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2017, Journal of Software
Scrum as one of the most popular software methodologies, has been growly employed by software teams and companies in recent years. This method provides several simple and effective practices to manage software projects. However, despite of its simple structure, lots of challenges and issues have been reported during Scrum adoption. Te main aim of this paper is to report the main issues of introducing Scrum in a particular team. Team members had been selected within a nomination process. The adoption process took about 6 months, and adoption proceeded during a real, but not critical project. Results showed several challenges and barriers the team faced with. The most critical issues were regarding team collaboration and commitment. Moreover, collaboration with product owner and sprint planning were the others major issues. Finally, while the results showed a few challenges regarding planning game and retrospective meeting, no challenge has been reported regarding tools and technology.
Journal of Economics and Management
The paper first presents basic information about the Scrum method. Then it summarizes the state of art in the domain of Scrum implementation, especially as far as the critical factors of its success are concerned. On the basis of literature survey a new model classifying Scrum implementation critical factors is proposed. The model divides Scrum implementation critical factors into five categories: Project Team factors, Psychological and cultural factors, Process and Method, Environment and Technology. The model is then developed and verified using the case study method. The research was carried out in a French IT company by means of a participating observation. The company was implementing Scrum, which ended up as a success. A journal of the Scrum implementation was conducted, presenting the experiences of the Scrum Team, their opinions and changes in the Scrum method which were introduced. On its basis critical factors, crucial for the success of Scrum implementation, classified according to the above mentioned model, were identified, completing those which had been found in the literature.
Framework: Management of the software development project changes daily and increases day to day. Major benefits that attract firms to develop software some are a reduction on cost, delivery time reduction, the quality improvement well definition of the process, resource allocation and improvement in documentation. However, several problems have been documented in different methods of software development projects. But these problems can be solved by the use of agile practices. SCRUM is an agile methodology used to manage and control work during the development stages. The present documentation presents the comprehensive outward look of the effectiveness of scrum in the management of software development projects. This research aimed at exploring the extent to which this method is more effective than other methods. The focus of this paper is on the effectiveness of the stated method in accordance with real-life examples. Aims and Objectives: In the scope of the dissertation investig...
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015
The paper aims at presentation of problems connected with agile project management methodology implementation (i.e. Scrum) in an international project team. Basing on the case study the paper indicates the most crucial problems, as well as offers solution proposals. The problems were identified during the scrum methodology implementation in the international project team.
2013 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 2013
Scrum is the most popular agile methodology in software industry. By using scrum practices, several companies have improved their quality and productivity. This paper presents a practical view inside the Scrum practices, specifically, the team size, team structure and description of roles in Scrum teams are explained. The paper is based on our experiences in multiple projects executed in Scrum Agile methodology. Scrum is most suitable for products with team size of 3-9 members. For larger products, Scrum provides a mechanism called Scrum of Scrums. Scrum of Scrums distribute the large work/project into several teams and to control the quality and speed of each team, regular meetings are organized amongst the representatives of each team. We also present the guidelines for work distribution for the Scrum of Scrum (SoS) teams.
Scrum is a part of agile software development which also called incremental software development model. Scrum methodology commonly used to overcome uncertain condition and tight deadline. Scrum consists of three roles, they are product owner, development team, and scrum master. Scrum can be implemented on many areas such as development of education mobile application, integration of document management system, strengthen IT development centers, and many others. The successful of Scrum implementation depends on the skill and knowledge of the team members. The Scrum also has several risk factors and therefore needs risk management approaches. A comparison between agile and waterfall model is also discussed. The Scrum performance can also be tested with certain ways. Scrum used to make sure that all parts of the software can be delivered on time. The other benefits, scrum can make creative and productive workplace, and scrum can also increase business value.
SCRUM is one of the most popular methods from the agile family that has gained extensive fame in the recent years. However, a company may face many problems during adoption of SCRUM framework. This research aims at identifying and collecting different reported problems about SCRUM adoption by software development firms solely from literature. The focus is primarily on the most discussed problem i.e. product backlog problems, and to provide solutions for them. Based on suggestions and recommendations from earlier studies a scrum based solution is proposed, which hopefully will address backlog related problems in this study. We applied the proposed solution in a small company to evaluate its effectiveness. This paper reports the findings of the case study. The results indicate that the proposed SCRUM based solution did help the company in addressing most of the backlog related problems.
