The impact of research results on art education

2021, Revista de Didáctica Práctica


Music teaching today represents a greater effort compared to previous eras. Before, quality and rigor, combined with ideas, resources, techniques and emotions were shared, inside or outside of the school environment. Currently, the same process is accelerated: the considerable number of research in, about and in favor of art, joined with technological impact, and the existence of social networks, activates informational exchange, and causes contrasts that require higher creativity from the teacher in order to offer tools for the student to qualify the cumulus of information at their grasp. This is made possible by integrating teaching with research, a popular theme in education-related events; which constitutes the objective of this work: to popularize alternatives for the achievement of the possibilities the research process offers in music teaching. The analytic-sinthetical metod, the life history method, documental analysis method and interview were combined from a qualitative st...