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2016, Algorithms and Implementations
Motivation and Background Historically, the evolution of wireless cellular systems has been fueled by the need for increased throughput. Indeed, the need for larger data-rates has been the main driver of the path that has led us from 2G systems 1 to 4G systems, with data-rates evolving from tens of kbit/s up to the current state-of-the-art tens of Mbit/s. Focusing on the physical (PHY) layer, and in particular on the adopted modulation schemes, the transition has been from 1 Indeed analog 1G cellular systems had no data transmission capability; they just offered voice services.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2020
In surveillance of the contemporary swift growth of progressing networks, attention has been enthralled mostly on the operational properties of multifaceted networks in wireless communications. A number of mammoth simulated networks of this thoughtful have lately been fashioned, which opens an extensive field for the study of their topology, advancement, and the intricate processes which transpire in them. Fifth Generation (5G) will have to survive with a high degree of heterogeneity in relations to services and necessities. Amid these end, the malleable and well-organized use of non-contiguous unexploited spectrum for diverse network disposition scenarios is well-thought-out a key encounter for 5G, New Radio (NR) systems. Furthermore, this study weighs and equates the complexity of the different waveforms. Keen valuations on Spectral Efficiency, Power Spectral Density, Peak-to-Average Power Ratio and robustness to asynchronous multiuser uplink transmission have been explored in this study. The reimbursements of these new wave-form for the anticipated 5G uses cases are noticeably highlighted on illustrative standards and experiments. Each network will be accountable for handling user-mobility, although the terminal will make the final optimal among different wireless/mobile access network suppliers for a given service. The main impact of this study is definition of 5G mobile network perception, which is seen as user-centric notion in its place of operator-centric as in Third Generation (3G) or service-centric concept as seen for Fourth Generation (4G). The 5G terminals will have software distinct radios and modulation scheme as well as new error-control schemes can be downloaded from the Internet on the run. The growth is seen towards the user terminals as an emphasis of the 5G mobile networks. The theoretical results are further verified using Matlab evaluations for Spectral Efficiency, Power Spectral Density and Peak-to-Average ratio. The evaluation results reveal that if an apriori information on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) is present, it is possible to highly increase the Spectral Efficiency (SE) of the transmission.
ArXiv, 2014
5G cellular communications promise to deliver the gigabit experience to mobile users, with a capacity increase of up to three orders of magnitude with respect to current LTE systems. There is widespread agreement that such an ambitious goal will be realized through a combination of innovative techniques involving different network layers. At the physical layer, the OFDM modulation format, along with its multiple-access strategy OFDMA, is not taken for granted, and several alternatives promising larger values of spectral efficiency are being considered. This paper provides a review of some modulation formats suited for 5G, enriched by a comparative analysis of their performance in a cellular environment, and by a discussion on their interactions with specific 5G ingredients. The interaction with a massive MIMO system is also discussed by employing real channel measurements.
Towards 5G Wireless Networks - A Physical Layer Perspective, 2016
Choice of a suitable waveform is a key factor in the design of 5G physical layer. New waveform/s must be capable of supporting a greater density of users, higher data throughput and should provide more efficient utilization of available spectrum to support 5G vision of "everything everywhere and always connected" with "perception of infinite capacity". Although orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has been adopted as the transmission waveform in wired and wireless systems for years, it has several limitations that make it unsuitable for use in future 5G air interface. In this chapter, we investigate and analyse alternative waveforms that are promising candidate solutions to address the challenges of diverse applications and scenarios in 5G.
OFDM is the modulation scheme, widely employed in the current 4G LTE systems. With high spectral efficiency, immunity to external noise disturbances and low intersymbol interference, it has completely revolutionised the way the world communicates today. However with our never ending demand of increased data consumption and the upcoming IoT-Internet of things, Multiple Machine Time Communications where data is expected to grow at an exponentially sporadic rate-operating in closed synchronised networks of an LTE system leads to a painful signalling overhead, besides the usual drainage of battery. Hence, we have discussed some potential candidates for the next generation 5G spectrum.
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2014
ifth-generation (5G) cellular communications promise to deliver the gigabit experience to mobile users, with a capacity increase of up to three orders of magnitude with respect to current long-term evolution (LTE) systems. There is widespread agreement that such an ambitious goal will be realized through a combination of innovative techniques involving different network layers. At the physical layer, the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation format, along with its multiple-access strategy orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), is not taken for granted, and several alternatives promising larger values of spectral efficiency are being considered. This article provides a review of some modulation formats suited for 5G, enriched by a comparative analysis of their performance in a cellular environment, and by a discussion on their interactions with specific 5G ingredients. The interaction with a massive multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) system is also discussed by employing real channel measurements.
T-comm, 2022
В последние годы сети связи пятого поколения 5G (Fifth Generation), а также сети связи шестого поколения 6G (Sixth Generation) вызывают обширный исследовательский интерес. Согласно проекту 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project), сети связи 5G должны поддерживать три основных сценария использования: улучшенную мобильную широкополосную связь (enhanced Mobile Broadband, eMBB), массовую межмашинную связь (Massive Machine-Type Communications, mMTC) и сверхнадежную межмашинную связь с низкими задержками (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication, URLLC). Вдобавок к этому, одной из ключевых услуг, предоставляемых сетями связи 5G считается сценарий "автомобиль-все окружение" (enhanced vehicle-to-everything, eV2X). Эти сценарии требуют массового подключения устройств с высокой пропускной способностью и улучшенной спектральной эффективности, что создает серьезные проблемы для внедрения сетей связи 5G и 6G. Использование традиционных схем модуляции и технологий множественного доступа (Multiple Access, MA) не позволит достичь требуемых показателей в сетях связи 5G и 6G. Применение новых типов модуляции сигнала и технологий множественного доступа становится необходимым для удовлетворения растущим требованиям к сетям связи 5G и 6G. От выбора конкретного типа модуляции зависят такие характеристики системы связи, как пропускная способность, помехоустойчивость, емкость. Для обеспечения работы сетей связи в соответствии с требованиями к сетям 5G и 6G были предложены различные типы модуляции, основанные на фильтрации поддиапазонов, формировании импульсов и прекодировании для уменьшения внеполосной интерференции. Данная статья посвящена обзору основных типов модуляции для систем 5G и 6G.
The designing aim of 4G was to improve capacity, user data-rates, spectrum usage and latency with respect to 3G. 5G is just more than an evolution of mobile broadband communication. It will be a Important key enabler of the future digital world. The vision of 5G mobile is driven from the predictions of up to 1000 times data requirement by 2020 and the fact that the traffic could be two thirds video embedded. 5 G in one sentence may be called as " Always Sufficient Rate " to give users the ability of Infinite Capacity ". This paper gives an overview of the 5G mobile radio communication. The paper addresses the key drivers and disruptive capabilities for 5G as well as the design principles, key technological components, spectrum considerations etc.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
Multicarrier transmission has been proved quite beneficial for Wireless and Wideband Communication community. 4G wireless systems has availed several features in today’s fast world in the field of wireless communications. But the researchers still need to seek solutions for increasing demand for higher data rates, better quality of service, fully mobile systems and lower latency. Along with these services, problems relating to data integrity and security are needed to be fulfilled. Recent developments on 5G and beyond wireless networks can help in availing these services. A new emerging Modulation technique called Index Modulation is proving to be quite futile and innovative for paving way towards 5G networks. IM has three significant variants from which it evolved: Spatial Modulation (SM), Channel Modulation (CM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Index Modulation (OFDM-IM), which are seem to be helpful for providing application scenarios as needed in future wirele...
Recent discussions on viable technologies for 5G emphasize on the need for waveforms with better spectral containment per subcarrier than the celebrated orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) is an alternative technology that can serve this need. Subcarrier waveforms are built based on a prototype filter that is designed with this emphasis in mind. This paper presents a broad review of the research work done in the wireless laboratory of the University of Utah in the past 15 years. It also relates this research to the works done by other researchers. The theoretical basis based on which FBMC waveforms are constructed is discussed. Also, various methods of designing effective prototype filters are presented. For completeness, polyphase structures that are used for computationally efficient implementation of FBMC systems are introduced and their complexity is contrasted with that of OFDM. The problems of channel equalization as well as synchronization and tracking methods in FBMC systems are given a special consideration and a few outstanding research problems are identified. Moreover, this paper brings up a number of appealing features of FBMC waveforms that make them an ideal choice in the emerging areas of multiuser and massive MIMO networks.
2020 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC)
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The 5G and beyond future wireless networks aim to support a large variety of services with increasing demand in terms of data rate and throughput while providing a higher degree of reliability, keeping the overall system complexity affordable. One of the key aspects regarding the physical layer architecture of such systems is the definition of the waveform to be used in the air interface. Such waveforms must be studied and compared in order to choose the most suitable and capable of providing the 5G and beyond services requirements, with flexible resource allocation in time and frequency domains, while providing high spectral and power efficiencies. In this paper, several beyond 5G waveforms candidates are presented, along with their transceiver architectures. Additionally, the associated advantages and disadvantages regarding the use of these transmission techniques are discussed. They are compared in a similar downlink transmission scenario where three main key performance indicat...
Sameer Shahid, 2019
Communication plays a vital role in our lives, it is impossible to think life without it. it is the basic process of exchanging information or transferring data from one place to another. So, it is very important for us to understand the technology behind it which has made our lives so simple and fast. This paper is about the di erent types of modulation schemes like AM, FM, PM, PAM, PWM, PPM, PCM etc used in the communication system and their importance.
