ritual such as prayer, zakat, hajj), but also greatly encouraged the people to work hard, of course under control. Faith and charity should interact each other. It means no matter how hard the work done, should always be within the framework of Islamic law. One of the hard work that is encouraged by Islam is entrepreneurship. The motivation of muslim entrepreneur must be horizontal and vertical characteristic. The horizontal is viewed in its driving to develop the potential and desire which always look for many benefits to others, while the vertical is intended to devote to Allah SWT.
Minhaj: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 2020
Doing all work endeavors solely for seeking the good pleasure of Allah. Implementation of entrepreneurial theory is basically an effort made through self-inherent supervision through creative character innovation to achieve life benefits. Having an entrepreneurial spirit as a correction capital prepares entrepreneurial behavior. Having an entrepreneurial spirit by implementing theory to achieve success includes conclusions of opinion, namely; (1) Intention and belief, having the awareness to do tasks responsibly and trying to complete it, that he is capable. (2) Be aware of abilities, oriented to read opportunities, learn the process of success stages that can be studied. Introspective and does not raise himself with all the abilities to walk according to his busyness. (3) the desire to learn, understand the needs and services to consumers, follow the market in the suitability of new products. (4) Commitment, through stages and evaluations to formulate new strategies, control strate...
Bima Ismi Arief Effendi, S.Sos, M.AP, 2024
Salah satu kendala mengapa pengusaha muda muslim di Indonesia belum menjadi pengusaha besar adalah masalah permodalan. diluar masalah etos kerja, jaringan, dan skill kewirausahaan. Modal sendiri merupakan salah satu hal yang paling penting dalam membangun sebuah usaha. Beberapa institusi perbankan menyediakan berbagai macam jenis pinjaman modal usaha salah satunya adalah Bank Syariah yang menjadi penyokong utama permodalan para pengusaha muslim. Dengan berbagai macam metode dan layanan pinjaman tersebut, seluruh kegiatan usaha yang ditopng dengan fasilitas pinjaman yang reprsentatif akan membuat roda perekonomian para pengusaha muslim menjadi semakin maju, sehingga roda perekonomian akan semakin bergerak. Menjadi seorang muslim entrepreneur tentu mempunyai peranan penting dalam pembangunan ekonomi sebuah negara. Sebab entrepreneur memberikan banyak perubahan dalam pembangunan suatu negara, seperti Amerika Serikat yang memiliki 3,5% wirausahaan dari total jumlah pendudukanya. Saat ini, banyak kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk berwirausahan dengan cara melihat berbagai peluang bisnis yang ada. Kewirausahaan memberikan pengembanga karir dalam pribadi seseorang yang nantinya dapat memberikan kesejahteraan umat berupa pekerjaan dan serta dapat memberikan banyak pilihan kepada konsumen untuk memanfaatkan barang dan jasa yang diperjual belikan, baik di skala nasional maupun internasional.
The purpose of this paper is to explain Muslim entrepreneurs as one of the factor to increas Indonesia's economic growth. The main challenge facing Indonesia is how to build, develop and improve entrepreneurs. Muslim entrepreneurs are expected to be able to run their businesses based on Islamic concepts al-Quran and hadiths. Muslim entrepreneurs are expected to be able to show their identity as Muslims. As a Muslim entrepreneur, being able to carry out their Islamic values as a human capital in their business activities. The behavior is created by applying four things, namely; fasting, praying, reading the Qur’an and zikir. By applying the dimensions will guide them behavior in each of their business activities, a sense of security in running a business will emerge.
