Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Modal dan Aset Terhadap Rasio Risk Based Capital (RBC), Pertumbuhan Premi Neto dan Profitabilitas Perusahaan Asuransi (Kirmizi & Susi Surya Agus) 391 PENGARUH PERTUMBUHAN MODAL DAN ASET TERHADAP RASIO RISK BASED CAPITAL (RBC), PERTUMBUHAN PREMI NETO DAN PROFITABILITAS PERUSAHAAN ASURANSI UMUM DI INDONESIA KIRMIZI * SUSI SURYA AGUS Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Riau ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to identify and analyze the influence of capital and asset growth on RBC, the influence of capital and asset growth and RBC on Premium Growth, the influence of capital, asset, premium growth, and RBC on ROE of financial performance variables in general insurance industries in the period of 2000-2007. This research was using the secondary data which was collected from insurance financial reporting the period of 2000-2007 from Infobank Research Department. One handred and seven companies was drawn as sample.The data was analyzed by using path analysis statistic method. Based on statictly finding, the data can be explained by model and the research found the capital growth have negative influence on the premium growth, the asset growth have positive influence on premium growth, the capital growth have positive influence on Return On Equity, the asset growth have positive influence on the return on equity. The research can be drawn conclusion that optimum capital and asset used in the companies not only could achieve optimum income and profits but also increase RBC ratio up to the level 120%. The companies also focus on Risk Management, Services, Corporate Vision & Mission, and Active to higher employee's skill and knowledge.