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Jember adalah sebuah kabupaten yang terletak di sebelah kiri jawa timur berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Lumajang, Samudera Hindia. Kabupaten Jember memiliki banyak kekayaan alam maupun buatan yang sangat berpotensi dijadikan DTW (Daerah Tujuan Wisata) bagi para wisatawan dalam maupun luar negeri. Kabupaten Jember juga memiliki sebuah desa centra produksi kerajinan tangan Handy Craft yang telah ditetapkan menjadi pilot project national sebagai desa produktif lantaran prestasi dan tidak adanya pengangguran di desa tersebut oleh Kementrian Tenaga Kerja Transmigrasi (Kemenakertrans). Dengan adanya penetapan tersebut maka hampir dapat dipastikan jika Desa Tutul akan mendapatkan kunjungan guna study banding dari desa-desa lain se-Indonesia. Otomatis masyarakat desa tutul bahkan Kabupaten Jember akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kunjungan tersebut. Dan ini pun dapat dikemas menjadi suatu paket wisata baru Kabupaten Jember dalam bidang Wisata Industri Handy Craft.
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I Made Yoga Dharma Yuda, 2022
Bundaran Taman Patung Bima Singaraja merupakan salah satu bundaran penting di kota Bandar Singaraj yang melayani arus lalu lintas dari berbagai arah, yaitu arus lalu lintas yang berasal dari Jl. Udaya dan Jl. Sudirman. Tingginya angka mobilitas penduduk menuju kota singaraj maka di perlukannya saran transportasi yang memadai salah satunya Bundaran Taman Patung Bima. Maka Dari itu Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan bundaran tersebut melalui perhitungan kapasitas dan drajat kejunahan. Hasil analisas Bundaran Taman Patung Bima yang arus lalu lintas jam puncaknya terjadi di di waktu siang yaitu pukul 09.00 – 10.00. Melihat dari hasil analisis data kondisi simpang saat ini didapat nilai derajat kejenuhan (DS) 0,64 pada bagian jalinan A-B, 0,77 pada bagian jalinan B-C dan 0,74 pada bagian jalinan C-A. Dari nilai drajat kejenuhan tersebut dapat dinyatakan bahwa kondisi arus lalulintas dalam bundaran ini stabil dikarenakan dalam persyaratan MKJI 1997 bahwa nilai DS
Group Project, 2019
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is a conservation area in East Java Province that has diverse tourism potential that is in demand by tourists. However, the development of tourism which is not always in line with the principles of conservation, raises a dilemma where on the one hand tourism can bring economic growth benefits, but on the other hand it can threaten the conservation activities of the national park area. This study aims to determine the implementation of sustainable tourism refers to the criteria of GSTC in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park followed by analyzing internal and external factors using the SWOT method to formulate priorities of alternative strategies through the Analytic Hierarchy Process method. The informan selection were purposive, snowball and quota sampling. Data was collected by observation, in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion. The research shows that the implementation of sustainable tourism criteria of GSTC ini Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park is not optimal. This is due to the fact that they are still in the development stage and the community does not fully understand the tourism potential they have. Based on the SWOT analysis results in weighting of IFAS and EFAS include S-O (4.41), S-T (3.76), W-O (3.44) and W-T (2.79). S-O obtained the highest weight value so that it can be continued into Analytic Hierarchy Process. The order of priority of SO strategy alternatives based on the Analythic Hierarchy Process method in the Focus Group Discussion that has been carried out is as follows: Maintain the unique potential of nature and culture (38.8%), develop innovation and tourist attractions (25.4%), create digital applications based on community tourism (16.9%), making creative advertisements in packaging and marketing tourism products (9.8%), and optimizing the use of social media in promoting tourism products (9.1%). Keywords : Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, sustainable tourism, SWOT analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process
