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Electronic voting provides accuracy and efficiency to the electoral processes. World democracies would benefit from a secure e-voting system not only to improve voter participation and trust but also to prevent electoral fraud. However, current e-voting systems are complex and have security weaknesses. In this paper, we describe a secure e-voting system for national and local elections. This system satisfies the important requirements of an e-voting system through state-of-the-art technologies and secure processes. The system relies on homomorphic cryptography, zero-knowledge proofs, biometrics, smartcards, open source software, and secure computers for securely and efficiently implementing the system processes over the various stages of electoral process. Furthermore, we describe the pilot implementations of this system that test the main technologies and processes used. We explain how the used technologies and processes achieve the system requirement. In conclusion, we recommend adopting this system for its security, flexibility, economic, and scalability features.
—Homomorphic Cryptography raised as a new solution used in electronic voting systems. In this research, Fully Homomorphic encryption used to design and implement an e-voting system. The purpose of the study is to examine the applicability of Fully Homomorphic encryption in real systems and to evaluate the performance of fully homomorphic encryption in e-voting systems. Most of homomorphic cryptography e-voting systems based on additive or multiplicative homomorphic encryption. In this research, fully homomorphic encryption used to provide both operations additive and multiplication, which ease the demonstration of none interactive zero-knowledge proof NIZKP. The proposed e-voting system achieved most of the important security issues of the internet-voting systems such as eligibility, privacy, accuracy, verifiability, fairness, and others. One of the most important properties of the implemented internet voting system its applicability to work on cloud infrastructure, while preserving its security characteristics. The implementation is done using homomorphic encryption library HELib. Addition and multiplication properties of fully homomorphic encryption were used to verify the correctness of vote structure as a NIZKP, and for calculating the results of the voting process in an encrypted way. The results show that the implemented internet voting system is secure and applicable for a large number of voters up to 10 million voters.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2022
A protected e-voting system using Blockchain technology is proposed in this paper. It is using homomorphic encryption casting a vote electronically. It is represented that in spite of the fact that blend-based casting a ballot is an extremely straightforward answer for special e-casting a ballot it is helpless against an intimidation threat from politically contesting individuals. The intimidation assault particularly goes after special e-casting a ballot plot just results the political decision result and uncovers no vote, so is safe to the assault. Homomorphic encryption calculation is taken advantage of not just to count the votes without uncovering them yet in addition to change the votes when another round of counting is required. Additionally, it accomplishes all the security properties normally wanted in e-casting a ballot. Since Blockchain technology is used to store the votes any sign of tampering will be easily detected with the discrepancy of the time signatures and the hash values. The proposed will enable the citizen or a voter entity to vote from the confines of their home thereby negating their travel expenses which would otherwise be too extreme if the voter entity resided in a place where there is no adequate infrastructure to support traditional voting schemes. The voter entity can first verify their identity and receive an OTP which then enable them to cast a vote online in a dedicated web application.
AnKa Publisher, 2022
India conducts both state and federal elections using paperless electronic voting machines. Indian authorities have never allowed a meaningful, independent investigation of the security of the devices despite mounting fears of fraud. Blockchain is a technology that has gained a lot of attention recently because it uses an immutable distributed ledger to offer security and anonymity. In applications where trust is of the utmost significance, Blockchain is extensively used because of its reliable consensus mechanism and tamper-proof data storage. By combining all of the individually encrypted votes into one encrypted tally using the homomorphic property, you may obtain the separated-out tallies without compromising the privacy of individual votes. Homomorphic encryption methods are employed to work on the encrypted data without the knowledge of private key. If database data is lost, it may still be possible to recover it from the blockchain cloud. Data that has been encrypted can be operated on without having to first decrypt it. Data may be transferred and stored securely in cloud systems using Blockchain and Homomorphic mechanisms. In this paper we have expla ined the design, implementation and working of a dependable and trustworthy electronic voting application.
Internet polling also known as “e-voting” became popular in past few years, since it reduces the tallying cost and time, increases the number of voter participation, also reduces the human resources and the traditional work that means less fraud and corruption. In this paper, a remote e-Voting system is designed and implemented using homomorphic encryption. The homomorphic property in ElGamal cryptosystem are exploited to achieve two important voting requirements: first, the security of device used for electronic voting by voter. Second, the voter has the ability to choice willfully and uncoercionly. The general voting system requirements such as eligibility, privacy, accuracy, fairness, Receipt-freeness, coercion resistance, mobility, simplicity, individual verifiability, scalability and availability are also achieved in the system.
The aim of this research is to enhance homomorphic encryption for an electronic voting system using hybrid cryptographic system. Two cryptographic algorithms such as Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) were combined in developing the hybrid system which was applied to an electronic voting system. Due to the security threats over the internet, there is a need to protect confidential information against malicious attacks during the process of data transmission and cloud storage. However, in order to address these security challenges, different cryptographic schemes have been proposed over the years which has in a great deal alleviated these security threats but, have also proven to be unreliable with an untrusted communicating party. The idea of homomorphic encryption has therefore been adopted to proffer immense solution the issues of data confidentiality, privacy and authenticity during the process of transmission and storage. To achieve this, a hybrid system was developed to enhance homomorphic encryption for an electronic voting system, where the combination of two standard cryptographic schemes (RSA and AES) was used to encrypt and compute on data homomorphically thus, ensuring data confidentiality, privacy and authenticity in the cloud. In the electronic voting system, votes cast were strongly encrypted, tallied and computed upon using homomorphic encryption and the result was stored in the cloud, in which the encrypted votes and the computed result were only decrypted by the authorized users (electoral officers) after retransmission, where the deciphered result tallied with the product of the total votes cast for each of the candidates as displayed on the interface, which represents the plaintext input as also shown in the hybrid system therefore, addressing the major problems of votes confidentiality, privacy and result authenticity in an electronic voting system. A Scripting Language, PHP and an Object-Oriented Programming Language Python, were used in the development of this system to make it more robust and to effectively optimize security.
Currently voting process throughout the world is done using Electronic Voting Machines. Though this system is widely followed, there are many drawbacks of the system. People have to travel to their assigned poll booth stations, wait in long queues to cast their vote, face unnecessary problems and so on. It becomes difficult for working profession people or elderly/ sick people to cast their vote due to this system. This calls for a change in system which can be done if voting processes in conducted online. Few developed countries are trying to implement online voting system on small scale and have been successful in doing so. We propose a system which overcomes limitations of existing online system which uses bio-metric technologies and instead use One Time Password system which is more secure and accurate. As a result, the aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to spot the set of generic constitutional requirements, which should be met when designing an e-voting system for general elections? This set will cause the precise (design) principles of a legally acceptable e-voting system. Secondly to spot , using the Rational Unified Process, the wants of an adequately secure evoting system. These Requirements system from the design principles identified previously. The paper concludes that an e-voting capability should, for the nonce , be considered only as a complementary means to the normal election processes. This is mainly thanks to the digital divide, to the inherent distrust within the e-voting procedure, also on the inadequacy of the prevailing technological means to satisfy certain requirements.
Electronic voting refers to the using of computers or computerized voting equipments to cast ballots in the election. The e-voting has been developed for more than 20 years. In the electronic voting, there are three stages: the registration stage, the voting stage, and the tally stage. Verifiable cryptographic voting systems use encryption technology to secure electorate's votes and to avoid coerce them to vote for any particular candidate or to buy their votes, and any another threats. This research aims to obtain an electronic voting system could be used easily in the third world countries. In this research ten of existing cryptography verifiable voting systems have been studied, and especially focused on End-to-End verifiable voting systems, which is considered as the newest class of voting systems. In addition this paper took a system from another type of verifiable voting systems for a comparison purpose. The comparison between these systems has done according to a set of public evaluation contexts that is followed in any voting system such as: properties, cryptographic building block, ballot format, and models. This paper discusses seven of E2E voting systems, which are closer to deal with in the developing communities in order to modify any one of those systems for using in third world countries. This study concludes that most of the modern voting systems currently in place are not usable in the third world countries (despite the many positive achievements in many aspects) but can be adjusted to fit with these countries. In the future, the most appropriate E2E voting system will be chosen among systems which are mentioned in this study to be adjusted in order to fit in the third world countries.
