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From the middle of 1970’s until now, the Sulawesi Island which is surrounded by several small and big tectonic plates had been struck 270 times by earthquake above 5.0 in magnitude. This number of occurrence tends to get higher and higher each year, beginning after the raising activity of Sunda Arc over the past last six years, which recently struck Padang, West Sumatera in September 2009. The goal of this study is to find out the most potential areas for seismic and tsunamis activities in Sulawesi Island, by analyzing the historical data of earthquakes and tsunamis at the areas and also base on the fault system on it. It was found out that the earthquakes with magnitude above 5.0 in the next ten years will occur minimally 49 times; with almost all of them will be sea-epicenter which could generate tsunami in some areas. The most potential areas will be the North Arm of Sulawesi, especially in the coasts of North, South and East.
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Earthquake and tsunami disasters always bring negative impacts and losses for humans. The high frequency of earthquake disasters in Sulawesi and the massive impact of destruction and damage to infrastructure, loss of homes and property, and death of people are partly due to the lack of knowledge of this potential disaster by the surrounding community. Therefore, it is necessary to study the potential for earthquake and tsunami disasters on Sulawesi Island, and Lesson Learned about the Earthquake Disaster that has occurred in past. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis design of secondary data obtained through a comprehensive literature review. The results showed that Sulawesi Island has a high potential for earthquake disasters, which is in the historical records of disasters, some of these earthquakes were accompanied by tsunami waves. The lesson that can be drawn from the earthquake in West Sulawesi is the potential for aftershocks after the opening eart...
… of the International Workshop on Local Tsunami …, 2002
Tsunami and earthquake activity in Indonesia during the period from 1901 to 2000 have been analyzed. A total of 108 tsunamis caused by earthquakes and 298 shallow earthquakes with magnitude M s ≥ 6.5 occurred in the region. The tsunamigenic earthquakes occurred along subduction zones (Sunda, Banda, Pacific, and Philippine) and in the Sunda back-arc thrusting and Molucca Sea collision zones. Approximately 81% of tsunamis and 80% of shallow earthquakes occurred in Eastern Indonesia-i.e. the region east of 118 o E-where tectonics show a more complicated pattern than the region in the west. The ratio between the number of tsunamis and shallow earthquake occurrence in the east part is slightly higher than in the west part. The tsunami and earthquake time occurrences show no systematic pattern although it can be noted that the most silent period was from 1941 to 1960. The earthquake magnitude of tsunamigenic earthquakes varies from 5.0 to 8.6 where about 86% of them have magnitude M s > 6.0. The tsunami magnitude-earthquake magnitude relationship can be written as: m = 0.29 M s-0.93 for M s < 6.5, and m = 1.17 M s-7.46 for M s ≥ 6.5. While the tsunami intensity-earthquake magnitude relationship can be written as I = 0.23 M s-0.22. Most of the tsunamigenic earthquakes (about 93%) are shallow earthquakes that have focal depth less than 100 km.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2017
Indonesia is one country in the world featuring a complex tectonic structure. This condition makes earthquakes often occur in many areas of this country and as an earthquake rages beneath the sea, it will potentially trigger tsunami. One of the areas in Indonesia with a high seismic activity is Sulawesi region particularly in the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone, making it important to carry out a study on the potential tsunami at this location. The purpose of this study was to analyze the existing huge potential energy in Sulawesi Sea subduction zone and to identify tsunami modeling likely to occur based on the potential energy of the region. The approach used in assessing the tsunami disaster was the calculation of the potential energy of an earthquake and tsunami modeling based on the potential energy. The method used in this research was the least squares method for the calculation of potential energy, and near-field tsunami modeling with the assistance of TUNAMI-N2 COD. The research finding has shown that the Sulawesi Sea subduction zone has potential energy of 1.35469 × 10 23 erg, equivalent to an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 Mw. The tsunami modeling made shown the average wave propagation reaching ashore within 12.3 min with a height varying between 0.1 and > 3 m. The tsunami modeling also indicated that there are seven subdistricts in Buol District, Central Sulawesi, which is affected by a significant tsunami.