Globalization has caused a series of transformations at the social, economic, cultural, technological, and political levels, generating constant changes that force companies to reinvent, transform or improve their processes so that they are sustainable, competitive, and remain in the world market. Companies that offer products or services to people must implement methodologies that facilitate and speed up the development of projects to satisfy the customer. That is, being able to develop their technology products to improve and promote the customer experience. Now, several companies (not software industry exclusive) use agile methodologies since they facilitate their development since it allows them to act quickly in the face of changes in customer requirements. This does not affect the planning and budget. In this project, we proposed a plan to implement the Scrum methodology in the CIB Engineering Area in BBVA Colombia by phases and focus on people’s adaptation rather than the pro...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2021
The purpose of the process evaluation is to obtain relevant information in a qualitative and quantitative way about the current state in which a process is to support processes of evolution and continuous improvement. Scrum is one of the most used agile approaches, however, there some aspects that can hinder its implementation, e.g., lack of detail of artefacts and meetings that raises, including the timetables, application of the approach, among others. In this sense, and in order to facilitate the success in the implementation of Scrum, this paper presents EvaScrum, an assessment instrument that provides the opportunity to professionals and consultants to assess and diagnose the degree of implementation of Scrum through questions, metrics, a spreadsheet and a Web application. EvaScrum is based on Mr. Scrum; a reference model which provides a clear and complete set of process elements based on Scrum and EvaScrumTOOL, a web tool to manage the assessments. This paper presents the detailed analysis of two case studies in software development enterprises where EvaScrum was applied. The results obtained have allowed case study enterprises to identify improvement opportunities to carry out in the processes and projects where Scrum is being applied, all this, in a practical, useful and suitable manner which allow these types of enterprises, to assess and diagnose their implementations of Scrum with feasible resources both time and economically.
This paper deals with the Scrum methodology as an alternative to pedagogical practices and managing of the software projects, presenting an investigation with the students of scientific initiation of an university from the Brazil's northeast. It was seeking to analyze the accomplishment of the students with the Scrum practices, as well the percepetion of the learning of the methodology, showing the positive aspects and the negative ones through this experience. As a conclusion, the Scrum methodology is indicated to manage projects even when the team has limited or none experience promoting the learning, adding value and satisfaction to the student.
Scrum models have clustered within the boundaries of product development and the limited world of development teams. Nonetheless, any Scrum adoption cannot be isolated from the rest of organization’s processes and structures. A typical example of this integration is with project related world. This study firstly focuses on the need for clarifying Scrum concepts to make ground sufficient in order to integrate Scrum world with project related notions. Secondly, it elaborates on project concept and project manager role in the world of Scrum, with additional and special interest on scalable solutions. The study also deals with the notions around the project (program and portfolio) for a full integrity in this context. In order to unite these two spaces, alongside the descriptions provided in Scrum Guide, the study is extended by using COBIT framework and PMBOK Guide through identification, description and evaluation of general roles and structures related to and in relation with the not...
Journal of Software, 2012
Agile software development methods and techniques have been demonstrated to improve employee morale, enhance end-product quality, and achieve customer satisfaction. Agile adoption always comes with special challenges and thus fundamental organizational changes are necessary for successful outcome. In this paper we present an in-depth case study for adopting Scrum in a multi-team and multi-project situation to a government entity in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E). While there are many successful stories for adopting Scrum in large and small organizations, there is little known about adoption stories in a multi-project/multi-team environments. In this paper we present a case study for an unsuccessful adoption of Scrum in a government entity in the U.A.E. The government entity under study have used the traditional waterfall approach for many years and decided to move to Agile software development method. This study highlights the challenges faced during the adoption of Scrum method with recommendations to address them. Each organization has its unique properties and one case study is not enough to draw conclusions for the U.A.E environment. However, the results obtained from this paper help software engineers to better understand the development environment and context factors for software projects in the U.A.E and many lessons may be learned for future Agile adoption.
IJCSMC, 2022
Scrum is one of the most popular and widely practiced agile software development methodologies. Scrum team consists of a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and developers. While using Scrum, several factors have been reported in the existing studies to improve or lower the performance of a Scrum team such as managing the priority of the product backlog items, role of an efficient product owner, cost and time to perform integration tests, accurate estimation of story points and code quality. This paper aims to determine critical factors those impact the most over the performance of the Scrum teams using a survey and systematic literature review. Furtherly, a model is proposed presenting the impact of critical factors to enhance the performance of Scrum teams to increase efficiency and work perfection, organizing and managing product backlogs, clarity in goals, execution of sprints in an estimated duration and increase productivity of product owner. The identified critical factors are validated using a survey and the results are found encouraging.
