2022, LangLit An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal


Shadow Diaspora deals with the experiences of illegal migrants or undocumented migrants. It highlights the predicament of all those migrants who are refugees in host country as result of human trafficking, political upheavals in home country, or war like situations. Discourse on Shadow diaspora brings out the pathos of human suffering at the hands of administrative system as well as manipulation of such people at various juncture by people knowing their identity as illegal migrants. These people are being treated as shadows and are bereaved of existence as ahuman entity amid migrant and host country's official status. Apart from this, it also covers problems in different diasporic aspects such as assimilation, hybridization, refugee, dominant-recessive relationship, power politics, alienation and discrimination. Shadow in diasporic culture is a person or migrant's homeland, culture, a dressing style, food, religion, language, race. A migrant expresses his shadow through his language and culture in a foreign land. The present paper is an attempt to understand the Shadow diaspora from its legal as well as official documentation perspectives. In this context, it traces the problems of illegal migrants and their predicament. On the other hand, it also traces the shadow as a metaphor of past that hovers over the immigrants and inherent issues of diasporic situations.