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P. Collombert, L. Coulon, I. Guermeur and C. Thiers (eds), Questionner le Sphinx: Mélanges offerts à Christiane Zivie-Coche par ses élèves, collègues et amis II (Bibliothèque d’étude 178; Le Caire), 2021
Under inventory number EA 76126, fragments of a demotic papyrus from Dimê/Soknopaiou Nesos dating to the Roman Imperial period are kept in the British Museum, containing remains of hymns to Thoth. The hymns are reminiscent of morning songs that were recited as part of the daily cult for the respective deity. They also allude to creation myths by characterizing Atum and possibly also Amun as primordial gods with whom Thoth had something to do. A worship of Thot in Dimê has long been indicated by Greek texts. Rübsam cites evidence for a Hermaion, i.e. a Thoth sanctuary, priests of Hermes, i.e. Thoth, and also the celebration of the Hermaia, which he interprets as the Thoth festival since the Old Kingdom. Of course, the Greek sources say little about the religious content of this worship of Thoth. Above all, they do not answer the question of whether there was a locally specific form of Thoth mythology here, or whether it fits into the common paradigms of Thoth worship. Among the hymns to Thoth known to me I have found no direct parallel. Beyond the references to creation mythology and Thoth's involvement in cosmogonic processes, what stands out in pBM EA 76126 is the emphasis on the warlike nature of Iah-Thoth. Now this is nothing that fundamentally distinguishes him from a 'normal' Thoth. Nevertheless, it is striking how much pBM EA 76126 shares with the Iah-Thot hymns of pTurin CG 58053 rt. IX and vs. II-III and the inscription on the statue of Haremhab in New York - itself with a very strong emphasis on (Iah-)Thot's function in the solar barque - without those two texts being close parallels. Is Iah-Thot a name for Thot to emphasize his combative side?
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, 2001
in: P. Davoli and N. Pellé (eds), Polymatheia: Studi classici offerti a Mario Capasso (Lecce, 2018), 395–411..
The editio princeps of three fragments in the papyrus collections of Berlin and Vienna presents the relics of a political horoscope that connects prophecies of misfortune imminent to Egypt with certain astronomical constellations. We also find this kind of astrology in the demotic pOmina and pCairo CG 31222 with which our horoscope is related but not identical. Reymond’s previous classification of the text, which is edited here, in a preliminary report of hers as Egyptian 'pattern-composition' that, translated into Greek, resulted in the Potter’s Oracle does not withstand closer investigation.
Elisabeth Vavra: (Hrsg.): Vom Umgang mit Schätzen. Wien 2007, S. 213-230, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit ; 20, 2007
Gründungslegenden der hermetischen, also auf Hermes Trismegistos zurückgehenden Alchemie berichten von der Findung des Urtextes der alchemistischen Weisheit, später als Tabula Smaragdina bekannt, in Händen des im Grabe thronenden Hermes Trismegistos. Drei ottonische Quellen berichten mit den gleichen Erzähltopoi von der Sitzbestattung Karls des Großen in der Aachener Marienkirche. Die Einzelelemente dieser aus so unterschiedlichen Kontexten stammenden Legenden weisen soviel Ähnlichkeit miteinander auf, dass ein Vergleich gerechtfertigt scheint.
The short paper shows the present state of the archaeological site of the Mycenaean tholos tombs near Kakovatos in Western Peloponnes: closed to the public, badly damaged and overgrown (as of Oct. 2024). Having found and excavated the site in 1907-08, W. Dörpfeld mistakenly identified it with Nestor's Pylos. (Nestor's real palace wasn't found until 1939). The paper reviews some of the reasoning behind this.
Brief history and architecture of St.Tadeous monastery at Iran (In Germany).
Titelbild: Die römische Armee überquert die Donau über eine Schiffsbrücke, Szene Cichorius XLVIII, Traianus-Säule, Rom (nach Settis 1988)
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Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte
in: E. Schwertheim (Hrsg.), Studien zum antiken Kleinasien VI, Asia Minor Studien 55 (Bonn 2008) 93–139; mit 10 Tafeln, 2008
Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 2010
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 143/1, 2016
J. Toivari-Viitala, T. Vartiainen & S. Uvanto (eds.), Deir el-Medina Studies. Helsinki June 24–26, 2009. Proceedings, The Finnish Egyptological Society – Occasional Publications 2 (Helsinke 2014), 144–153
Aegyptus 86, 119–137 , 2006
in: H. Schwarzer – H.-H. Nieswandt – K. Martin – M. Blömer (Hrsg.), »Man kann es sich nicht prächtig genug vorstellen!« Festschrift für Dieter Salzmann zum 65. Geburtstag (Marsberg/Padberg 2016) 71–85; mit 3 Münzabbildungen und 1 Karte
Chronique d'Egypte, 1972
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 125 , 1998
Monumenta Tibetica Historica, Abteilung III, Band 18 (1), 2019
Anzeiger der philosophisch-historischen Klasse
Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen Bd. 64: 2023 (2024), 45-59, 2024