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2022, Physics
35 pages
1 file
The properties of spinors and vectors in (2 + 2) space of split quaternions are studied. Quaternionic representation of rotations naturally separates two SO(2,1) subgroups of the full group of symmetry of the norms of split quaternions, SO(2,2). One of them represents symmetries of three-dimensional Minkowski space-time. Then, the second SO(2,1) subgroup, generated by the additional time-like coordinate from the basis of split quaternions, can be viewed as the internal symmetry of the model. It is shown that the analyticity condition, applying to the invariant construction of split quaternions, is equivalent to some system of differential equations for quaternionic spinors and vectors. Assuming that the derivatives by extra time-like coordinate generate triality (supersymmetric) rotations, the analyticity equation is reduced to the exact Dirac–Maxwell system in three-dimensional Minkowski space-time.
The European Physical Journal C, 2014
It is well known that quaternions represent rotations in 3D Euclidean and Minkowski spaces. However, the product by a quaternion gives rotation in two independent planes at once and to obtain single-plane rotations one has to apply half-angle quaternions twice from the left and on the right (with inverse). This 'double-cover' property is a potential problem in the geometrical application of split quaternions, since the (2+2)-signature of their norms should not be changed for each product. If split quaternions form a proper algebraic structure for microphysics, the representation of boosts in (2+1)-space leads to the interpretation of the scalar part of quaternions as the wavelengths of particles. The invariance of space-time intervals and some quantum behaviors, like noncommutativity and the fundamental spinor representation, probably also are algebraic properties. In our approach the Dirac equation represents the Cauchy-Riemann analyticity condition and two fundamental physical parameters (the speed of light and Planck's constant) emerge from the requirement of positive definiteness of the quaternionic norms.
Universe, 2019
By using complex quaternion, which is the system of quaternion representation extended to complex numbers, we show that the laws of electromagnetism can be expressed much more simply and concisely. We also derive the quaternion representation of rotations and boosts from the spinor representation of Lorentz group. It is suggested that the imaginary “i” should be attached to the spatial coordinates, and observe that the complex conjugate of quaternion representation is exactly equal to parity inversion of all physical quantities in the quaternion. We also show that using quaternion is directly linked to the two-spinor formalism. Finally, we discuss meanings of quaternion, octonion and sedenion in physics as n-fold rotation.
Progress in Physics, no. 2, april 2010, 2010
Mathematics, 2024
We present an analysis of the Dirac equation when the spin symmetry is changed from SU(2) to the quaternion group, Q 8 , achieved by multiplying one of the gamma matrices by the imaginary number, i. The reason for doing this is to introduce a bivector into the spin algebra, which complexifies the Dirac field. It then separates into two distinct and complementary spaces: one describing polarization and the other coherence. The former describes a 2D structured spin, and the latter its helicity, generated by a unit quaternion.
Trends in Mathematics, 2013
The present paper is aimed at proving necessary and sufficient conditions on the quaternionic-valued coefficients of a first-order linear operator to be associated to the generalized Cauchy-Riemann operator in quarternionic analysis and explicitly we give the description of all its nontrivial first-order symmetries.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1982
The construction of a class of associative composition algebras qn on R 4 generalizing the wellknown quaternions Q provides an explicit representation of the universal enveloping algebra of the real three-dimensional Lie algebras having tracefree adjoint representations (class A Bianchi type Lie algebras). The identity components of the four-dimensional Lie groups GL(qn,l) Cqn (general linear group in one generalized quaternion dimension) which are generated by the Lie algebra of this class of quaternion algebras are diffeomorphic to the manifolds of spacetime homogeneous and spatially homogeneous spacetimes having simply transitive homogeneity isometry groups with tracefree Lie algebra adjoint representations. In almost all cases the complete group ofisometries of such a spacetime is isomorphic to a subgroup of the group ofleft and right translations and automorphisms of the appropriate generalized quaternion algebra. Similar results hold for the single class B Lie algebra of Bianchi type V, characterized by its "pure trace" adjoint representation.
In this study, we develop the generalized Dirac like four-momentum equation for rotating spin-half particles in four-dimensional quaternionic division algebra. The generalized quaternionic Dirac equation consist the rotational energy and angular momentum of particle and anti-particle. Accordingly, we also discuss the quaternionic relativistic mass, moment of inertia and rotational energy-momentum four vector in Euclidean space-time. The quaternionic four angular momentum (i.e. the rotational analogy of four linear momentum) predicts the dual energy (rest mass energy and pure rotational energy) and dual momentum (linear like momentum and pure rotational momentum). Further, the solutions of quaternionic rotational Dirac energy-momentum are obtained by using one, two and four-component spinor forms of quaternionic wave function. We also demonstrate the solutions of quaternionic plane wave equation which analysis the rotational frequency and wave propagation vector of Dirac particles an...
Symmetry, 2022
There are a total of 64 possible multiplication rules that can be defined starting with the generalized imaginary units first introduced by Hamilton. Of these sixty-four choices, only eight lead to non-commutative division algebras: two are associated to the left- and right-chirality quaternions, and the other six are generalizations of the split-quaternion concept first introduced by Cockle. We show that the 4×4 matrix representations of both the left- and right-chirality versions of the generalized split-quaternions are algebraically isomorphic and can be related to each other by 4×4 permutation matrices of the C2×C2 group. As examples of applications of the generalized quaternion concept, we first show that the left- and right-chirality quaternions can be used to describe Lorentz transformations with a constant velocity in an arbitrary spatial direction. Then, it is shown how each of the generalized split-quaternion algebras can be used to solve the problem of quantum-mechanical ...
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
In this study, we develop the generalized Dirac-like four-momentum equation for rotating spin-1/2 particles in four-dimensional quaternionic algebra. The generalized quaternionic Dirac equation consists of the rotational energy and angular momentum of particle and antiparticle. Accordingly, we also discuss the four-vector form of quaternionic relativistic mass, moment of inertia and rotational energy-momentum in Euclidean space-time. The quaternionic four-angular momentum, (i.e. the rotational analogy of four-linear momentum) predicts the dual energy (rest mass energy and pure rotational energy) and dual momentum (linear-like momentum and pure rotational momentum). Further, the solutions of quaternionic rotational Dirac energy-momentum are obtained by using one-, two- and four-component of quaternionic spinor. We also demonstrate the solutions of quaternionic plane wave equation which gives the rotational frequency and wave propagation vector of Dirac particles and antiparticles in ...
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2021
In this article we construct and discuss several aspects of the two-component spinorial formalism for six-dimensional spacetimes, in which chiral spinors are represented by objects with two quaternionic components and the spin group is identified with SL(2; H), which is a double covering for the Lorentz group in six dimensions. We present the fundamental representations of this group and show how vectors, bivectors, and 3-vectors are represented in such spinorial formalism. We also complexify the spacetime, so that other signatures can be tackled. We argue that, in general, objects built from the tensor products of the fundamental representations of SL(2; H) do not carry a representation of the group, due to the non-commutativity of the quaternions. The Lie algebra of the spin group is obtained and its connection with the Lie algebra of SO(5, 1) is presented, providing a physical interpretation for the elements of SL(2; H). Finally, we present a bridge between this quaternionic spinorial formalism for six-dimensional spacetimes and the four-component spinorial formalism over the complex field that comes from the fact that the spin group in six-dimensional Euclidean spaces is given by SU (4).
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Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2013
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2006
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003
arXiv: Algebraic Topology, 2019