Minimum-Area Drawings of



A straight-line grid drawing of a plane graph G is a planar drawing of G, where each vertex is drawn at a grid point of an integer grid and each edge is drawn as a straight-line segment. The height, width and area of such a drawing are respectively the height, width and area of the smallest axis-aligned rectangle on the grid which encloses the drawing. A minimum-area drawing of a plane graph G is a straight-line grid drawing of G where the area is the minimum. It is NP-complete to determine whether a plane graph G has a straight-line grid drawing with a given area or not. In this paper we give a polynomial-time algorithm for finding a minimum-area drawing of a plane 3-tree. Furthermore, we show a ⌊ 2n 3 −1⌋×2⌈n ⌉ lower bound for the area of a straight-line grid drawing of 3 a plane 3-tree with n ≥ 6 vertices, which improves the previously known lower bound ⌊ 2(n−1) 3

Key takeaways

  • A plane 3-tree G n with n ≥ 3 vertices is a plane graph for which the following (a) and (b) hold: (a) G n is a triangulated plane graph; (b) if n > 3, then G n has a vertex whose deletion gives a plane 3-tree G n−1 .
  • (b) if n > 3, then G has a vertex x whose deletion gives a plane 3-tree G ′ of n − 1 vertices.
  • By Lemma 1(b) for any plane 3-tree G n , n > 3, there is exactly one inner vertex y which is the common neighbor of all the outer vertices of G n .
  • Let T n−3 be the representative tree of a plane 3-tree G n with n ≥ 3 vertices and let T (i) be a subtree rooted at a vertex i of T n−3 .
  • We denote by A p (a x y , b x y , c x y ) the Area Checking problem of any vertex p of T where a x y , b x y , c x y are the (x, y)coordinates of the three outer vertices a, b and c of G(C p ).