Sentiment dynamics in social media news channels

2018, Online Social Networks and Media

Social media is currently one of the most important means of news communication. Since people are consuming a large fraction of their daily news through social media, all the traditional news channels are using social media to catch the attention of users. Each news channel has its own strategy to attract more users. In this paper, we analyze how the news channels use sentiment to garner users' attention in social media. We compare the sentiment of news posts generated by television, radio and print media, to show the di erences in the news covered by these channels. We also analyze users' reactions and sentiment of users' opinions on news posts with di erent sentiments. We do our analysis on the dataset extracted from the Facebook Pages of ve popular news channels. Our dataset contains 0.15 million news posts and 1.13 billion users reactions. Our result shows that sentiment of the user opinion strongly correlates with the sentiment of news posts and the type of information source. Our study also illustrates the di erences between the social media news channels of di erent types of news sources.