The Very Repugnant Conclusion i Åkvists festskrift

(1984), pp. 419ff. For an informal proof of a similar result with stronger assumptions, see Ng (1989), p. 240. A formal proof with slightly stronger assumptions than Ng's can be found in Blackorby and Donaldson (1991). For theorems with much weaker assumptions, see my (1999), (2000b), and especially (2000a), (2001). 2 See Parfit (1984), p. 388. My formulation is more general than Parfit's and he doesn't demand that the people with very high welfare are equally well off. 3 Tännsjö (1998), p. 162. GUSTAF ARRHENIUS 168 that normally most people are quite close to this level and that they perhaps often fall below this level. 4