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2014, International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology
The paper proposes an efficient blind signature scheme based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), aiming to enhance security and anonymity in online transactions. It reviews existing blind signature schemes and highlights the computational efficiencies of the proposed method compared to traditional approaches, affirming its suitability for applications like secure voting systems.
Ijca Proceedings on International Conference on Emergent Trends in Computing and Communication, 2014
Internet has become an Integral part and prime need of every human being in their day to day life. People now prefer to do transaction over the internet than doing it offline as it reduces time consumption. In such scenarios, securing customer data is one of the biggest challenges for software developers. For this reason Security protocols like Blind Signature Scheme came into picture where requester is allowed obtain a signature from the signer who signs a message without reading the content of the message, and cannot link the protocol with the resulting message signature pair. Blind Signature scheme is mostly used for E-commerce applications like Digital payment system, Electronic-voting system as it provides security goals like blindness, untraceability, correctness and nonforgeability. Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller has presented Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) which is an approach to public key cryptography based on algebraic structure of elliptic curves in over finite fields. Elliptic curve cryptosystem is more efficient than other public key cryptosystem due to difficulty in solving elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. Using the benefits of elliptic curve cryptography we have presented implementation of blind signature scheme using JAVA.
Blind signature allows a requester to obtain signature from a signer on any document in such a way that, the authority learns nothing about the message that is being signed. Due to the blindness and untraceability properties of Blind Signature Scheme, it can be used in cryptographic applications such as web based e-voting, digital cash etc. In this paper, a novel blind signature scheme based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem has been proposed. The model has been explained using a customer-and-bank example and the proof of correctness has been made.
Blind signatures provide authenticity, integrity, nonrepudiation, blindness and untraceability of the message contents. In blind signature, the signer signs the message without revealing the contents of a message. Certificateless blind signature scheme is the combination of certificateless scheme and blind signature scheme. In certificateless blind signature scheme there is no need of certificates to verify the authenticity of the public key of user. In this research, the “Certificatrless blind signature scheme using ECC” of Nayak et al is analyzed. The analysis shows that the proposed certificateless blind signature scheme is not secure against the known cryptanalysis attacks. In fact, an attacker can easily reveal the secret key of the signer by mounting a forgery attack and can become a fake signer. After a successful cryptanalysis, a modified version of the scheme is presented. In the modified version of the scheme, the elliptic curve encryption and decryption is introduced in t...
In this paper, a novel Blind Signature Scheme (BSS) based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) has been proposed. The signer signs the encrypted message after receiving it from the requester. Hence the signer has no scope to learn the contents of the message that he has signed. But there is a scope to verify the authenticity of the signature on the original message by the requester and any other third party. The model has been validated using a customer and bank example and the proof of correctness has been made. The applicability of the proposed scheme can be extended to e-voting and others where the requester needs a blind signature on the message.
International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 2016
Partially blind signature is cryptographic system that is used in several protocols including e-cash and e-commerce systems. In proxy partially blind signature, part of the message is approved by the signer and the signature supplicant. Elliptic curve discrete logarithmic (ECDL) is an extremely difficult to solve problem as compared to any standard inverse operation of a one-way-trap door function including discrete logarithm problem or factorisation problem. In this paper, we propose a new proxy partially blind signature scheme based on ECDL. The main attractive features of the proposed scheme are the low computational cost and the low communication overhead. Moreover, the new scheme provides an extra level of security properties of both the partially blind signature and proxy signature. Several security analysis are shown to prove the security and the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018
In various types of electronic transactions, including election systems and digital cash schemes, user anonymity and authentication are always required. Blind signatures are considered the most important solutions to meeting these requirements. Many studies have focused on blind signature schemes; however, most of the studied schemes are single blind signature schemes. Although blind multi-signature schemes are available, few studies have focused on these schemes. In this article, blind multi-signature schemes are proposed based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). The proposed schemes are based on the GOST R34.10-2012 digital signature standard and the EC-Schnorr digital signature scheme, and they satisfy blind multi-signature security requirements and have better computational performance than previously proposed schemes. The proposed schemes can be applied in election systems and digital cash schemes. Keyword: Blind signature EC-Schnorr signature GOST R34.10-2012 standard Multi-signature scheme Random oracle model (ROM) 1. INTRODUCTION David Chaum first proposed the idea of blind signatures based on the RSA signature scheme in 1983 [1]. Subsequently, a number of research studies on blind signatures was completed to protect the anonymity of users and prevent fake online transactions. In recent decades, elliptic curves have emerged as important factors in digital and crypto theory. The security level of cryptography systems is based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and the difficulty of elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems (ECDLPs). The advantages of ECC cryptosystems compared with other public-key cryptography systems is that ECC ciphers provide security attributes comparable to traditional public-key cryptography systems despite their smaller key lengths. Reports have estimated that the 3248-bit length in the RSA cryptosystem has the same security level as the 256-bit length of the ECC cryptosystem. Thus, the installation of ECC consumes less system resources and energy and provides a higher level of security. Because of the advantage of small key length, ECC has been widely applied in many fields. Digital signatures based on the difficulty of ECDLPs were first introduced in 1991 in the independent research of NealsKoblitz [2]. Since the 2000s, the USA, Russia, Japan, Korea and several European countries have investigated these problems and have developed standard system solutions, such as the standards by ISO, ANSI, IEEE, SECG, and FIPS. ECDLP is the predominant cryptosystem in Russia. In 2001, Russia produced the GOST R34.10-2001 digital signature standard based on ECDLP with a 256-bit key length. The newest Russia version of the digital signature is GOST R34.10-2012 [3], which has a key length between 256 bits and 512 bits.
