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Laporan pendahuluan
Magang di PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Barat - Banten
Intisari— Aktivitas manusia, berazaskan manfaat dan ekonomi serta konservasi lingkungan merupakan suatu hal yang memiliki peranan penting terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan. Di satu sisi, pembangunan akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia dengan meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat. Industri pertambangan merupakan salah satu industri yang diandalkan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mendatangkan devisa. Selain mendatangkan devisa industri pertambangan juga menyedot lapangan kerja dan bagi Kabupaten dan Kota merupakan sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Namun dalam aktivitas pertambangan yang dilakukan tentu akan menimbulkan masalah lingkungan. Dalam paper ini akan dibahas tentang masalah lingkungan dalam pembangunan pertambangan, cara pengelolaan pembangunan pertambangan, kecelakaan kerja di pertambangan, penyehatan lingkungan pertambangan dan pencemaran serta penyakit-penyakit yang mungkin timbul akibat aktivitas pertambangan. Kata Kunci: Pertambangan, Pembangunan Pertambangan, Dampak, Pengelolaan, Penyakit. Abstrak— Human activities, based on benefits and the economy and environmental conservation are essential to sustainable development. On the one hand, development will improve the quality of human life with the increase of people's income. The mining industry is one of the industries that the Indonesian government relies on to bring in foreign exchange. In addition to bringing in foreign exchange, the mining industry also absorbs employment and for the Regency and City is the source of Local Own Revenue (PAD). However, in mining activities will certainly cause environmental problems. In this paper will be discussed about environmental issues in mining development, how to manage mining development, work accident in mining, environmental sanitation of mining and pollution and diseases that may arise due to mining activity.
Jim-Zam, 2022
The connection activity is a tradition of "sending / giving" all the needs needed in the celebration event. As for what is sent, it can be in the form of materials needed for the celebration, such as rice, mineral water, meat, chicken pieces, fish, vegetables, fruits, and various kinds of cakes and other dishes. This study aims to determine istihsan's perspective on connection activities that have become a tradition by using istihsan bil urf analysis. The study used qualitative descriptive data collection with interviews and observations. The research subjects were several people from kp dago kulon and local religious leaders. The results showed that this connection activity has become one of the traditions in the kp area. Dago subang district. This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation which is still practiced today. This connection tradition is usually carried out at celebration events, such as weddings, circumcisions, and other celebration events. This connection activity is also considered as a positive activity because it is one of the ties of friendship between neighbors, and fosters an attitude of caring, helping each other, and helping each other. The conclusion of this research is the connection activity seen from istihsan bil urf, is a tradition that has good positive values, namely as a form of maintaining friendship, caring for each other, helping each other, helping each other, and also not contradicting the Qur'an, hadith and logic.
Usila sebagai akronim usia lanjut mengandung konotasi ganda. Disatu pihak ia dikaitkan dengan kelemahan, ketidak mampuan, ketidak bergunaan dan harus dikasihani, namun di lain pihak dikatakan sebagai usia emas yang membuka dan memberikan banyak kesempatan bagi individu untuk menjadi dirinya sendiri dan mengembangkan minat yang tidak sempat dikembangkan. (Kompas Minggu,13 Agust 2000)
Mutiah FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS MERCU BUANA JAKARTA 2013 1 AKTIVA TETAP A. JENIS AKTIVA TETAP Aktiva Tetap adalah aktiva berwujud yang diperoleh dalam bentuk siap pakai atau dibangun lebih dahulu, yang digunakan dalam operasi perusahaan, tidak dimaksudkan untuk dijual dalam rangka kegiatan normal perusahaan dan mempunyai masa manfaat lebih dari satu tahun.
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Arteks, Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 2016