(2 + 1)-Maxwell Equations in Split Quaternions

2022, Physics


The properties of spinors and vectors in (2 + 2) space of split quaternions are studied. Quaternionic representation of rotations naturally separates two SO(2,1) subgroups of the full group of symmetry of the norms of split quaternions, SO(2,2). One of them represents symmetries of three-dimensional Minkowski space-time. Then, the second SO(2,1) subgroup, generated by the additional time-like coordinate from the basis of split quaternions, can be viewed as the internal symmetry of the model. It is shown that the analyticity condition, applying to the invariant construction of split quaternions, is equivalent to some system of differential equations for quaternionic spinors and vectors. Assuming that the derivatives by extra time-like coordinate generate triality (supersymmetric) rotations, the analyticity equation is reduced to the exact Dirac–Maxwell system in three-dimensional Minkowski space-time.