In this paper, we evaluate the waveform candidates for 5G wireless communications such as FBMC and UFMC and 4G’s cyclic prefix CP-OFDM. Measured results for 1.4 MHz and 3 MHz waveforms show a 5 dB reduction in ACPR between FBMC and UFMC. Simulation and measured output power spectra of the power amplifier for 3 MHz and 10 MHz waveforms are match very well.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2017
5G will have to cope with a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of services and requirements. Among these latter, the flexible and efficient use of non-contiguous unused spectrum for different network deployment scenarios is considered a key challenge for 5G systems. To maximize spectrum efficiency, the 5G air interface technology will also need to be flexible and capable of mapping various services to the best suitable combinations of frequency and radio resources. In this work, we propose a comparison of several 5G waveform candidates (OFDM, UFMC, FBMC and GFDM) under a common framework. We assess spectral efficiency, power spectral density, peak-to-average power ratio and robustness to asynchronous multiuser uplink transmission. Moreover, we evaluate and compare the complexity of the different waveforms. In addition to the complexity analysis, in this work, we also demonstrate the suitability of FBMC for specific 5G use cases via two experimental implementations. The benefits of these new waveforms for the foreseen 5G use cases are clearly highlighted on representative criteria and experiments.
Fifth generation (5G) wireless networks face various challenges in order to support large-scale heterogeneous traffic and users, therefore new modulation and multiple access (MA) schemes are being developed to meet the changing demands. As this research space is ever increasing, it becomes more important to analyze the various approaches, therefore, in this paper we present a comprehensive overview of the most promising modulation and MA schemes for 5G networks. Unlike other surreys of 5G networks, this paper focuses on multiplexing techniques, including modulation techniques in orthogonal MA (OMA) and various types of non-OMA (NOMA) techniques. Specifically, we first introduce different types of modulation schemes, potential for OMA, and compare their performance in terms of spectral efficiency, out-of-band leakage, and bit-error rate. We then pay close attention to various types of NOMA candidates, including power-domain NOMA, code-domain NOMA, and NOMA multiplexing in multiple domains. From this exploration, we can identify the opportunities and challenges that will have the most significant impacts on modulation and MA designs for 5G networks.
ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT)
The 5G wireless access technology will supersede its predecessor, 4G, in the current decade, at first coexisting with it and later as a standalone technology. This work examines and compares the performance of the following orthogonal multicarrier schemes: Cyclic Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM), Windowed Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (W-OFDM), Filtered Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (F-OFDM), Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC), and Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC). The system architecture of each scheme is investigated while considering the performance in fading channel models. The simulation was performed using a standard set of parameters, and the performance was appraised based on Power Spectral Density (PSD), Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of PAPR, Bit Error Rate (BER), and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). In addition, a comprehensive analysis is presented concerning ...
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2016
The standardization of the next generation 5G radio access technology has just started in 3GPP with the ambition of making it commercially available by 2020. There are a number of features that are unique for 5G radio access compared to the previous generations such as a wide range of carrier frequencies and deployment options, diverse use cases with very different user requirements, small sized base stations, self-backhaul, massive MIMO, and large channel bandwidths. In this paper, we propose a flexible physical layer for the New Radio access technology (NR) to meet the 5G requirements. A symmetric physical layer design with OFDM is proposed for all link types including uplink, downlink, device-to-device, and backhaul. A scalable OFDM waveform is proposed to handle the wide range of carrier frequencies and deployments. 1 Numerology refers to waveform parametrization, e.g., cyclic prefix, subcarrier spacing in OFDM.
The next generation communication network (NGCN) is expected to provide higher spectral efficiency, low latency, large throughput and massive machine-to-machine type communications. In this regard, the design of the multi-carrier waveform (MCW) is posing a major research problem for the NGCN. To overcome the stated problem, a lot of state-of-the-art work exists that proposes various MCW alternative to the standard orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. It is true that OFDM was used in a number of real-time communication systems of fourth generation (4G) networks. However, their use in the upcoming fifth generation (5G) network is not very feasible. This is because of the strict requirements of 5G communication systems, which also extend beyond 5G systems; hence rendering the use of OFDM infeasible for newer communication standards. To satisfy the requirements of upcoming communication networks, there is a dire need for MCWs with better flexibility. In this regar...
IEEE Communications Magazine, 2017
Different from conventional mobile networks designed to optimize the transmission efficiency of one particular service (e.g., streaming voice/ video) primarily, the industry and academia are reaching an agreement that 5G mobile networks are projected to sustain manifold wireless requirements, including higher mobility, higher data rates, and lower latency. For this purpose, 3GPP has launched the standardization activity for the first phase 5G system in Release 15 named New Radio (NR). To fully understand this crucial technology, this article offers a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art development of NR, including deployment scenarios, numerologies, frame structure, new waveform, multiple access, initial/random access procedure, and enhanced carrier aggregation (CA) for resource requests and data transmissions. The provided insights thus facilitate knowledge of design and practice for further features of NR.
In recent times, new waveforms for 5G have been explored in multiple ways. It is difficult for the current mobile communication to assist the future mobile traffic requirement. To overcome this issue, studies have been carried out in 5 th generation mobile communication has been. New waveforms such as UFMC (universal filtered Multi-carrier), FBMC (filtered bank Multi-carrier), F-OFDM (filtered orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) and W-OFDM (windowed-OFDM) are considered as very substantial candidates in respect of 5G system. An attempt has been made to evaluate the spectral properties of waveforms in this paper. The experimental results proved that the effective utilization of spectrum for each waveform.
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