Electroencephalogram (EEG) Controlled Anatomical Robot Hand



Today, millions of peoples are suffering due to the lack of a functional arm preventing from doing things. In Sri Lanka there are about over thousands of people are suffering from disabilities. Sri Lanka Ministry of Health state that the number of disabled persons in Sri Lanka will be increased by 24.2% by 2025. Most of them will suffer from hand disabilities. Disabling a hand costs huge disadvantages to a human being. Living without a hand will be a major problem for those who having hand disabilities. The aim of this project is to give a solution to those who suffer from hand disabilities and make their life efficient and easy. The biosignal-based controlling system is the next step in order to achieve more accuracy. Bio-signals are referring as the Electroencephalography (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. The robot hand motions and movements of the fingers will be completely dependent on the brainwaves which human beings will produce. This project ma...