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2017, International Journal of Modern Physics D
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Recently [Formula: see text]-dimensional spherically symmetric charged Vaidya black hole solution has been constructed. We observe that this nonstationary solution admits extremal limit and study its near horizon geometry. We show that the symmetry of the near horizon geometry is [Formula: see text]. Our analysis shows that the theorems for the near horizon geometry of stationary extremal black holes, may be extended to nonstationary cases.
We prove that non-extremal black holes in four-dimensional general relativity exhibit an infinite-dimensional symmetry in their near horizon region. By prescribing a physically sensible set of boundary conditions at the horizon, we derive the algebra of asymptotic Killing vectors, which is shown to be infinite-dimensional and includes, in particular, two sets of supertranslations and two mutually commuting copies of the Virasoro algebra. We define the surface charges associated to the asymptotic diffeomorphisms that preserve the boundary conditions and discuss the subtleties of this definition, such as the integrability conditions and the correct definition of the Dirac brackets. When evaluated on the stationary solutions, the only non-vanishing charges are the zero-modes. One of them reproduces the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of Kerr black holes. We also study the extremal limit, recovering the NHEK geometry. In this singular case, where the algebra of charges and the integrability ...
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014
With reference to the effective three-dimensional description of stationary, single center solutions to (ungauged) symmetric supergravities, we complete a previous analysis on the definition of a general geometrical mechanism for connecting global symmetry orbits (duality orbits) of non-extremal solutions to those of extremal black holes. We focus our attention on a generic representative of these orbits, providing its explicit description in terms of D = 4 fields. As a byproduct, using a new characterization of the angular momentum in terms of quantities intrinsic to the geometry of the D = 3 effective model, we are able to prove on general grounds its invariance, as a function of the boundary data, under the D = 4 global symmetry. In the extremal under-rotating limit it becomes moduli-independent. We also discuss the issue of the fifth parameter characterizing the four-dimensional seed solution, showing that it can be generated by a transformation in the global symmetry group which is manifest in the D = 3 effective description.
Physical Review D, 1997
Nonextreme black hole in a cavity can achieve the extreme state with a zero surface gravity at a finite temperature on a boundary, the proper distance between the boundary and the horizon being finite. The classical geometry in this state is found explicitly for four-dimensional spherically-symmetrical and 2 + 1 rotating holes. In the first case the limiting geometry depends only on one scale factor and the whole Euclidean manifold is described by the Bertotti-Robinson spacetime. The general structure of a metric in the limit under consideration is also found with quantum corrections taken into account. Its angular part represents a two-sphere of a constant radius. In all cases the Lorentzian counterparts of the metrics are free from singularities.
Physics Letters B, 2015
We construct the NHEG phase space, the classical phase space of Near-Horizon Extremal Geometries with fixed angular momenta and entropy, and with the largest symmetry algebra. We focus on vacuum solutions to d dimensional Einstein gravity. Each element in the phase space is a geometry with SL(2, R) × U (1) d-3 isometries which has vanishing SL(2, R) and constant U (1) charges. We construct an on-shell vanishing symplectic structure, which leads to an infinite set of symplectic symmetries. In four spacetime dimensions, the phase space is unique and the symmetry algebra consists of the familiar Virasoro algebra, while in d > 4 dimensions the symmetry algebra, the NHEG algebra, contains infinitely many Virasoro subalgebras. The nontrivial central term of the algebra is proportional to the black hole entropy. The conserved charges are given by the Fourier decomposition of a Liouville-type stress-tensor which depends upon a single periodic function of d -3 angular variables associated with the U (1) isometries. This phase space and in particular its symmetries can serve as a basis for a semiclassical description of extremal rotating black hole microstates.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012
We present a new formulation of deriving Hawking temperature for near-extremal black holes using distributions. In this paper the nearextremal Reissner-Nordström and Kerr black holes are discussed. It is shown that the extremal solution as a limit of non-extremal metric is well-defined. The pure extremal case is also discussed separately.
Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2014
General Relativity and Gravitation, 2013
We consider the minimally coupled Klein-Gordon equation for a charged, massive scalar field in the non-extremal Reissner-Nordström background. Performing a frequency domain analysis, using a continued fraction method, we compute the frequencies ω for quasi-bound states. We observe that, as the extremal limit for both the background and the field is approached, the real part of the quasi-bound states frequencies R(ω) tends to the mass of the field and the imaginary part I(ω) tends to zero, for any angular momentum quantum number . The limiting frequencies in this double extremal limit are shown to correspond to a distribution of extremal scalar particles, at stationary positions, in no-force equilibrium configurations with the background. Thus, generically, these stationary scalar configurations are regular at the event horizon. If, on the other hand, the distribution contains scalar particles at the horizon, the configuration becomes irregular therein, in agreement with no hair theorems for the corresponding Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system.
Physical Review D, 2022
We extend our previous work in which we derived the most general form of an induced metric describing the geometry of an axially symmetric extremal isolated horizon (EIH) in asymptotically flat spacetime. Here we generalize it to EIHs in asymptotically (anti-)de Sitter spacetime. The resulting metric conveniently forms a six-parameter family which, in addition to a cosmological constant Λ, depends on the area of the horizon, total electric and magnetic charges, and two deficit angles representing conical singularities at poles. Such a metric is consistent with results obtained in the context of near-horizon geometries. Moreover, we study extremal horizons of all black holes within the class of Plebański-Demiański exact (electro)vacuum spacetimes of the algebraic type D. In an important special case of nonaccelerating black holes, that is the famous Kerr-Newman-NUT-(A)dS metric, we were able to identify the corresponding extremal horizons, including their position and geometry, and find explicit relations between the physical parameters of the metric and the geometrical parameters of the EIHs.
Physical Review D, 2019
We analyze the structural and thermodynamic properties of D-dimensional (D ≥ 4), asymptotically flat or anti-de Sitter, electrically charged black hole solutions, resulting from the minimal coupling of general nonlinear electrodynamics to general relativity. This analysis deals with static spherically symmetric (elementary) configurations with spherical horizons. Our methods are based on the study of the behavior (in vacuum and on the boundary of their domain of definition) of the Lagrangian density functions characterizing the nonlinear electrodynamic models in flat spacetime. These functions are constrained by some admissibility conditions endorsing the physical consistency of the corresponding theories, which are classified in several families, some of them supporting elementary solutions in flat space that are nontopological solitons. This classification induces a similar one for the elementary black hole solutions of the associated gravitating nonlinear electrodynamics, whose geometrical structures are thoroughly explored. A consistent thermodynamic analysis can be developed for the subclass of families whose associated black hole solutions behave asymptotically as the Schwarzschild metric (in the absence of a cosmological term). In these cases we obtain the behavior of the main thermodynamic functions, as well as important finite relations among them. In particular, we find the general equation determining the set of extreme black holes for every model, and a general Smarr formula, valid for the set of elementary black hole solutions of such models. We also consider the one-parameter group of scale transformations, which are symmetries of the field equations of any nonlinear electrodynamics in flat spacetime. These symmetries are respected by the minimal coupling to gravitation and induce representations of the group in the spaces of solutions of the different models, characterized by their thermodynamic functions. Exploiting this fact we find the expression of the equation of state of the set of black hole solutions associated with any model. These results are generalized to asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions.
We report on recent advances in the study of critical points of the "black hole effective potential" V BH (usually named attractors) of N = 2, d = 4 supergravity coupled to n V Abelian vector multiplets, in an asymptotically flat extremal black hole background described by 2n V + 2 dyonic charges and (complex) scalar fields which are coordinates of an n V -dimensional Special Kähler manifold.
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