AB63. Controversial issues in erectile dysfunction

2014, Translational Andrology and Urology


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent medical condition. With the advent of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) inhibitors, the treatment of ED has been revolutionized during the last two decades. Although there are great advances in the diagnosis and treatment of ED, there are two common controversial issues in our practice that merit further discussion. First, psychogenic or organic ED? ED is traditionally classified as organic and psychogenic based on the etiology. Many problems arise with this distinction. Psychogenic ED is a misnomer because it is based on an obsolete view of mind-body distinctions, ignores the manifestations of neurobiology of psychological disorders and the fundamental meaning of psychosomatic result, is too often diagnosed by exclusion and may indicate that ED all result from mind problem. All ED of organic origin therefore also has a psychogenic aspect. Every patient whose ED is mainly due to an organic disorder builds his own world of fear, anxiety, worry,...