Z korespondencji naukowców: Stefan Morawski i Roman Ingarden

2021, Przegląd Kulturoznawczy


From the Correspondence of Scientists: Stefan Morawski and Roman Ingarden The article is a scientific overview of the preserved correspondence of Stefan Morawski and Roman Witold Ingarden from 1961 to 1969. The 1960s were a period of important events and changes in both the lives of Ingarden and Morawski. In both cases, the background was the political situation in Poland, of which – in a certain sense – both philosophers became victims. Although their attitude and political commitment differed – Ingarden remained indifferent to politics, unlike Morawski, who belonged to the party – it turned out that both of them suffered harassment from state officials. In addition to discussing scientific issues, the letters of both philosophers contain a lot of information on current and important issues for them directly, and indirectly for the Polish scientific community of that time. Therefore, the article discusses publishing issues, organizational and scientific matters related to conferenc...