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After Lucius Verus had pushed the Eastern Frontier of the Roman Empire as far east as the Tigris and Khabur rivers, Septimius Severus based two large military garrisons on the route that crosses the Syrian desert following the Euphrates valley. At Dura-Europos the troops moved into the existing Hellenistic- Parthian city and left a rich epigraphic and papyrological evidence whereas at Qreiye-Ayyash they built a new fort, which was documented by fieldwork carried out in 2002–2005.
The Neolithic site of eh-Sayyeh in Northern Jordan covers more than 10 ha and is therefore designated as a mega site. Main settlement periods are attested for the 8th and 6th mill. calBC. During the investigations carried out in 2015 a completely intact oval building with stone cover was exposed, which showed no archaeological material inside. Typologically it reminds of late Neolithic graves. Therefore, this structure might hypothetically be interpreted as a grave which was never used.
e-Forschungsberichte, 2015
12 12 eh-Sayyeh (Jordanien). Grabungsbereich 7, Palette aus poliertem Kalkstein mit roten Farbspuren im Inneren (Foto: K. bartl, dAI orient-Abteilung). 13 eh-Sayyeh (Jordanien). Grabungsbereich 7, nordprofil mit Kalkmörtelfußböden und Aschegrube (Foto: Th. urban, dAI orient-Abteilung).
e-Forschungsberichte, 2014
EH-SAyyEH, JORDANIEN die arbeiten des Jahres 2013 The site of eh-Sayyeh is one of the few previously known settlements of the Neolithic period in northern Jordan. Former research in the 1990s revealed a settlement sequence of the 8th to the 6th Millennium BC. The assemblage of Early and Late Neolithic layers allows investigations into the transition between these periods and the earliest appearance of pottery. The main objective of the project is a detailed stratigraphic-chronological analysis of selected settlement areas and the comparison of these results with developments in the northern Levant. Die neolithische Siedlung eh-Sayyeh liegt im östlichen Vorland des Ajlun-Gebirges und damit am Rand der mediterranen Klimazone Nordjordaniens (Abb. 1). Die Wasserversorgung des Ortes ist außerordentlich günstig, da er sich in unmittelbarer Nähe des Zusammenflusses des kleinen Wadi adh-Dhuayl mit dem fast ganzjährig wasserführenden Wadi Zarqa befindet. Die Siedlung liegt in Hanglage an einer nördlich des Wadi Zarqa/Wadi adh-Dhuayl e-Forschungsberichte des dai 2014 • Faszikel 2
Due to the civil war in Syria research in the Resafa-project – conducted at the University of Bamberg (Michaela Konrad) and at the Berlin University of Technology Berlin (Dorothee Sack, Martin Gussone) – focused on the scholarly analysis of the fieldwork undertaken until 2011 and their preparation for the final publication in the Resafa series edited by the DAI.
Project Panormos is an international project centered on the ancient port of Panormos near Didyma (Aydın, Turkey) and undertaken in cooperation between the DAI Istanbul and the Archaeological Museum at Balat. In 2014 excavations were completed of the two main sondages at the necropolis with its dense burial contexts. In 2015 an intensive field survey was undertaken in the immediate environs of the necropolis. The survey served as pilot for an Open Science approach to archaeological fieldwork and data.
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Ancient Simitthus (today Chimtou, Tunisia), known for its important quarries of yellow Numidian marble, has been the object of archaeological research conducted jointly by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute (INP) and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) since 1965. This report presents a short overview on the recent activities at Chimtou in 2014 and 2015, which were primarily dedicated to publishing the results of the excavations conducted in the 1980s northeast of the forum of the Roman town and the ‘temple of Imperial cult’ accompanied by measures of capacity building and site management.
The urban town of Hamadab flourished during the Meroitic period (3rd century BC to 4th century AD) 3 km south of the ancient capital Meroe on the east bank of the Nile. It is subject of a German-Sudanese research project since 2001. The report summarises our recent fieldwork at Hamadab in 2013 and 2014, which focused on excavations in the settlement's Upper Town and on a new study of the historic land use in relation to the environment of the Meroe-Hamadab region.
e-Forschungsberichte, 2017
The Islamic country estate of ar-Rummānīya is located in the foothills of the Sierra Morena, some 10 km west of the city of Córdoba (Spain). The estate was erected in 965 CE by ad-Durrī “the Little”, a finance minister of the caliph al-Hakam II. The building complex encompasses four terraces, three of which were designed as gardens. On the uppermost terrace stood a series of palatial buildings, including two halls and a large water basin. The aim of the last two seasons of excavation has been the investigation of the garden. Detailed information was gained on the irrigation system and the kinds of plants that grew here. Botanical studies provide evidence for the presence of olive trees, almonds, pomegranate, vine, myrtle and lavender as well as a range of herbs and flowers.
The following paper delivers a report on material studies and field work in Selinunt 2014-15 including excavations in the kerameikos and new geophysical prospections.
The work within the Resafa-project focusses on the scholarly analysis of the fieldwork that has been undertaken since the early years of the excavations in the 1950s. In two teams working at the University of Bamberg (M. Konrad, V. Fugger) and the University of Technology Berlin (D. Sack, M. Gussone) our research that is conducted in different interdisciplinary cooperations aims to a superordinate interpretation of the early Christian pilgrimage site within its multiple environmental, political, social, ethnic and religious networks in a diachronic perspective throughout the time of its existence. Parallel and as a material base to these studies the work on the detailed reconstruction of the development of the site between the 1st and the 13th century AD was continued. Furthermore the analysis of the city walls and the so-called “Zentralbau“ as well as research on the mainly Byzantine and Early Islamic structures in the extra mural areas completed our knowledge about the fine chrono...
The ancient town of Simitthus (today Chimtou, Tunisia), known for its important quarries of yellow Numidian marble (giallo antico), has been the object of archaeological research conducted jointly by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute and the German Archaeological Institute in Rome since 1965. This report presents a short overview on the activities at Chimtou in 2016–2018, which were primarily dedicated to publishing the results of the excavations conducted in the 1980s accompanied by measures of capacity building and site management.
e -Forschungsberichte des DAI 2015, Faszikel 3, 149-151.
The late antique castrum of Vig in Northern Albania is located in the hinterland of the Adriatic town of Lissus/Lezha, which was connected by a road to the city of Naissus (Nis/Serbia), as also revealed in the Tabula Peutingeriana map. The site of the castrum is situated in the archaeologically unexplored valley of Gjader. It has so far been assumed that it’s function was intended for the road’s security. However, in this context it has not been taken into consideration that in early modern times silver mines were exploited in the mountainous region northeast of Lissus as well as copper mines in the 20th century, as also reported by early explorers. The castrum’s primary function had possibly served the control of the river valley and the area’s ore mining activities.
The activities of the Pergamon-excavation in 2015 were part of the continuing research program on the urban organism of the Hellenistic residential city and on Pergamon´s countryside. The program also includes studies of the ancient necropolis and the natural sanctuaries as integral elements within the presentation of suburbs and hinterland. The campaign focused on (1) geophysical prospection and archaeological sondages at the monumental tumulus Yiğma Tepe, (2) the completion of the excavation within the alleged banquet-building at the northern east-slope, (3) the archaeological and architectural study of the Lower Agora, (4) the continuation and almost completion of the Kane-Peninsula (Kara Dağ) regional harbor survey, (5) the extensive conservation and restoration works at the Red Hall and the Gymnasion of Pergamon. A detailed preliminary report, which contains also information about other fields of activity such as palaeo-anthropology or dendrochronology, will be published in &qu...
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