There are several issues should be addressed and taken into consideration prior to initiating the e-voting system. The proposed system in this paper will ensure the integrity and the transparency of the electoral process. The paper will also focus on what's really needed to design a robust, secure and scalable electronic voting system that ensures accuracy, neutrality, transparency, simplicity, flexibility, Sustainability, and security of the information. With respect to accuracy, the system must be safe and secure in the face of numerous threats. In order to safeguard the neutrality of voter registration process, the system should not favour a particular party or group. Looking at the risks and benefit associated with transparency, the process must be clear in terms of counting the electronic votes, taking the political and legal setting into account. For simplicity, the process must be easy to understand for citizens and elected politicians. The simplicity allows for extreme flexibility in adapting to disabled and illiterate voters as well. All the above mentioned points will be addressed in the proposed contribution.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2020
In the whole world the advanced security procedures are necessary to present convincing online based casting a ballot (e-voting). Trust in the voting process is therefore an important element to any voting system. Voting over the internet is not secure enough to be trusted for government elections. Choices integrated on the paper exhaust many advantages and add to the confusion of backwoods, which causes atmosphere weakening. Then web based casting a ballot come up in countries like the US, India and Brazil showed that further examination is needed to enhance the security assures for future race, to provide the characterization of votes and enable the affirmation of their reliability and legitimacy. Here, proposed the homomorphic encryption based e-voting for casting a vote, which locate these challenges. It removes every single limitation on the possible assignments of centers to different competitors as per the voters' individual inclinations. In order to ensure the security of the votes, each cast vote is encrypt utilizing the paillier cryptosystem before counting of votes. Moreover, amid casting a ballot the framework guarantees that proofs are created and put away for every component in the cast ballot. These confirmations would then be able to be utilize to affirm the rightness and the qualification of each ballot prior to checking without unscrambling and getting to the substance of the tally. This approves the votes in the verification procedure also, in the meantime looks after classification. To enhance the security of our system we utilized OTP (SMS gateway) for login. The security and execution assessments added together show that our system has achieves critical enhancements in examination with the existing system.
We describe the theory behind a practical voting scheme based on homomorphic encryption. We give an example of an ElGamal-style encryption scheme, which can be used as the underlying cryptosystem. Then, we present efficient honest verifier zero-knowledge proofs that make the messages in the voting scheme shorter and easier to compute and verify, for voters as well as authorities, than in currently known schemes. Finally, we discuss various issues connected with the security of a practical implementation of the scheme for on-line voting. Notably, this includes minimizing risks that are beyond what can be handled with cryptography, such as attacks that try to substitute the software running on client machines.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2019
Propelled security procedures are essential to present convincing online based casting a ballot (e-casting a ballot) in the entire world. Choices coordinated on paper devour lot of advantages and add to the devastation of backwoods, which prompts atmosphere weakening. Later web-based casting a ballot encounters in nations such as the United States, India and Brazil showed that further explore is expected to improve security ensures for future races, to ensure the characterization of votes and enable the affirmation of their reliability and legitimacy. In our work, homomorphic encryption-based e-voting for casting a vote is proposed, which addresses these challenges. It discards every single limitation on the possible assignments of centers to different competitors as per the voters' individual inclinations. In order to assure the security of the votes, each cast vote is encrypt utilizing the paillier cryptosystem before accommodation. Moreover, amid casting a ballot the framework guarantees that proofs are created and put away for every component in the cast ballot. These confirmations would then be able to be used to confirm the rightness and the qualification of each ballot prior to checking without unscrambling and getting to the substance of the tally. This approves the votes in the verification procedure also, in the meantime looks after classification. The security and execution assessments joined show that our system has accomplished critical enhancements in examination with the past frameworks.
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2018
The use of cryptography in the e-voting system to secure data is a must to ensure the authenticity of the data. In contrast to common encryption algorithms, homomorphic encryption algorithms had unique properties that can perform mathematical operations against ciphertext. This paper proposed the use of the Paillier and Okamoto-Uchiyama algorithms as two homomorphic encryption algorithms that have the additional properties so that it can calculate the results of voting data that has been encrypted without having to be decrypted first. The main purpose is to avoid manipulation and data falsification during vote tallying process by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm.
