On the quantum Geroch group



The Geroch group is an infinite dimensional transitive group of symmetries of cylindrically symmetric gravitational waves which acts by non-canonical transformations on the phase space of these waves. The unique Poisson bracket on the Geroch group which makes this action Lie-Poisson is obtained. A quantization of the Geroch group is proposed, at a formal level, that is very similar to an $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ Yangian, and a certain action of this quantum Geroch group on gravitational observables is shown to preserve the commutation relations of Korotkin and Samtleben's quantization of cylindrically symmetric gravitational waves. The action also preserves three of the four additional conditions that define their quantization. It is conjectured that the action preserves the remaining condition as well and is, in fact, a symmetry of their model.