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2020, Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linearized polynomials appear in many different contexts, such as rank metric codes, cryptography and linear sets, and the main issue regards the characterization of the number of roots from their coefficients. Results of this type have been already proved in [7, 10, 24]. In this paper we provide bounds and characterizations on the number of roots of linearized polynomials of this form ax + b 0 x q s + b 1 x q s+n + b 2 x q s+2n +. .. + b t−1 x q s+n(t−1) ∈ F q nt [x], with gcd(s, n) = 1. Also, we characterize the number of roots of such polynomials directly from their coefficients, dealing with matrices which are much smaller than the relative Dickson matrices and the companion matrices used in the previous papers. Furthermore, we develop a method to find explicitly the roots of a such polynomial by finding the roots of a q n-polynomial. Finally, as an applications of the above results, we present a family of linear sets of the projective line whose points have a small spectrum of possible weights, containing most of the known families of scattered linear sets. In particular, we carefully study the linear sets in PG(1, q 6) presented in [9].
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2021
Let f be the F q-linear map over F q 2n defined by x → x + ax q s + bx q n+s with gcd(n, s) = 1. It is known that the kernel of f has dimension at most 2, as proved by Csajbók et al. in "A new family of MRD-codes" (2018). For n big enough, e.g. n ≥ 5 when s = 1, we classify the values of b/a such that the kernel of f has dimension at most 1. To this aim, we translate the problem into the study of some algebraic curves of small degree with respect to the degree of f ; this allows to use intersection theory and function field theory together with the Hasse-Weil bound. Our result implies a non-scatteredness result for certain high degree scattered binomials, and the asymptotic classification of a family of rank metric codes.
Moscow Mathematical Journal
We give a complete conjectural formula for the number er(d, m) of maximum possible Fq-rational points on a projective algebraic variety defined by r linearly independent homogeneous polynomial equations of degree d in m + 1 variables with coefficients in the finite field Fq with q elements, when d < q. It is shown that this formula holds in the affirmative for several values of r. In the general case, we give explicit lower and upper bounds for er(d, m) and show that they are sometimes attained. Our approach uses a relatively recent result, called the projective footprint bound, together with results from extremal combinatorics such as the Clements-Lindström Theorem and its variants. Applications to the problem of determining the generalized Hamming weights of projective Reed-Muller codes are also included.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2022
In this paper we prove that the property of being scattered for a F q-linearized polynomial of small q-degree over a finite field F q n is unstable, in the sense that, whenever the corresponding linear set has at least one point of weight larger than one, the polynomial is far from being scattered. To this aim, we define and investigate r-fat polynomials, a natural generalization of scattered polynomials. An r-fat F q-linearized polynomial defines a linear set of rank n in the projective line of order q n with r points of weight larger than one. When r equals 1, the corresponding linear sets are called clubs, and they are related with a number of remarkable mathematical objects like KM-arcs, group divisible designs and rank metric codes. Using techniques on algebraic curves and global function fields, we obtain numerical bounds for r and the non-existence of exceptional r-fat polynomials with r > 0. In the case n ≤ 4, we completely determine the spectrum of values of r for which an r-fat polynomial exists. In the case n = 5, we provide a new family of 1-fat polynomials. Furthermore, we determine the values of r for which the so-called LP-polynomials are r-fat.
We obtain an estimate on the average cardinality of the value set of any family of monic polynomials of F q [T ] of degree d for which s consecutive coefficients a d−1 ,. .. , a d−s are fixed. Our estimate holds without restrictions on the characteristic of F q and asserts that V(d, s, a) = µ d q + O(1), where V(d, s, a) is such an average cardinality, µ d := d r=1 (−1) r−1 /r! and a := (a d−1 ,. .. , d d−s). We provide an explicit upper bound for the constant underlying the O-notation in terms of d and s with "good" behavior. Our approach reduces the question to estimate the number of F q-rational points with pairwise-distinct coordinates of a certain family of complete intersections defined over F q. We show that the polynomials defining such complete intersections are invariant under the action of the symmetric group of permutations of the coordinates. This allows us to obtain critical information concerning the singular locus of the varieties under consideration, from which a suitable estimate on the number of F q-rational points is established.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2018
In [2] and [19] are presented the first two families of maximum scattered F q-linear sets of the projective line PG(1, q n). More recently in [23] and in [5], new examples of maximum scattered F q-subspaces of V (2, q n) have been constructed, but the equivalence problem of the corresponding linear sets is left open. Here we show that the F q-linear sets presented in [23] and in [5], for n = 6, 8, are new. Also, for q odd, q ≡ ±1, 0 (mod 5), we present new examples of maximum scattered F q-linear sets in PG(1, q 6), arising from trinomial polynomials, which define new F q-linear MRD-codes of F 6×6 q with dimension 12, minimum distance 5 and middle nucleus (or left idealiser) isomorphic to F q 6 .
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 1996
This paper investigates the number of trace-one elements in a polynomial basis for F2n. A polynomial basis with a small number of trace-one elements is desirable because it results in an efficient and lowcost implementation of the trace function. We focus on the case where the reduction polynomial is a trinomial or a pentanomial, in which case field multiplication can also be efficiently implemented.
Proceedings of the 2000 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '00, 2000
Let F be an algebraically closed eld of zero characteristic, a polynomial ' 2 F X1; : : : ; Xn] have a multiplicative complexity r and f1; : : : ; fk 2 F X1; : : : ; Xn] be some polynomials of degrees not exceeding d, such that ' = f1 = = fk = 0 has a nite number of roots. We show that the number of possible distinct vectors of multiplicities of these roots is small when r; d and k are small. As technical tools we design algorithms which produce Gr obner bases and vectors of multiplicities of the roots for a parametric zerodimensional system. The complexities of these algorithms are singly exponential. We also describe an algorithm for parametric absolute factorization of multivariate polynomials. This algorithm has subexponential complexity in the case of a small (relative to the number of variables) degree of the polynomials.
We study a question with connections to linear algebra, real algebraic geometry, combinatorics, and complex analysis. Let $p(x,y)$ be a polynomial of degree $d$ with $N$ positive coefficients and no negative coefficients, such that $p=1$ when $x+y=1$. A sharp estimate $d \leq 2N-3$ is known. In this paper we study the $p$ for which equality holds. We prove some new results about the form of these "sharp" polynomials. Using these new results and using two independent computational methods we give a complete classification of these polynomials up to $d=17$. The question is motivated by the problem of classification of CR maps between spheres in different dimensions.
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 2020
We generalize the example of linear set presented by the last two authors in "Vertex properties of maximum scattered linear sets of PG(1, q n)" (2019) to a more general family, proving that such linear sets are maximum scattered when q is odd and, apart from a special case, they are are new. This solves an open problem posed in "Vertex properties of maximum scattered linear sets of PG(1, q n)" (2019). As a consequence of Sheekey's results in "A new family of linear maximum rank distance codes" (2016), this family yields to new MRD-codes with parameters (6, 6, q; 5).
Journal of mechanics of continua and mathematical sciences, 2019
In this work we try to introduce the concept of codes of polynomial type and polynomial codes that are built over the ring A[X]/A[X]f(X).It should be noted that for particular cases of f we will find some classic codes for example cyclic codes, constacyclic codes, So the study of these codes is a generalization of linear codes.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2015
We estimate the average cardinality V(A) of the value set of a general family A of monic univariate polynomials of degree d with coefficients in the finite field Fq. We establish conditions on the family A under which V(A) = µ d q + O(q 1/2), where µ d := d r=1 (−1) r−1 /r!. The result holds without any restriction on the characteristic of Fq and provides an explicit expression for the constant underlying the O-notation in terms of d. We reduce the question to estimating the number of Fq-rational points with pairwise-distinct coordinates of a certain family of complete intersections defined over Fq. For this purpose, we obtain an upper bound on the dimension of the singular locus of the complete intersections under consideration, which allows us to estimate the corresponding number of Fq-rational points.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2004
We generalize a recent idea for constructing codes over a finite field F q by evaluating a certain collection of polynomials over F q at elements of an extension field. We show that many codes with the best parameters presently known can be obtained by this construction. In particular, a new linear code, a ½40; 23; 10-code over F 5 is discovered. Moreover, several families of optimal and near-optimal codes can also be obtained by this method. We call a code near-optimal if its minimum distance is within 1 of the known upper bound.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2014
We obtain an estimate on the average cardinality of the value set of any family of monic polynomials of F q [T ] of degree d for which s consecutive coefficients a d−1 ,. .. , a d−s are fixed. Our estimate holds without restrictions on the characteristic of F q and asserts that V(d, s, a) = µ d q + O(1), where V(d, s, a) is such an average cardinality, µ d := d r=1 (−1) r−1 /r! and a := (a d−1 ,. .. , d d−s). We provide an explicit upper bound for the constant underlying the O-notation in terms of d and s with "good" behavior. Our approach reduces the question to estimate the number of F q-rational points with pairwise-distinct coordinates of a certain family of complete intersections defined over F q. We show that the polynomials defining such complete intersections are invariant under the action of the symmetric group of permutations of the coordinates. This allows us to obtain critical information concerning the singular locus of the varieties under consideration, from which a suitable estimate on the number of F q-rational points is established.
