On Not Explaining Late Degas

1997, Art History


What is missing from the reflections on illusion and painterly artifice is any concerted attempt to analyse the technical nature of Boilly's art. In this respect, it would have been interesting to see what kind of a match could be made between critical ideas and language on finish and its relation to genre in Boilly's work. In general, however, it should be said that Siegfried uses criticism extensively, and in a careful and critical manner. Yet, given the distinctive character of Boilly's painting, it would have been appropriate to define what technical means it relies on, how far these change, and the extent to which there are enduring continuities in his painterly practice. Finally, a word on the production of the book. Firstly, my copy had started to disintegrate before I was halfway through it. Secondly, the notes seemed innocent of proof-reading, and were jammed together three columns to a page. Thirdly, there was no bibliography; in a book produced by a major university press, this is unforgivable. Could not a few of the costly colour plates have been sacrificed to subsidize a bibliography and more `user-friendly' notes?