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2007, Philosophy Compass
In this article I examine the relation between causation and moral responsibility. I distinguish four possible views about that relation. One is the standard view: the view that an agent's moral responsibility for an outcome requires, and is grounded in, the agent's causal responsibility for it. I discuss several challenges to the standard view, which motivate the three remaining views. The final viewthe view I argue for -is that causation is the vehicle of transmission of moral responsibility. According to this view, although moral responsibility does not require causation, causation still grounds moral responsibility.
Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence, 2015
According to the conventional view, causal and moral responsibility have a strict hierarchical relationship. Determining causal responsibility comes first; then we sort through the factors to which we have assigned causal responsibility and determine which, if any, should be assigned moral responsibility too. Moral inquiry accordingly stands not only apart but also above causal inquiry. But I am going to argue that this way of looking at causal and moral responsibility is a mistake. Rather than being separate and independent inquires with different purposes and concerns, I am going to argue that finding causal responsibility actually entails finding moral responsibility even when there is no evidence of what we would call traditional fault. Indeed, I am going to argue we cannot find someone causally responsible without finding them morally responsible too.
This paper deals with the relationship between legal responsibility and causation. I argue that legal responsibility is not necessarily rooted in causation. First, I show (in §1) that there are significant and independent non-causal form of responsibility that cannot be reduced to causal responsibility; second, in §2, I show that the very notion of causality is—lato sensu—not plainly descriptive. I will suggest that even causation is tied to evaluative elements.
Philosophic Exchange, 2010
Our lives intertwine with praise and blame in ways both simple and complex. If you ask me to pick up your child after work, and I fail to do so even after promising that I would, you will very likely be angry at me. This is not the irritation we experience when the weather is chilly or when we don't win the lottery. This attitude is directed at a specific person, ordinarily a (somewhat) aware and responsive being. That is, you are presuming that I am a particular kind of entity, a responsive, choice-making agent. It is partly in virtue of this fact that your reaction of irritation has its distinctive flavor; unlike bad weather or unreliable lottery drawings, I can knowingly and willingly bind myself with commitments that we both take to license blaming when I fail to live up to them. In short, I am a special kind of entity-a responsible agent. In virtue of my conduct, I can be worthy of praise and blame. These moralized reactions are not limited to interpersonal relationships. People spend years in prison, beyond what is plausibly useful for rehabilitation, and usually to the exclusion of victim restitution, out of an oftentimes inchoate or implicit conviction that criminals deserve punishment in light of their culpable failure to exercise their agency in the right ways. Indeed, it is difficult to make sense of the impulse to execute criminals without appeal to some notion of deservingness bound up in the idea that the criminal is morally responsible for his crime in some deep way. So, moral responsibility, the idea of praiseworthiness, blameworthiness, and associated notions of merit are all important parts of our shared lives. This picture, however, is threatened by a very familiar chain of reasoning. The reasoning goes like this: if everything is caused, no one is genuinely free, and thus, no one can be genuinely morally responsible for anything. It is a very old argument. 1 Versions of it have been banging around in the Western intellectual tradition for millennia, and every age has its favorite formulation of it. Perhaps the most common contemporary incarnation of
Philosophia, 2013
In discussions of moral responsibility for collectively produced effects, it is not uncommon to assume that we have to abandon the view that causal involvement is a necessary condition for individual co-responsibility. In general, considerations of cases where there is "a mismatch between the wrong a group commits and the apparent causal contributions for which we can hold individuals responsible" motivate this move. According to Brian Lawson, "solving this problem requires an approach that deemphasizes the importance of causal contributions". Christopher Kutz's theory of complicitious accountability in Complicity from 2000 is probably the most well-known approach of that kind. Standard examples are supposed to illustrate mismatches of three different kinds: an agent may be morally coresponsible for an event to a high degree even if her causal contribution to that event is a) very small, b) imperceptible, or c) non-existent (in overdetermination cases). From such examples, Kutz and others conclude that principles of complicitious accountability cannot include a condition of causal involvement. In the present paper, I defend the causal involvement condition for co-responsibility. These are my lines of argument: First, overdetermination cases can be accommodated within a theory of coresponsibility without giving up the causality condition. Kutz and others oversimplify the relation between counterfactual dependence and causation, and they overlook the possibility that causal relations other than marginal contribution could be morally relevant. Second, harmful effects are sometimes overdetermined by noncollective sets of acts. Over-farming, or the greenhouse effect, might be cases of that kind. In such cases, there need not be any formal organization, any unifying intentions, or any other noncausal criterion of membership available. If we give up the causal condition for coresponsibility it will be impossible to delimit the morally relevant set of acts related to those harms. Since we sometimes find it fair to blame people for such harms, we must question the argument from overdetermination.