Bogor (ANTARA News)-Tawuran antar pelajar kembali terjadi di wilayah Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat antara SMA Wiyata Karisma dengan SMK Mensin di Kecamatan Kemang hingga menewaskan satu orang. Kepala Kepolisian Sektor Kemang Kompol Pramono DA mengatakan peristiwa tawuran pelajar terjadi sekitar pukul 14.30 WIB di Jalan Raya Kemang, Rabu. "Korban meninggal dunia bernama Ade Sudrajat Al Ade usia 16 tahun status pelajar dari SMA Wiyata Karisma, beralamat di Kampung Tegal RT 01/RW 03 Kecamatan Kemang," ujar Kompol Ade. Kompol Ade menyebutkan, korban tewas akibat bacokan senjata tajam pada pelipis sebelah kanan. Saat ditemukan kondisi korban tersungkur dijalanan dengan celurit masih menempel di pelipis korban. "Korban saat ini sudah dibawa ke RS PMI untuk diotopsi demi keperluan penyelidikan," ujar Kapolsek. Adapun kronologi singkat tawuran terjadi saat pelajar SMA Wiyata Karisma yang berjumlah 15 orang dihadang di depan Gang Masjid Jampang oleh siswa SMK Mensin. Pertemuan antara dua sekolah tersebut akhirnya memicu terjadinya tawuran, hingga warga dibantu pihak keamanan berupaya membubarkan aksi para pelajar yang brutal dengan menggunakan senjata tajam,
Reswara, 2022
bentuk plagiarisme dan penyalahgunaan hak kekayaan intelektual akibat diterbitkannya paper pengabdian masyarakat ini sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab penulis.
Jurnal Lanskap Indonesia, 2018
Green open spaces can be potential habitats for birds in urban landscapes. Due to high number of land development, the green open spaces in urban landscapes tend to be small and scattered. Indeed, analysis about effectivity of green open spaces as bird habitats in Bogor City and its surroundings is needed. We investigated bird habitat patches on 14 locations in Bogor City and its surroundings. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of bird habitat patches for bird species richness using two variables (size and complexity). The data were analyzed using the Pearson Correlation and multiple linear regression. The results showed that there were no significant differences between bird species richness and size of patches. Conversely, there were significant differences between bird species richness and complexity of patches. The Pearson Correlation revealed that there were high correlation between bird species richness and complexity of patches. Finally, we propose three recommendations of green open spaces as bird habitat patches in Bogor City and its surroundings, such as protecting and managing both small and large bird habitat patches, increasing number of vegetation strata and number of vegetation in some strata in small bird habitat patches, and increasing number of vegetation in some strata in large bird habitat patch with low bird speciess richness.
Bird Chirping Competition as Tourism Attraction to Increase Tourists Visit in Bekasi City. This research is qualitative descriptive, conducted on visitors in bird chirping competition by interview. The aim of this study are to: 1) describe the bird chirping competition 2) describe visitors type in the event 3) define visitors motivation 4) describe what visitors do while in the event 5) know generally how to manage bird chirping competition. The study result showed that birds chirping competition is an interesting tourism attraction and there are many parties involved in it. The visitors are various, not only competition participants and their families, competition committee, jury, sales promotion girls, master of ceremony, sponsors, media but also merchants, political party, government agencies and kicaumania themselves. There are various motivations to visit the event, including prestige, prizes, popularity, friendship, media coverage, getting income and support family members. The visitors perform various activities ranging from participating in the competition and shopping, while enjoying the entertainment by watching birds chirping competition. The management of bird chirping competition are conducted by organizing committee from 6 organizations, namely PBI, BnR, Ronggolawe, Silobur, Rajawali and Indojaya Nusantara from sub district level to national one.
Anisa S. Mayasin, 2023
Seminar Nasional Sewindu Balai Penelitian Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu, 2015
Nurmasyita Nasruddin
Media Bina Ilmiah, 2018
Prosiding Gelar Teknologi Hasil Penelitian, Pusat Litbang Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi, 2013
Prosiding Seminar Senastek II 2015, 2015
Siti Nurohmah, Indri Astria Azizah, Ai Rohayani, 2023
Muhammad Sandi Hidayat, 2024