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Hindu ashram is a formal and informal center for Hindu education. Ashram which become the attraction of foreign tourists is informal ashram. Ideally, this ashram is a center of Hindu education, but foreign tourists are also using this facility. This raises the problem of research in the form of development, attractiveness and development model. This research was conducted qualitatively, with descriptive statistics. The theory used is the theory of tourist attraction and tourism area life cycle. Through this theory explained that the development of Hindu ashram in Bali tourism is very massive since 2006. The main attraction of Hindu ashram is a spiritual guru. Therefore, the model of development should start from the strengthening of local gurus by supporting for strengthening public transportation. The strengthening of this local guru should start because the Hindu ashram has entered the involvement stage according to the tourism area life cycle theory. Keywords: Hindu Ashram, Model...
Spiritual tourism is a phenomenon in a tourism by religious and spiritual purposes. Spiritual journey has become an ancient form of travelling, but new developments develop by wide segmentation. Hindu Pasraman such as Munivara and Ratu Bagus ashram have become a spiritual tourism destination. Therefore, its potentials need to be explored for the development of a larger Hindu pasraman. This study explores the potential of Hindu pasraman by comparing it with the motivation of foreign tourists. The potential that its developing seemly with the motivation of foreign tourists to be a potential that can be developed. This research uses data collection by used literature studies, observations and interviews. The data analysis uses qualitative data analysis. The result of this research is the potential of pasraman Hindu as a place of learning, relaxation, and health is potential that can be developed to become a spiritual tourism destination. Continued research is expected to measure the mo...
Sadharananikarana: Jurnal Ilmiah Komunikasi Hindu
Pasraman, as a Hindu educational institution, has great potential to become a unique and attractive tourism destination, especially those based on religion and culture. However, the development of pasraman as a tourism destination requires the important role of effective communication. This article aims to explore the role of communication in the development of Pasraman as a tourism destination. Through a literature review and case studies, this research discusses the dynamics of communication involved in the process of developing pasraman as a tourism destination and the implications for tourism management and marketing. The research findings show that internal communication between acarya and brahmacari pasraman, as well as external communication between tourists and local communities, have an important role in building an authentic and sustainable tourism experience. In addition, the use of digital communication and social media also provides great opportunities in promoting and ...
Wisata religi menjadi salah satu alternatif yang menarik dalam rangka revitalisasi agama dalam kehidupan masyarakat modern di satu sisi, dan di sisi lain dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan (ekonomi) masyarakat. Bali merupakan salah satu obyek wisata kelas dunia yang ada di Indonesia. Julukan Bali sebagai pulau dewata menunjukkan Bali sebagai pulau religius. Penelitian ini ingin mencoba menggali potensi wisata agama di Bali dari kelompok-kelompok keagamaan di luar Hindu. Mengambil kasus pada potensi pariwisata Islam di Bali, penelitian ini menemukan adanya beberapa potensi wisata keagamaan non Hindu di Pulau Bali dan adanya permintaan wisatawan terhadap layanan wisata yang ramah terhadap pemeluk agama non Hindu seperti kebutuhan makanan halal dan ketersedian fasilitas ibadah yang memadai.
Cetta: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
Bali Island as a foreign tourist destination, aware or not possible to be affected by the interaction with tourists who come to Bali and cause acculturation of foreign culture with local culture. Acculturation of positive culture enriches local culture while the influence of negative foreign culture can damage, mencedrai and even shift the existence of local culture, for that the necessary antidote to negative foreign culture through education in pasraman. The aim of this study. describe the existence of pasraman Brahma Vidya Samgraha Penarungan Village, Buleleng Regency; Describe the implementation of education in Pasraman Brahma Vidya Samgraha; Penarungan Village, Buleleng Regency; Describing the planting of moral education in the Brahma Vidya Samgraha Penarungan Village, Buleleng Regency. This research uses descriptive-qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The findings in this study of the existence of Pasraman Brahma Vidya Samgraha are an acculturation of the educ...
Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)
This research aims to make the development of religious tourism as sustainable tourism in the city of Pasuruan. This research includes qualitative research, using the methods of observation, interviews, literature study and documentation as a method for data collection. Based on the research conducted, it is found that Pasuruan City is a city that has potential in developing sustainable tourism through the development of religious tourism. With the development of sustainable tourism, it can contribute to the regional economy and the people of Pasuruan and can become an icon of Pasuruan. It is hoped that this research can help the Pasuruan city government in carrying out tourism development to improve the regional economy of Pasuruan city. Keywords: tourism, sustainable tourism, religious tourism, pasuruan city.
Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)
The development of spiritual tourism activities in the Ubud Tourism Area based on the Tourism Area Life-Cycle Theory is at consolidation stage, which is seen from the many places that offer spiritual tourism activities both owned by local people and foreigners, resulting in price competition between these businesses.. The purpose of this research are to identify driving factors and implications of spiritual tourism development in the Ubud Tourism Area. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using observation and interviews for data collection methods. The theory used in this research are Contemporary Spiritual and Alternative Tourism Theory to explain the driving factors and implications sustainability resulting from spiritual tourism activities development related to. The driving factors include internal factors such as history and education as popular goals, external factors such as capitalism, world travel trends, and demand. Implications of this are implications for en...
Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), 2019
Artikel ini membahas keberadaan Pura Langgar di Desa Bunutin, Bangli, sebagai daya tarik wisata sekaligus representasi persaudaraan antarumat beragama, khususnya Hindu dan Islam. Pura Langgar atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan Pura Penataran Agung Dalem Jawa Bunutin, merupakan kompleks tempat ibadah umat Hindu yang di dalamnya juga terdapat tempat ibadah umat Islam berupa bangunan langgar. Keberadaan Pura Langgar merupakan fenomena yang menarik untuk dikaji, karena belakangan ini mulai mendapat kunjungan wisatawan, khususnya wisatawan muslim. Kajian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik pengamatan lapangan, wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan pemeriksaan dokumen. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa keberadaan Pura Langgar yang mencerminkan sejarah akulturasi antara kebudayaan Hindu dan Islam merupakan pusaka budaya yang cukup potensial untuk menarik kunjungan wisatawan. Keberadaan bangunan langgar di dalam kompleks pura merepresentasikan seman...
Majalah Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Pemikiran Keagamaan Tajdid, 2019
Tourism is often regarded by most people as something destructive to religious life. This view can be found also among many moslems. Most moslems believe that Islam covers both life in this world and the hereafter. Islam gives guidance to all aspects of human life which pertain to belief, worship, law, science, technology, culture, politics, economics and other social life. The view which considers tourism is dangerous to Islam is therefore not true. However, due to misunderstanding among many moslems, it is important to discuss about how tourism can be developed in line with Islamic principles. Abstrak : Pariwisata sering dianggap banyak oran g sebagai sesuatu yang merusak kehidupan beragama. Pandangan ini dijumpai juga di kalangan banyak oran g Islam. Kebanyakan mereka percaya bahwa Islam mencakup kehidupan di dunia sekarang dan di akhirat kelak. Islam memberi petunjuk dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia yang berhubungan dengan akidah,ibdah, hukum, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, budaya, politik, ekonomi dan kehidupan sosial lainnya. Pan dangan yang menganggap pariwisata berbahaya terhadap Islam adalah tidak benar. Meskipun adanya kesalahpahaman di kalangan banyak orang Islam, sangat penting untuk didiskusikan tentang bagaimana pariwisata dapat sejalan dengan prinsip Islam
Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), 2020
This paper aims to analyze the perception of Hindu society on the existence of formal pasraman (Hindu style of education) in Bali. The research method used is namely the type of qualitative research. This research of descriptive data with primary and secondary data sources and the technique of determining informants using purposive sampling techniques. Methods of data collection using observation techniques, interviews, literature studies, and documentation, as well as using data analysis techniques and presentation techniques of data analysis results. The results showed that first, the background of the establishment of a formal pasraman include juridical background, religious, and needs. Second, the learning method uses is catur pramana learning method. Third, the perception of Hindu society on the existence of formal pasraman is still low due to a lack of understanding as a whole, therefore it is necessary to socialize the existence of formal pasraman.Keywords: perception, learni...
Widya Genitri : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, Agama dan Kebudayaan Hindu, 2018
Pasraman Widya Santhi Buana Desa Sausu Peore Kabupaten Parigi Moutong mengalami kendala pada kehadiran siswa yang minim dalam mengikuti kegiatan pasraman. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kendala dan upaya orang tua agar siswa Hindu dapat meningkat kehadirannya pada kegiatan pasraman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kendala dan upaya yang dilakukan orang tua dalam meningkatkan kehadiran Siswa Hindu di Pasraman Widya Santhi Buana Desa Sausu Peore Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori motivasi, teori tindakan beralasan dan teori behaviorisme. Penentuan informan menggunakan purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Sedangkan teknik analisis data adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa kendala-kendala yang dihadapi orang tua dalam meningkatkan kehadiran sis...
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Jurnal Kajian Bali (Journal of Bali Studies), 2020
Sosiohumaniora, 2013
Cultoure: Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Budaya Hindu, 2022
Dakwah: Jurnal Kajian Dakwah dan Kemasyarakatan
Erna Auliya Sasinta, 2022
Indonesian Journal of Tourism and Leisure, 2020
ISLAMICONOMIC: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 2020
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Bhakti Persada: Jurnal Aplikasi Ipteks, 2020
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu, 2019
Jurnal BOSAPARIS: Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, 2020