Prosiding Seminas Competitive Advantage, 2012
Semenjak negara kita dilanda krisis ekonomi, masyarakat berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. PHK (pemutusan hubungan kerja) kerap terjadi, terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan juga ikut andil dalam meningkatkan jumlah pengangguran di Indonesia. Hal ini mendorong masyarakat untuk berusaha mencari alternatif lain untuk memperbaiki taraf ekonomi yang tidak seimbang, sehingga, tidak sedikit dari masyarakat menempuh cara-cara yang bertentangan dengan hati nurani, ditambah lagi dengan arus globalisasi yang ditunjang dengan pesat ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah menjadikan dunia menjadi transparan tanpa mengenal batas ruang dan waktu. Makalah ini membahas dan menganalisa beberapa konsep umum enterprenurship dengan meninjau sejarah kehidupan Muhammad sebagai seorang pengusaha yang memiliki jiwa Enterpreneurship.Tela'ah tentang konsep tersebut diharapkan dapat menggugah masyarakat dalam menjalankan usaha-usaha yang benar dan membawa maslahah bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya dalam menghadapi era global.Tela'ah dalam makalah ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep dasar entrepreneurship ditinjau dari sejarah kehidupan Rosululloh adalah dibangun dengan Integrity (Integritas), Loyality (Loyalitas), Profesionality (Profesional) dan Sprituality (Spritualitas).
Seorang entrepreneur muslim senantiasa berusaha untuk mengaktualisasikan dirinya, melayaninya (antum a’lamu bi umuri dunyakum), melayani konsumen atau orang-orang yang menaruh harapan padanya atau kerjanya, serta memberikan pelayanan yang baik kepada orang atau lembaga yang berusaha membantu atau memajukan diri dan usahanya.
There are still many muslims who are weak in control of the economy and very high economic dependence on other parties as well as improper economic activity which indicates the need to develop an entrepreneurial mentality based on Islamic teachings. This research uses literature research method, this article uses literature in the form of books, relevant journals, and scientific papers. The results of the research are related to entrepreneurship, Muslims can utilize all their potential for entrepreneurship. Everything that is done requires effort and hard work to get it as well as seeking sustenance, it takes efforts to get it. Muslims can equip themselves with entrepreneurial skills and must have a moral foundation because doing business is two things that run simultaneously. For Muslims it is not recommended to be extravagant, squander wealth, and exaggerate.
Self-awareness and entrepreneurial behavior are aspects that are interrelated with each other, Entrepreneurship that does not have a reference in will develop behaviors that are detrimental to themselves and others. As a result, the business carried out can be short-lived and suffer losses. Entrepreneurs must realize that there are points that must be established and developed so that self-awareness is not only a reason for doing entrepreneurship activities but also has certain patterns taken from concrete examples of humans who are role models for Muslims, namely the prophet Muhammad SAW. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss self-awareness and entrepreneurial behavior based on descriptive studies using library research data collection and qualitative data analysis taken from deductive discussions.
BISNIS : Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen Islam, 2016
Alquran is a guidance of life for the people to get prosperity in the world and beyond, Alquran implement a concept to combine both of them. Economic activities is also studied in holy quran, where holy quran talk about teory and concept in economic system. One of studies that interest in this research that have corelation with enterpreneurship, as an eforts to develope human quality. Many of variable that influence behaviour of person to do economic activities one of them is culture. This research means to interest the people do enterpreneurship and to increase it by using Alquran as guidance.This study used a qualitative approach, with shades of library research (library Risearch). This study also aims to determine the Qur'anic concept of entreprenuership, as well as ethnology relation to the formation of a person's interest to behave entreprenuership. Patterned with qualitative research literature research can be concluded: the Qur'an has economic theories with the concept tijarah including entreprenuership. The concept and value of economic value contained in the Qur'an into the basic motivation of behavior entreprenuers Muslims, the Qur'an which emphasizes benefit of the people, justice that promotes ethical behavior in each business process, became the basic philosophy in conducting economic activities, including the activities entreprenuership. Second, the idea of the results of the concept of human thought and activity in the form of economic behavior contained in a culture that became hereditary behavior in public when adjusted to the economic value contained in the Qur'an will awaken the concept or theory about sharia entreprenuership.
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Darul Ilmi: Jurnal Ilmu Kependidikan dan Keislaman
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
eProsiding Seminar Pelajar Tahun Akhir 2023 e-ISSN 978-629-97511-3-7, 2024
Maemun Haniati, 2023
JMD : Jurnal Riset Manajemen & Bisnis Dewantara
Jurnal Intelektualita: Keislaman, Sosial dan Sains
SINAR SANG SURYA: Jurnal Pusat Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2019
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Darussalam, 2022