This paper deals with the Scrum methodology as an alternative to pedagogical practices and managing of the software projects, presenting an investigation with the students of scientific initiation of an university from the Brazil's northeast. It was seeking to analyze the accomplishment of the students with the Scrum practices, as well the percepetion of the learning of the methodology, showing the positive aspects and the negative ones through this experience. As a conclusion, the Scrum methodology is indicated to manage projects even when the team has limited or none experience promoting the learning, adding value and satisfaction to the student.
The agile methods, such as Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP), have been a topic of much discussion in the software community over the last few years. While these have gained importance in the industry because of their approach on the issues of human agility and return on investment, usually within a context of small-tomedium size projects with significant requirements volatility, the ones who do not support these methods have expressed serious concerns about the effectiveness of the methods. Scrum attempts to build the work in short iterations where each iteration consists of short time boxes. This paper reviews several papers on Scrum, its framework including its artifacts and the ceremonies which are involved. This paper gives an insight of the Scrum Methodology to any beginner. Keywords: Agile methods, methodology, Scrum, software process, Sprint, Backlog, Artifacts
IJRET, 2013
Developing flexible, robust and scalable application is the purpose. Current IT industry is growing in the fast pace and have to survive in the competitive world by providing quality and time to market software. In order to sustain in the competitive world, requirement changes very frequently Agile methodologies today provide mechanism to handle growing expectations of customers with sufficient nimbleness to respond to changing market needs. Software development companies with its focus on innovation and value-centricity has adopted and matured its software development and maintenance methodology around agile development techniques, namely, Extreme Programming, Feature driven development and SCRUM. The purpose of this paper is to briefly introduce best suitable agile process like Scrum and Extreme Programming for different kinds of projects depending the attributes
Scrum method is an agile management method approach toward software development as it progresses incrementally and repetitively. The scrum method involves constant evaluation and revaluation of the progression of the project, to insure it is completed on time, while meeting the specific needs as directed by the product owner. Scrum unique to other agile methods in that it provides an empirical chart to track a product's progression through all stages of its development. This paper includes methods in agile testing, Traditional methods in project management. After this Why to use Scrum and Scrum Framework discussed in detail. Brief description of Tools and Techniques of Scrum is given and last advantages and disadvantages of Scrum are explained. Suvarna Shinde | Pratibha Adkar"A modern review on scrum: Advance project management method" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-4 , June 2018, URL:
Springer Nature, 2020
Scrum provides many benefits to organizations requiring a project management framework for complex adaptive problems. Some of these benefits include improved teamwork, improved time to market, and a noticeable decrease in software defects. The primary objective of this paper is to test nineteen research hypotheses that require a quantitative analysis of the Scrum framework. In order to test these hypotheses, the findings of a survey questionnaire was used to gather response data from Scrum practitioners on their perceptions of factors affecting Scrum adoption. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha analysis confirmed the validity and reliability of the measuring instrument. Following these analyses, a correlation matrix was used to test the relationship strength among the different factors. The Spearman correlation analysis revealed statistically significant correlations. Multiple linear regression statistical models were developed to examine the existence of factors and constructs impacting Scrum adoption. Our findings indicate that four of the nineteen hypotheses are statistically significant. The factors Change Resistance, Sprint Management, Relative Advantage, and Complexity are shown to have a significant linear relationship to Scrum as perceived by Scrum Practitioners working within South African organizations. Future research could incorporate a larger population sample to improve the generalizability of the findings.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2015
To maximize the performance, companies conduct a variety of ways to increase the business profit. The work management between one company and the other company is different, so the differences in the management may cause the software to have a different business process. Software development can be defined as creating a new software or fixing the existing one. Technology developments led to increasing demand for software, Industrial Technology (IT) Companies should be able to project well maintenance. The methodology in software development is used in accordance with the company's needs based on the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle). Scrum method is a part of the Agile method that is expected to increase the speed and flexibility in software development project management.
Many organizations today are adopting Scrum, an Agile methodology for handling complex software project. Despite all the benefits, there are still issues and challenges in adapting to Agile and some refusals to move from traditional method. This research aims to assess the perception of effectiveness of implementation of Scrum and identify the challenges after adopting Scrum in an information technology (IT) department of company X, a multinational manufacturing company in Malaysia. The findings of this study revealed that after one year of adopting Scrum, the perceptions from the staff is there is no significant improvement made. Five challenges were identified: team members unaware of each other's tasks, difficulty in handling daily task priorities, no work synchronization among management and delivery team, too many tasks at the middle of sprints and poor attendance during daily stand up meeting. An enhanced Scrum framework that uses Scrum and Kanban is proposed to address the identified challenges. The insights gained from this research hope to provide practitioners with useful reference for adopting scrum.
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