In the paper, I try to cast some doubt on traditional attempts to defi ne, or explicate, moral responsibility in terms of deserved praise and blame. Desert-based accounts of moral responsibility, though no doubt more faithful to our ordinary notion of moral responsibility, tend to run into trouble in the face of challenges posed by a deterministic picture of the world on the one hand and the impact of moral luck on human action on the other. Besides, grounding responsibility in desert seems to support ascriptions of pathological blame to agents trapped in moral dilemmas as well as of excess blame in cases of joint action. Desert is also notoriously diffi cult, if not impossible, to determine (at least with suffi cient precision). And fi nally, though not least important, recent empirical research on people's responsibility judgments reveals our common-sense notion of responsibility to be hopelessly confused and easily manipulated.
Philosophical Perspectives, 2004
Philosophical Studies, 1992
Some writers, such as John Fischer and Michael McKenna, have recently claimed that an agent can be morally responsible for a wrong action and yet not be blameworthy for that action. A careful examination of the claim, however, suggests two readings. On one reading, there are further conditions on blameworthiness beyond freely and wittingly doing wrong. On another innocuous reading, there are no such further conditions. Despite Fischer and McKenna's attempts to offer further conditions on blameworthiness in addition to responsibility for wrongdoing, I argue that only the innocuous reading is plausible. Once we distinguish between blame being deserved and blame being all-things-considered appropriate, we need not appeal to further conditions on blameworthiness. This discussion has important upshots regarding how compatibilists respond to certain manipulation arguments and how proponents of derived responsibility respond to criticism that agents are responsible even for outcomes that are not reasonably foreseeable.
Abstract: This article is part of a symposium on Michael Moore's Causation and Responsibility. In Causation and Responsibility, Moore adopts a scalar approach to factual causation, with counterfactual dependency serving as an independent desert basis. Moore's theory of causation does not include proximate causation. The problem with Moore's argument is that the problems with which proximate causation dealt-how and when to limit cause in fact-remain unresolved.
The goal of this paper is to suggest that theoretical thinking with respect to metaphysical determinations or indeterminations is not the appropriate realm for attributing moral responsibility. On the contrary, judgments that attribute moral responsibility (S is responsible for...) depend on the possibility that a rational narrative be built. Agents are capable of forging their future actions, as well as of reflecting upon past actions. With this it will also be shown how we assume control of our behavior because we ignore whether actions are the result of causality or chance. It is claimed that contexts determine the degree of causal demand in narratives that attribute moral responsibility. In order to construct this type of narrative one must focus on a specific link in the causal chain of explanations. If context alone is not demanding enough so as to require that theoretical reflections strive for the ultimate foundation of our actions, then the agent may be considered responsib...
Philosophical Analysis, 2014
The goal of this paper is to suggest that theoretical thinking with respect to metaphysical determinations or indeterminations is not the appropriate realm for attributing moral responsibility. On the contrary, judgments that attribute moral responsibility (S is responsible for...) depend on the possibility that a rational narrative be built. Agents are capable of forging their future actions, as well as of reflecting upon past actions. With this it will also be shown how we assume control of our behavior because we ignore whether actions are the result of causality or chance. It is claimed that contexts determine the degree of causal demand in narratives that attribute moral responsibility. In order to construct this type of narrative one must focus on a specific link in the causal chain of explanations. If context alone is not demanding enough so as to require that theoretical reflections strive for the ultimate foundation of our actions, then the agent may be considered responsible for his behavior.
: This article sets out a notion of moral responsibility that incorporates the central features of the answerability conception advocated by T. M Scanlon, Hilary Bok, and Angela Smith, and of Michael McKenna’s more specific conversational account, but which excludes any notion of desert, whether basic or non-basic. The point of blaming and praising on this notion largely forward-looking: its main objectives are protection, reconciliation, and moral formation. Agents are blameworthy and praiseworthy by virtue of being appropriate recipients of blame and praise given these aims. Blaming on this conception can involve causing harm, but the justifiability of such harming does not reintroduce the legitimacy of desert. The resulting notion of moral responsibility is immune to any threat from the causal determination of action.
