Design Characteristics of Venturi Aeration System

2019, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

The crucial phenomenon of air and water mixing together is called aeration. The venturi aeration is mainly responsible to transfer air directly through the atmosphere into the flowing water attribute to its simplicity and reliability. A water tank of 1000 litres capacity having dimensions 100 × 100 × 100 cm3 was used to conduct the experiments for aeration for the purpose of studying the characteristics of venturi aeration system design. Venturi having three significant sections i.e. inlet, constricted and outlet section, used as a differential pressure producer basis on Bernoulli’s theorem where the middle section of the venturi often called as constricted section is responsible for the energy conversion, which transfers oxygen by aspirating air into the constricted section and producing interfacial area between the air and water. On the basis of dimensional analysis, non-dimensional numbers associated with geometric, dynamic and process parameters were analysed. The non-dimensiona...