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science
We present two results, the first on the distribution of the roots of a polynomial over the ring of integers modulo n and the second on the distribution of the roots of the Sylvester resultant of two multivariate polynomials. The second result has application to polynomial GCD computation and solving polynomial diophantine equations.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2008
In this paper, we study the p-ary linear code C(PG(n,q)), q = p h , p prime, h ≥ 1, generated by the incidence matrix of points and hyperplanes of a Desarguesian projective space PG(n,q), and its dual code. We link the codewords of small weight of this code to blocking sets with respect to lines in PG(n,q) and we exclude all possible codewords arising from small linear blocking sets. We also look at the dual code of C(PG(n,q)) and we prove that finding the minimum weight of the dual code can be reduced to finding the minimum weight of the dual code of points and lines in PG(2,q). We present an improved upper bound on this minimum weight and we show that we can drop the divisibility condition on the weight of the codewords in Sachar’s lower bound (Geom Dedicata 8:407–415, 1979).
Most results on the value sets $V_f$ of polynomials $f \in \mathbb{F}_q[x]$ relate the cardinality $|V_f|$ to the degree of $f$. In particular, the structure of the spectrum of the class of polynomials of a fixed degree $d$ is rather well known. We consider a class $\mathcal{F}_{q,n}$ of polynomials, which we obtain by modifying linear permutations at $n$ points. The study of the spectrum of $\mathcal{F}_{q,n}$ enables us to obtain a simple description of polynomials $F \in \mathcal{F}_{q,n}$ with prescribed $V_F$, especially those avoiding a given set, like cosets of subgroups of the multiplicative group $\mathbb{F}_q^*$. The value set count for such $F$ can also be determined. This yields polynomials with evenly distributed values, which have small maximum count.
Discrete Mathematics, 2022
Linear sets on the projective line have attracted a lot of attention because of their link with blocking sets, KM-arcs and rank-metric codes. In this paper, we study linear sets having two points of complementary weight, that is with two points for which the sum of their weights equals the rank of the linear set. As a special case, we study those linear sets having exactly two points of weight greater than one, by showing new examples and studying their equivalence issue. Also we determine some linearized polynomials defining the linear sets recently introduced by Jena and Van de Voorde (2021).
Combinatorica, 2016
We obtain estimates on the number |A λ | of elements on a linear family A of monic polynomials of Fq[T ] of degree n having factorization pattern λ := 1 λ 1 2 λ 2 • • • n λn. We show that |A λ | = T (λ) q n−m +O(q n−m−1/2), where T (λ) is the proportion of elements of the symmetric group of n elements with cycle pattern λ and m is the codimension of A. Furthermore, if the family A under consideration is "sparse", then |A λ | = T (λ) q n−m + O(q n−m−1). Our estimates hold for fields Fq of characteristic greater than 2. We provide explicit upper bounds for the constants underlying the O-notation in terms of λ and A with "good" behavior. Our approach reduces the question to estimate the number of Fq-rational points of certain families of complete intersections defined over Fq. Such complete intersections are defined by polynomials which are invariant under the action of the symmetric group of permutations of the coordinates. This allows us to obtain critical information concerning their singular locus, from which precise estimates on their number of Fq-rational points are established.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1998
The notion of the depth of a binary sequence was introduced by Etzion. In this paper we show that the set of in nite sequences of nite depth corresponds to a set of equivalence classes of rational polynomials. We go on to characterize in nite sequences of nite depth in terms of their periodicity. We conclude by giving the depth distributions for all linear cyclic codes. Index terms: depth, depth distribution, derivative, cyclic code, linear complexity de ned if 0 i < n.
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