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1998, Nuclear Physics B
30 pages
1 file
We discuss the class of BP S saturated M -branes that are in one-to-one correspondence with the Freund-Rubin compactifications of M-theory on either AdS 4 × G/H or AdS 7 × G/H, where G/H is any of the seven (or four) dimensional Einstein coset manifolds with Killing spinors classified long ago in the context of Kaluza-Klein supergravity. These G/H M-branes, whose existence was previously pointed out in the literature, are solitons that interpolate between flat space at infinity and the old Kaluza-Klein compactifications at the horizon. They preserve N/2 supersymmetries where N is the number of Killing spinors of the AdS × G/H vacuum. A crucial ingredient in our discussion is the identification of a solvable Lie algebra parametrization of the Lorentzian non compact coset SO(2, p + 1)/SO(1, p + 1) corresponding to anti-de Sitter space AdS p+2 . The solvable coordinates are those naturally emerging from the near horizon limit of the G/H p-brane and correspond to the Bertotti-Robinson form of the anti-de Sitter metric. The pull-back of anti-de Sitter isometries on the p-brane world-volume contain, in particular, the recently found broken conformal transformations.
We discuss the class of BP S saturated M -branes that are in one-to-one correspondence with the Freund-Rubin compactifications of M-theory on either AdS 4
Strings, branes, and gravity: TASI 99: Boulder, …, 2001
In the light of the duality between physics in the bulk of anti-de Sitter space and a conformal field theory on the boundary, we review the M 2, D3 and M 5 branes and how their near-horizon geometry yields the compactification of D = 11 supergravity on S 7 , Type IIB supergravity on S 5 and D = 11 supergravity on S 4 , respectively. We discuss the "Membrane at the End of the Universe" idea and its relation to the corresponding superconformal singleton theories that live on the boundary of the AdS 4 , AdS 5 and AdS 7 vacua. The massless sectors of these compactifications are described by the maximally supersymmetric D = 4, D = 5 and D = 7 gauged supergravities. We construct the non-linear Kaluza-Klein ansätze describing the embeddings of the U (1) 4 , U (1) 3 and U (1) 2 truncations of these supergravities, which admit 4-charge AdS 4 , 3-charge AdS 5 and 2charge AdS 7 black hole solutions. These enable us to embed the black hole solutions back in ten and eleven dimensions and reinterpret them as M 2, D3 and M 5 branes spinning in the transverse dimensions with the black hole charges given by the angular momenta of the branes. A comprehensive Appendix lists the field equations, symmetries and transformation rules of D = 11 supergravity, Type IIB supergravity, and the M 2, D3 and M 5 branes.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2001
We present some preliminary investigations about the AdS 2 ×S 2 D3-branes in AdS 3 ×S 3 . We analyse the quadratic fluctuations of Dirac-Born-Infeld action around a given semi-classical D-brane configuration and compare them with results obtained by using conformal-fieldtheory techniques. We finally study classical motions of open strings attached to those D-branes and analyse the rôle of the spectral flow in this context.
We present some preliminary investigations about the AdS 2 ×S 2 D3-branes in AdS 3 ×S 3 . We analyse the quadratic fluctuations of Dirac-Born-Infeld action around a given semi-classical D-brane configuration and compare them with results obtained by using conformal-fieldtheory techniques. We finally study classical motions of open strings attached to those D-branes and analyse the rôle of the spectral flow in this context.
Fortschritte der Physik, 1999
We consider a series of duality transformations that leads to a constant shift in the harmonic functions appearing in the description of a configuration of branes. This way, for several intersections of branes, we can relate the original brane configuration which is asymptotically flat to a geometry which is locally isometric to adS k × E l × S m. These results imply that certain branes are dual to supersingleton field theories. We also discuss the implications of our results for supersymmetry enhancement and for supergravity theories in diverse dimensions.