Most people would agree that a small child, or a cognitively impaired adult, is less responsible for their actions, good or bad, than an unimpaired adult. But how do we explain this difference, and how far can anyone be praised or blamed for what they have done? This introductory text explores some of the key questions shaping current philosophical debates about moral responsibility, including: • What is free will and is it required for moral responsibility? • Can a bad upbringing undermine blameworthiness? • Can we be blamed for having bad characters? • Is it fair to blame people for doing what they believe is right? • Are psychopaths open to blame? • Are there grounds for skepticism about moral responsibility?
Chapter 1: The causal relata. Ordinary talk suggests that entities from different ontological categories can cause and be caused: Kathy's throw, the fact that Kathy threw, and Kathy herself can all cause the window to break. But according to the majority view, causation exclusively relates events. This chapter defends the contrary view that the causal relata are as miscellaneous as ordinary talk suggests. A question remains: is there an ontological kind K such that causal relations on entities of that kind are somehow more fundamental than causal relations on the non-Ks? I argue that there is such a kind: facts. I defend this claim against objections. Chapter 2. Causation by omission. Ordinary talk also suggests that omissions can be causes. For example, if Barry promised to water Alice's plant, didn't water it, and the plant then dried up and died, then Barry's not watering the plant-his omitting to water the plant-is a cause of its death. But there are reasons to think that either there is no causation by omission, or there is far more of it than common sense allows. I argue that neither disjunct is acceptable, and propose that we avoid the dilemma by embracing the view that causation has a normative component. The proposal faces the objection that causation is a paradigmatic example of a natural, and so entirely non-normative, relation. I argue that the objection can be defused once we are clear about the kind of normativity that plays a role in causation by omission. Chapter 3. Causation and the Making!Allowing Distinction. Common sense morality suggests that it can matter morally whether an agent makes an outcome occur or merely allows it to occur. For example, it is far worse to pinch your little brother than to allow him to be pinched. I argue against the assumption that the making/allowing distinction is exclusive: in fact, the categories of making and allowing overlap. I go on to offer a positive account of makings, and a positive account of allowings.
I will challenge the manipulation argument, arguing that the moral responsibility and determinism are incompatible. The first premise states that manipulated agents are not responsible. By examining this intuition it will turn out that this statement can be traced back to the manipulators themselves, who intentionally set up a plan against their subjects. The second premise, which states that there is no difference between determinism and manipulation concerning responsibility, will be claimed to be false. In deterministic worlds, actions are determined by blind causation. However, under the manipulation theory, agents are determined by the manipulator. I claim that the first premise is true, but the second premise is false. We find different concepts of causation in deterministic and manipulated situations accounting for why agents are responsible in determinism but not under manipulation.
Inquiry, 2015
Philosophers have been concerned with and puzzled by the nature of responsibility at least since Aristotle's time. What does it take to be a responsible agent? Under what conditions is it justifiable to hold someone responsible for her character or behavior? Notoriously, it seems to many that genuine responsibility requires a kind of metaphysical freedom that is hard to understand much less believe in, while others insist that no such metaphysical freedom is necessary. A common way of introducing the subject calls attention to two senses of responsibility. Sometimes when we say "X is responsible for Y' we mean only to name a causal connection: X is an individual or a state of affairs that makes a salient causal contribution to the occurrence of Y. In this sense, your cat might be responsible for the spilled milk, the rain might be responsible for spoiling the picnic. By contrast, this paradigmatic introduction continues, when we charge an individual with moral responsibility, we mean something more. Like the cat, a person can be causally responsible for the spilled milk if she knocks over the bottle during an epileptic seizure; like the rain, a person can be causally responsible for spoiling the picnic if in the course of it she is stung by a bee and goes into anaphylactic shock. But a person might also spill the milk on purpose, wanting to ruin her host's tablecloth or disrupt the family brunch; she might spoil the picnic by her irritable carping or by rudely insulting the other guests. In these latter cases the person's connection to the event under discussion appears to reflect more deeply on her, and, at least initially, it does not seem inappropriate to blame her. These latter cases
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