Physicalism and the Part-Whole Relation

2016, Metaphysics in Contemporary Physics


In this paper I intend to analyse whether a certain kind of physicalism (part-wholephysicalism) is supported by what classical mechanics and quantum mechanics have to say about the part whole relation. I will argue that not even the most likely candidates -namely cases of microexplanation of the dynamics of compound systems -provide evidence for part whole-physicalism, i.e. the thesis that the behaviour of the compound obtains in virtue of the behaviour of the parts. Physics does not dictate part-whole-physicalism. In this paper I intend to analyse whether a certain kind of physicalism (part-whole-physicalism) is supported by what classical mechanics and quantum mechanics have to say about the part whole relation. I will first characterize what I take to be the core physicalist intuition. Next I will disambiguate two physicalist claims and will then make one of the physicalist claims as precise as is necessary for the purposes of this paper. Different authors use different vocabulary when they characterize what they take to be the core physicalist intuition. Jaegwon Kim, for instance, describes his own view (which he calls "physicalism" elsewhere) as follows: The broad metaphysical conviction that underlies these proposals is the belief that ultimately the world -at least, the physical world -is the way it is because the micro-world is the way it is [...]. [Kim 1984a,