We perform a complete integration of the Einstein-dilaton-antisymmetric form action describing black p-branes in arbitrary dimensions assuming the transverse space to be homogeneous and possessing spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic topology. The generic solution contains eight parameters satisfying one constraint. Asymptotically flat solutions form a five-parametric subspace, while conditions of regularity of the non-degenerate event horizon further restrict this number to three, which can be related to the mass and the charge densities and the asymptotic value of the dilaton. In the case of a degenerate horizon, this number is reduced by one. Our derivation constitutes a constructive proof of the uniqueness theorem for p-branes with the homogeneous transverse space. No asymptotically flat solutions with toroidal or hyperbolic transverse space within the considered class are shown to exist, which result can be viewed as a demonstration of the topological censorship for p-branes. From...
Physical Review D, 2004
We perform a complete integration of the Einstein-dilaton-antisymmetric form action describing black p-branes in arbitrary dimensions assuming the transverse space to be homogeneous and possessing spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic topology. The generic solution contains eight parameters satisfying one constraint. Asymptotically flat solutions form a five-parametric subspace, while conditions of regularity of the non-degenerate event horizon further restrict this number to three, which can be related to the mass and the charge densities and the asymptotic value of the dilaton. In the case of a degenerate horizon, this number is reduced by one. Our derivation constitutes a constructive proof of the uniqueness theorem for p-branes with the homogeneous transverse space. No asymptotically flat solutions with toroidal or hyperbolic transverse space within the considered class are shown to exist, which result can be viewed as a demonstration of the topological censorship for p-branes. From our considerations it follows, in particular, that some previously discussed p-branelike solutions with extra parameters do not satisfy the standard conditions of asymptotic flatness and absence of naked singularities. We also explore the same system in presence of a cosmological constant, and derive a complete analytic solution for higher-dimensional charged topological black holes, thus proving their uniqueness.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002
Recently the time dependent solutions of type II supergravities in d = 10, with the metric having the symmetry ISO(p + 1) × SO(8 − p, 1) have been given by two groups (Chen-Gal'tsov-Gutperle (CGG), [hep-th/0204071] and Kruczenski-Myers-Peet (KMP), [hep-th/0204144]). The supergravity solutions correspond to space-like Dp-branes in type II string theory. While the CGG solution is a four parameter solution, the KMP solution is a three parameter solution and so in general they are different. This difference can be attributed to the fact that unlike the CGG solution, KMP uses a specific boundary condition for the metric and the dilaton field. It is shown that when we impose the boundary conditions used in the KMP solution to the CGG solution then both become three parameter solutions and they map to each other under a coordinate transformation along with a Hodge duality of the field strength. We also give the relations between the parameters characterizing the two solutions.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013
We study supersymmetric black holes in AdS 4 in the framework of four dimensional gauged N = 2 supergravity coupled to hypermultiplets. We derive the flow equations for a general electrically gauged theory where the gauge group is Abelian and, restricting them to the fixed points, we derive the gauged supergravity analogue of the attractor equations for theories coupled to hypermultiplets. The particular models we analyze are consistent truncations of M-theory on certain Sasaki-Einstein seven-manifolds. We study the space of horizon solutions of the form AdS 2 × Σ g with both electric and magnetic charges and find a four-dimensional solution space when the theory arises from a reduction on Q 111 . For other SE 7 reductions, the solutions space is a subspace of this. We construct explicit examples of spherically symmetric black holes numerically.
Physics Letters B, 2000
We present warped metrics which solve Einstein equations with arbitrary cosmological constants in both in upper and lower dimensions. When the lower-dimensional metric is the maximally symmetric one compatible with the chosen value of the cosmological constant, the upper-dimensional metric is also the maximally symmetric one and there is maximal unbroken supersymmetry as well.
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Arxiv preprint hep-th/9808100, 1998
Nuclear Physics B, 2008
Quantum Field Theory: Perspective and Prospective, 1999
Physical Review D, 2009
Nuclear Physics B, 1999
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015
Physical Review D, 2002
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006
Physical Review D, 2010
Nuclear Physics B, 2000
Arxiv preprint hep-th/ …, 2005
Nuclear Physics B, 1998
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2002
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008
Physical Review D, 2005
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998
To appear in the proceedings of, 2004
Physical Review D, 2014
Physical Review D, 2003