An Immanent Pedagogy of Music


My background for this paper is that I am analyzing music textbooks from a "multicultural perspective". Through this work, I have found that the teaching design that the books suggest, does not differ according to the kind of musics taught, but stay more or less the same through for example western classical music, pop and rock, music from Africa and Sámi music. At the same time the content of "foreign musics" as well as western music have been criticized thorougly from a multicultural perspective, the way this different content is taught, has passed by more silently. This amazed me, and it still does, and in this presentation I want to share some initial thoughts about where this has taken me philosophically. This paper mostly deals with theory and philosophy, and the practical implications are yet to be thought through. Nevertheless, I believe my points here can be relevant for a discussion about how we think about music and how we teach it, especially in our more and more culturally diverse societies, with growing efforts on doing justice to other cultures and musics in our classrooms.