Extract and Analyze Data from PDF File and Web : A Review

Current survey done on today's scenario shows, result gadget declared by Universities(eg. Pune Uni.) for engineering is in PDF file format. The PDF data contents detail such as seat no, centre, permanent registration no.(PRN), Name, Subjects, Marks, etc. Presently PDF file is extracted in excel file format, this conversion is done in order to extract various reporting formats required by department/college/university at various level. Thus, it involves somewhat manual process. However, all these operation have certain limitations such as semi-automated process, no GUI present, SMS gateway is not support, E-mail gateway is not supported, and mainly graphical analysis of data is not available. On the basis of survey done, we came across existing applications which are semi-automated or automated with some restrictions which does not allow full automation of result analysis in proper format. Thus none of the applications supported the full automation. To overcome above said drawbac...