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan HAGI ke 41 tahun 2016 , 2017
(In English) Sulawesi, one of the biggest island in Indonesia, located on the convergence of two macro plate that is Eurasia and Pacific. NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory show more than 20 tsunami data recorded in Sulawesi since 1820. Based on this data, determination of correlation between tsunami and earthquake parameter need to be done to proved all event in the past. Complete data of magnitudes, fault sizes and tsunami heights on this study sourced from NOAA and Novosibirsk Tsunami database, completed with Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) catalog. This study aims to find correlation between moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami height by simple regression. The step of this research are data collecting, processing, and regression analysis. Result shows moment magnitude, fault size and tsunami heights strongly correlated. This analysis is enough to proved the accuracy of historical tsunami database in Sulawesi on NOAA, Novosibirsk Tsunami Laboratory and PTWC. Keywords: tsunami, magnitude, fault, height (In Bahasa) Pulau Sulawesi terletak pada pertemuan antara tiga lempeng besar yaitu lempeng Indo-Australia, lempeng Pasifik dan lempeng Eurasia. Posisi demikian tentunya rawan terhadap gerakan dan benturan ketiga lempeng tersebut. Berdasarkan rekaman data bencana gempa dan tsunami Sulawesi yang berfrekuensi tinggi tersebut, maka kajian hubungan parameter luas sesar dengan magnitudo dan ketinggian tsunami perlu dilakukan untuk membuktikan parameter gempa dan tsunami di masa lalu dan perkiraan di masa mendatang. Pada penulisan ini digunakan data gempabumi dan tsunami daerah Sulawesi yang diambil dari katalog WinITDB (PTWC) untuk mendapatkan data magnitudo dan ketinggian tsunami. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis mencari nilai hubungan antara magnitudo gempa dengan parameter luasan sesar dan hubungan antara ketinggian tsunami dengan parameter luasan sesar dengan mencari garis regresinya. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penulisan ini adalah pengambilan data, pengolahan data yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan analisis untuk mendapatkan hubungan antara magnitudo gempa dengan parameter luasan sesar serta hubungan antara ketinggian tsunami dengan parameter luasan sesar. Setelah diperoleh parameter luasan sesar dibuat grafik hubungan antara magnitudo dengan dengan luasan bidang sesar kemudian diregresikan secara linier dan grafik antara luasan bidang sesar dengan ketinggian tsunami kemudian diregresikan secara logaritmik. Berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data dapat ditemukan hubungan bahwa semakin besar nilai magnitudo momen (Mw), maka semakin besar nilai panjang (L), lebar (w), luas (S) dan slip (U) sesar yang terbentuk ; Semakin besar nilai magnitudo momen, maka semakin tinggi gelombang tsunami yang dihasilkan ; dan Semakin tinggi gelombang tsunami yang dihasilkan, maka semakin besar panjang (L), lebar (w), luas (S) dan slip (U) sesar yang membangkitkan tsunami. Kata Kunci: tsunami, magnitudo, sesar, ketinggian
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2013
Since the year of 1975 to 2011, Bali-Banda Basin had been shaked by 83 times earthquakes above 5.0 Mw. All of the earthquakes were occurred in the sea, however only one earthquake generated tsunami in 1992 at Flores. The objective of this study is to determine the most potential areas for tsunami hazard by analyzing and conducting the tsunami modeling based on the earthquake historical data at the area.The NEIC earthquake catalog from 1973-2011 and Global CMT catalog were used to analyze seismotectonic parameters and earthquake recurrence time at the area 6 o-12 o S and 114 o-126 o E. To determine tsunami hazard in this region, we use three tsunami simulation models which have high tsunami run up potential.The result shows that seismic activity with the magnitude more than 5 Mw tends to get higher exponentially. The recurrence time of earthquake with magnitude 6.5 is about 7-35 years, magnitude 7 is about 18-85 years and magnitude 7.5 is about 40-200 years. Tsunami wave distribution from tsunami simulation will be the discussion materials to decide tsunami potential along Bali-BandaBasin.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions
An earthquake with a magnitude of M W = 7.5 that occurred in Sulawesi, Indonesia on September 28, 2018, triggered liquefaction and tsunamis that caused severe damage and many casualties. This paper reports the results of a posttsunami field survey conducted by a team with members from Indonesia and Taiwan that began 13 days after the earthquake. The main purpose of this survey was to measure the runup of tsunami waves and inundation and observe the damage caused by the tsunami. Measurements were made in 18 selected sites, most in Palu Bay. The survey results show that the runup height ranged from 2 to 10 m and that the inundation distance was between 80 and 510 m. The highest runup (10.5 m) was recorded in Tondo, a complex that has many boarding houses near a university. The longest inundation distance (511 m) was found in Layana, a marketplace. The arrival times of the tsunami waves were quite short and different for each site, typically about 3-8 minutes from the time of the earthquake event. The characteristics of the damage to buildings, facilities, and structures are also summarized. Several indicators of underwater landslides are described. The survey results can be used for the calibration and validation of hydrodynamic models for tsunamis. They can also be used for regional reconstruction, mitigation, planning, and development.
We have chara to 2012 in Indonesia, based on source parameter analysis. mechanism derived by W phase seismic energy (E) and the the rupture duration (To) and of the earthquakes (24 events) types, a shallow focal depth (12 km (6.6 ≤ M w ≤ 9.0), a low ratio of seismic energy 4.9), a short to long rupture duration (27 s height (0.1 m ≤ H ≤ 50.9 m) and the trench (10 km < characterized by a thrust moderate magnitude (7.5 seismic moment (Θ ≤ -5. tsunami height (7.4 m ≤ the trench (HT ≤ 20 km).
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2000
We study the rupture process of the 1 January (M w ס 7.9), 16 July (M w ס 6.6), and 22 (M w ס 7) July 1996 earthquakes in Sulawesi, Indonesia. A teleseismic body waveform inversion of very broadband records shows that these events occurred beneath the accretionary prism. The main shock was due to a well determined fault with a strike of 53ЊN and a very shallow dip of 7Њ. From its source-time function duration (30 sec) and the aftershock distribution we estimate a rupture area of 90 ן 60 km 2 and an average slip of 1.80 m. The surface displacement computed with our best model fits well the displacement vector at the only available GPS station at Tomini. The tsunami generated by the mainshock had an approximate source radius of 45 km which roughly agrees with the rupture size estimated above. The earthquakes took place in a relay zone between the trench and the Palu-Koro transcurrent fault. They ruptured a shallow dipping thrust fault which corresponds to the subduction interface under the North Sulawesi arm. The slip vectors of all the events have a NNW orientation parallel to the direction of convergence between the North Sulawesi arm and the Celebes Sea. Among the peculiarities of the rupture process, we found that the July 22 aftershock was the only event to have a well defined precursor 1.8 sec before the main P-wave onset.
Natural Hazards
High seismicity rates in and around West Java and Sumatra occur as a result of the Indo-Australian plate converging with and subducting beneath the Sunda plate. Large megathrust events associated with this process likely pose a major earthquake and tsunami hazard to the surrounding community, but further effort is required to help understand both the likelihood and frequency of such events. With this in mind, we exploit catalog seismic data sourced from the Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) of Indonesia and the International Seismological Centre (ISC) for the period April 2009 through to July 2020, in order to conduct earthquake hypocenter relocation using a teleseismic double-difference method. Our results reveal a large seismic gap to the south of West Java and southeast Sumatra, which is in agreement with a previous GPS study that finds the region to be a potential future source of megathrust earthquakes. To investigate this further, tsunami modeling was ...
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Frontiers in built environment, 2024
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 708 (2021) 012106. , 2021
E3S Web of Conferences, 2022
Frontiers in Earth Science
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Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America, 2009
E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
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Advances in physics research, 2022
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International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2020