Herbert Phillipson Object Relations Test (ORT).

In 1955 creates Herbert Phillipson Object Relations Test (ORT).His immediate predecessor is the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Henry Murray released in 1942 and is based on the Theory of Necessity - emotional strain.While both tests are of visual stimulation and verbal response, the stimulus material is different because the TAT used in most of the plates a stimulus more structured corresponding to given topic, while the ORT scenes represent situations of different object relations in a context of low structure, with different nuances depending on the series, in what makes human content, and the content of the objects in the environment and includes, like the Rorschach, chiaroscuro and color (series C ).The ORT is based on the Object Relations Theory of Melanie Klein and Fairbairn. It consists of thirteen plates, twelve of which represent different situations of object relations and a plate blank, which is presented at the end of the test administration. Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International