Studi Etika Bisnis Berdasarkan Alkitab

2021, Journal Kerusso


Business ethics is part of special ethics (applied), which initially developed in the United States, where it highlights various moral aspects of human behavior that have professions in business and management. Studying business ethics can help people who are in the business world to be able to formulate and apply ethical principles in the economics and business world among each other. It is expected that ethical principles can help determining the right attitude in dealing with conflicts (both interests and conscience) that arise when doing business. Of course, the Bible will be a foundation (reference) in formulating ethical principles in business. Thus, this paper limits business ethics that only based on biblical truth, so that it does not open a space for business ethics based on the secular world. In addition, the writer will discuss the relationship between ethics and business, definition, various presuppositions in doing business, some examples of violations of business ethi...