In this paper, we propose a blind signature scheme and three practical educed schemes based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. The proposed schemes impart the GOST signature structure and utilize the inherent advantage of elliptic curve cryptosystems in terms of smaller key size and lower computational overhead to its counterpart public key cryptosystems such as RSA and ElGamal. The proposed schemes are proved to be secure and have less time complexity in comparison with the existing schemes.
Proxy blind Signature is a digital signature where an original signer delegates his/her signing capability to a proxy signer who performs message signing blindly, on behalf of original signer but he cannot make a linkage between the blind signature and the identity of the message's owner. Recently, Qi et al proposed an improved proxy blind signature scheme based on factoring and elliptic curve discrete log problem (ECDLP). In this paper we show that Qi et al's scheme does not hold the identifiability and unlinkability properties. Moreover, we also point out that their scheme is not secure against universal forgery attack. Furthermore, we propose an improved proxy blind signature scheme to remedy the weaknesses of Qi et al.'s scheme. The security and performance of the improved scheme are also analyzed.
In this paper we have designed a partially blind signature scheme for the blinded e-cash based payment system using ECC-based self-certified public key cryptosystems. Using partially blind signatures to design the e-cash scheme can avoid the unlimited growth of the bank's database which keeps all spent e-cashes for preventing double spending, and also let the signer assure himself that the message contains accurate information such as the face value of the e-cash without seeing it. In addition, the proposed e-cash system is constructed using elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC) under the limited-storage environment such as smart cards, and therefore able to efficiently use smart cards to store the coins. Furthermore, in order to avoid criminals to abuse the anonymity, the proposed electronic payment system is traceable by the trustee in the case of fraudulent transactions. We affirm the proposed efficient security schemes will make the electronic cash payment system securely workable for Internet consumers.
Blind signature allows one user to get a signature without giving the signer any information about the actual message or the resulting signature. In this paper, we aim to improve the recently proposed Lin et al.’s Self-certified Partially Blind Signature Scheme[1] in order to withstand the security flaw in their scheme. The security of the improved scheme is enhanced in the blind signing phase of the scheme. The analysis shows that the proposed scheme resolves security problem in Lin et al.’s scheme and also meets the aspects of security features needed by a partial blind signature. KeywordsPartial blind signature; self-certified; bilinear pairing; security.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Security of the consumer"s data over internet is the major problem in present time. In this paper we have analyzed blind signature schemes based on RSA and with taking advantage of elliptic curve cryptography to achieve the security goals. Blind signature scheme is one of the security protocol to obtain signature from a signer such that signer sign the message without reading the content of the message and also he could not link the protocol with the resulting message signature pair [7]. Blind signature scheme is used to achieve certain security goals like blindness, untraceability, authenticity, unforgeability [1]. We have analyzed blind signature scheme to achieve the security goals using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an approach to public-key cryptography based on the algebraic structure of elliptic curves over finite fields. The use of elliptic curves in cryptography was initially presented by Neal Koblitz and Victor S. Miller. Elliptic curve cryptosystem has advantages in terms of smaller key size and lower computational overhead in comparison with public key cryptosystem [2]. Many researchers have been presented the secure blind signature scheme with their own goals and limitations. Two properties a blind signature scheme should hold digital signature and blind signature. By using concept of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem and blinding algorithm, the signer generates the blind signature without reading content of the message [5]. The scheme avoids the collision between different digital signatures generated by the same singer. The blind signature is a secure technique can be applied in ebusiness and other applications. Blind signature schemes are widely used for various applications of E-commerce like digital payment systems and electronic voting system etc where to maintain the privacy of consumer is necessary [9].
Recently, many existing partially blind signature scheme based on a single hard problem such as factoring, discrete logarithm, residuosity or elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems. However sooner or later these systems will become broken and vulnerable, if the factoring or discrete logarithms problems are cracked. This paper proposes a secured partially blind signature scheme based on factoring (FAC) problem and elliptic curve discrete logarithms (ECDL) problem. As the proposed scheme is focused on factoring and ECDLP hard problems, it has a solid structure and will totally leave the intruder bemused because it is very unlikely to solve the two hard problems simultaneously. In order to assess the security level of the proposed scheme a performance analysis has been conducted. Results have proved that the proposed scheme effectively deals with the partial blindness, randomization, unlinkability and unforgeability properties. Apart from this we have also investigated the computat...
Abstract: Proxy partially blind signature allows a proxy signer to explicitly embed presaged common information c into the blind signature without loss of blindness property. The focus of this paper is to present the efficient stamped proxy partially blind signature (SPPBS) scheme based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) with collision-resistant cryptographic hash function which records the time stamp during signing phase of the proxy partially blind signature and to allow the original signer to revoke delegating power whenever necessary The proposed scheme satisfies all the security properties of proxy blind signature, i.e. distinguishability, nonrepudation, unforgeability, identifiability, unlinkability, and prevention of misuse. Furthermore, the proposed scheme requires minimal operation in proxy delegation, partially blinding, signing extraction and verification thus makes it very efficient. This can be implemented in low power and small processor handheld devi...
Blind signature is a variant of digital signature which helps the user to obtain a signature without giving any information about the message to the signer and the signer cannot tell which session of the signing protocol corresponds to which message. Blind signatures may seem to be a myth; it is a practical reality due to its wide applications in real life like e-coin and e-voting. This paper focuses on the study of variants of blind signatures with its eminent real world applications. It also discuses about future research scope of blind signatures.
Blind signature schemes, as important cryptographic primitives, are useful protocols that guarantee the anonymity of the participants. In this paper, a new blind signature based on the strong RSA assumption is presented. The new blind signature scheme is quite efficient and statefree. It does not require the signer to maintain any state and can be proven secure against adaptive chosen message attack under a reasonable tractability assumption, the so-called Strong RSA assumption. Moreover, a hash function can be incorporated in to the scheme in such a way that it is also secure in the random oracle model under the standard RSA assumption.
This report will discuss on an idea proposed in a journal which published on 2017, which covered within blind signature protocol domain. In that journal, authors covered the fundamental behind blind signature protocol, history of creation, the challenges on current practices and proposing 3 new algorithms to overcome on current challenges. Original journal accessible at
A proxy blind signature scheme is a special form of blind signature which allows a designated person called proxy signer to sign on behalf of two or more original signers without knowing the content of the message or document. It combines the advantages of proxy signature, blind signature and multi-signature scheme and satisfies the security properties of both proxy and blind signature scheme. Most of the exiting proxy blind signature schemes were developed based on the mathematical hard problems integer factorization (IFP) and simple discrete logarithm (DLP) which take sub-exponential time to solve. This paper describes an secure simple proxy blind signature scheme based on Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) takes fully-exponential time. This can be implemented in low power and small processor mobile devices such as smart card, PDA etc. Here also we describes implementation issues of various scalar multiplication for ECDLP
Blind signature is a concept to ensure anonymity of e-coins. Untracebility and unlinkability are ttwo main properties of real coins and should also be mimicked electronicaly. A user has fulfill above two properties of blind signature for permission to send an e-coins. During the last few years, asymmetric cryptography based on curve based cryptography have becomes very popular, especially for embedded applications. Elliptical curves cryptography (CC) are the special case of elliptical curves (EC). EC operand size is only a fraction of the EC operand Size. EC Cryptography needs a group order of size atleast 2 160. In Particular for a cuve of genus two field F q with p long operands. Which is much better than the RSA using 1024 bit key length. The elliptic curve is best suited for the resource constraint environment s. It uses lesser key and provides more secure transmission of data.
Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы No5 за 2015 г., 2015
This paper introduced the new blind signature scheme inspired from Schnorr signaturescheme. The proposed signature scheme is proved to be more security than previous researchesin this field by hiding the original author of a message .
In this paper, we propose a blind signature scheme and three practical educed schemes based on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. The proposed schemes impart the GOST signature structure and utilize the inherent advantage of elliptic curve cryptosystems in terms of smaller key size and lower computational overhead to its counterpart public key cryptosystems such as RSA and ElGamal. The proposed schemes are proved to be secure and have less time complexity in comparison with the existing schemes.
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