This paper explores the critical role of cryptographic protocols in strengthening the integrity of electronic voting systems, thereby preserving and reinforcing democratic ideals. It delves into advancements in homomorphic encryption, post-quantum cryptography, and zeroknowledge proofs, which are fundamental to ensuring the security and privacy of online voting systems. The study also investigates robust auditing processes, including using blockchain technology for transparency and risk-limiting audits. Furthermore, it advocates for stricter regulations for private companies involved in electronic voting and emphasizes the importance of user-friendly cryptographic interfaces and educational initiatives. The research integrates human factors research and addresses legal and ethical considerations of online voting cryptographic protocols. The findings underscore the need for a multi-faceted approach to realize secure, reliable, and user-friendly online voting systems.
Journal of internet services and information security, 2024
The advancement of blockchain technology introduces the new concept of electronic voting systems (e-voting) that are fully anonymous, transparent, trustless, and decentralized. The limitation of blockchain-based e-voting systems is the need for initial setup to verify and validate eligible voters. This initial setup requires human intervention, which curbs the full potential and exploitation of blockchain technology. Identity authentication is crucial in voting systems to ensure the eligibility of the voters and the validity of the results. This paper proposes a hybrid approach using ZK-SNARK for identity authentication systems in blockchain-based e-voting. The proposed hybrid approach aims to maintain the benefit of blockchain technology while guaranteeing the eligibility of voters. Both on-chain and off-chain identity authentication modules are designed and developed to balance the trade-off of centralized and decentralized nature for the blockchain-based e-voting systems. The affordability of the proposed system is essential in justifying the approach's feasibility and usability. Voting systems are expected to host thousands to millions of voters, and the cost is one major consideration. The proposed system is deployed in the Ethereum blockchain network, including its sidechain and Layer 2, i.e., Avalanche, Arbitrum One, and Polygon. The gas fee required for the smart contract deployment in Ethereum is USD12.5, while the lowest gas fee is in the Polygon blockchain network for USD0.02.
Bern University of Applied Sciences …, 2008
There is an emerging demand on using the Internet for performing elections, votes, or polls. This paper provides an overview on recent e-voting technologies needed to carry out remote voting via the Internet. The survey starts with listing the most stringent security requirements for such systems. To satisfy these requirements, e-voting protocols involve several strong cryptographic primitives. This paper gives an overview of approaches based on blind signatures, anonymous channels, and homomorphic encryption. It also gives some references to formal verification techniques, which can be used to prove the correctness of a given e-voting protocol, and to risk analysis techniques, which can be applied to a given e-voting system to evaluate the risk of a successful attack. The survey concludes by mentioning the Swiss perspective on e-voting.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2016
A manual voting system can be time consuming and cumbersome and takes a lot of time. With the rapid development of Information Technology an E voting system tends to overcome all these limitations. E voting is fast and helps us to cast our vote from any location. One of the main concern of then E-Voting System is security. In this paper we propose an E-Voting System using Paillier Homomorphic Encryption Scheme which is used to provide security to the voting system and in turn help us to manipulate and transfer data in encrypted form making it impenetrable. Here We use the Paillier Encryption Homomorphic property that allows us to add the votes in encrypted form. The online voting is more reliable than the traditional system and is able to save to save the time
Electronic voting (EV) refers to the use of computers or computerized voting equipments to castballots in an election EV has been in development for more than 20 years, during which it has produced outstanding results both in theory and in practice. This paper presents a new secure preferential e-voting scheme. In this paper we will present an e-voting scheme that covers most of the e-voting requirements were implemented to guarantee voter’s privacy and authentication. A prototype implementation of EV protocol over the Internet which fulfils some electronic voting system requirements such as efficiency, transparency and mobility has been presented.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019
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International Journal of Security and Its Applications
Cryptography as we know it, is among the most discussed topics in the security world. Any transaction, financial or social, any data, corporate or private is not secure in an environment such as the cloud, where everything is connected to everything. The only way to save anything or to make a transaction securely is to make it meaningless to the rest of the world. It can be made meaningless when converted to some other form and this some other form can only be obtained through encryption. In this paper we discuss various techniques of homomorphic encryption applied on cloud computing and the need of security over the cloud by citing relevant statistics. We then propose and implement a secure E-voting system using the paillier encryption scheme. The main goal of this research is to design a secure voting system using the internet platform to communicate between the voting system and voters.
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