Case histories of controlled‐source audio‐frequency surveys

1988, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 1988


Sulfide systems can be identified in controlled source audio-frequency magnetoteLhuic (CSAMT) surveys by steep to vertically bounded zones of low apparent resistivity (pa) that pmvkle deftitive horizontal resolution of the lateral extent of the suhides. The method proved most effective iflow cost, preliminary self-potential (SP) surveys were used to defme the centers of the sulfide svstems orior to the CSAMT surveys. The technique can L&O be u&d to I&Y the electrical stratigraphy, and dips 260' have been traced. The ability to map subsurface StNCtUrC and stratigraphy also has applications in oil exploration, engineering, and hydrology. introduction Cony, C. E., Emer, D. F., and Zonge, K. L., 1987, Controlled source audiio-frequency magnetotelluric surveys of porphyry sulfide deposits and prospects in the Cordillera of the United States: