Mathematical and Phenomenological Continuity-Indiscernibility


In this paper we shall be dealing with the continuity problem from a phenomenological point of view. Mathematical continuum and its review through a phenomenologically stimulated viewpoint constitutes a fundamental, yet largely unexplored terrain of research at the crossroads of phenomenological philosophy and standard or nonstandard mathematical approach. Looking back at the theoretical work of the Prague school of Alternative Set theory and its shift of the horizon approach, the research in nonstandard analysis and its intensional version, IST theory, taking also into account the claims to a mathematical science "imitating" lebenswelt in the Husserlian sense, we have a tendency at least in the last decades to alternative, more "natural" approaches of foundations. Approaches which produce out of their axiomatical structure a novel, nonconventional definition of continuum and the resulting topological properties. In this paper we try to make clear how their structure imitates the shift of the horizon approach in mathematical-phenomenological attitude. Further, we follow phenomenological reduction to an ultimate subjectivity in time consciousness and try to demonstrate the common conceptual traits with the notion of continuum in the above mentioned mathematical theories.