Diritti minimi


The point of this essay is that the arguments advanced by thinkers like John Rawls e Michael Ignatieff in favour of a core rights to life and liberty are not consistent with their positions in favour of human rights minimalism. Just the fact that human rights minimalism implies the right to physical security and to basic freedom of movement should lead these philosophers not only to recognize both the importance and the value of other rights, but also to include certain aspects of the sphere of private life and of cultural practice in the field of international law. Human rights, that are going to become popular through international debates, compell us first to reconsider the dichotomy between public and private sphere; second, the dichotomy between social and political interests; third, the necessity of subordinating politics of human right, with no exception, either to prudential and historical convenience (see Ignatieff), or to the observance of pluralism (see Rawls). 1. L'e...