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2012, International journal of surgery (London, England)
The paper reviews the Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) Annual Conference held in Cardiff in 2012, which marked a significant gathering for surgical trainees across the UK and Ireland. With nearly 700 attendees and a record number of abstract submissions, the conference featured various educational sessions, training courses, and opportunities for networking. Highlights included discussions on surgical training quality, a focus on innovations like robotics, and awards for outstanding research presentations.
International journal of surgery (London, England), 2013
The Association of Surgeons in Training (ASiT) is a professional body and registered charity working to promote excellence in surgical training for the benefit of junior doctors and patients alike. With a membership of over 2000 surgical trainees from all ten surgical specialities, the association provides support at both regional and national levels throughout the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Originally founded in 1976, ASiT is independent of the National Health Service (NHS), Surgical Royal Colleges, and specialty associations. The 2013 Annual Conference in Manchester brought together over 700 delegates for an educational weekend programme with expert guest speakers. Cutting edge clinical updates were complimented by debates on current training in surgery and focussed parallel sessions. The weekend started with 13 pre-conference courses covering a diverse range of topics including laparoscopic skills, ultrasound for surgeons, surgical drawing, core skills in neurosurgery and a masterclass in journal club. A record number of 1458 abstract submissions were received and those successful competed for 22 awards representing nearly £4000 in trainee prizes and bursaries. As the only national surgical trainee meeting for all specialties, ASiT continues to grow and we look forward to an even larger and more successful international conference next year.
Training in surgical disciplines in the United Kingdom has undergone tremendous change over the past two decades. The introduction of specialist training programmes, working time directives, quality ratings and a drive toward ambulatory and minimal access surgery have led to challenges with respect to training and service commitments of healthcare professionals. A structured and centralised training system was introduced, with the concept of core followed by specialty-specific progression, in an openly competitive manner. Within this system is the need to commence training on simulation models, and to demonstrate proficiency prior to performance of tasks on patients. This should be underpinned by objective measures such as video or dexterity-based tools. There is also a clear need to provide personal, professional and leadership development in the form of mentorship and appraisal systems. Though continuing to develop, the profession must be mindful of current and future advances to ensure the delivery of surgeons for the future who aspire toward excellence.
International journal of surgery (London, England), 2012
In the past decade surgical training in the United Kingdom (UK) has seen radical overhaul with the introduction of formal training curricula, competency based assessment, and a new Core Surgical Training programme. Despite this, and in common with many other countries, numerous threats remain to sustaining high-quality surgical training and education in the modern working environment. These include service delivery pressures and the reduction in working hours. There are numerous areas for potential improvement and dissemination of best training practice, from incentivising training within the National Health Service (NHS) through top-down government initiatives, to individualised information and feedback for trainees at the front-line. This document sets out the current structure of surgical training in the UK, and describes the contribution to the current debate by the Association of Surgeons in Training. Highlighting areas for improvement at national, regional, local and individual levels, the Association proposes 34 action points to enhance surgical training and education. Adoption of these will ensure future practice continues to improve on, and learn from, the longstanding history of training provided under the guidance of the Royal Surgical Colleges. a On behalf of the Association of Surgeons in Training Council.
British Journal of Medical Practitioners, 2010
Introduction: The nationwide implementation of 'run-through' training in 2007, based upon the new system of postgraduate medical training known as Modernising Medical Careers (MMC), was the subject of much debate as to the suitability of the selection process, and the feasibility of the new system itself. One year after the start of the new Speciality Training (ST) grade this study obtains the views of core surgical trainees in the Oxford Deanery. Methods: Forty-six trainees in ST1, ST2, Fixed Term Specialty Training Appointment (FTSTA) 1 and FTSTA2 posts completed questionnaires at three and nine months from appointments in August 2007. Results: Fifty two percent (n=24) of respondents were appointed to their training posts from Round 1a, with 67% (n=16) to ST1 or ST2 level. Despite 61% (n=28) having initially selected Oxford as their first choice deanery, 93% (n=43) now wished to remain in the region for further training, with 57% (n=27) of all trainees satisfied with their current position. At three months, only 9% (n=4) felt well informed regarding their surgical training, and 28% (n=13) well supported by their seniors; however, six months later these figures had risen to 64% (n=29) and 60% (n=24) respectively. Nearly half (43%, n=20) of surgical trainees had looked into moving abroad to train, and two thirds had considered leaving surgery all together. From August 2008, 70% (n=9) of ST2 trainees and 57% (n=4) of FTSTA2 trainees had obtained ST3 positions, with all but one in their desired surgical specialty. Conclusion: Despite MMC's difficult introduction into higher specialist training, the majority of trainees surveyed expressed encouraging levels of job satisfaction, felt increasingly well informed and well supported, and had successfully negotiated the initial stages of the 'run-through' track. With continuing debate surrounding how MMC-based surgical training will work within the confines of National Health Service (NHS) provision and the European Working Time Directive, we present the opinions and outcomes of the first cohort of 'run-through' surgical trainees.
British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 2018
Training in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) in the UK has undergone considerable changes during the last 10 years, and "core" surgical training has replaced "basic" surgical training. In 2014 a pilot "run-through" training programme from specialist training year one (ST1)-ST7 was introduced to facilitate early entry into the speciality. Run-through training guarantees that a trainee, after a single competitive selection process and satisfactory progress, will be given training that covers the entire curriculum of the speciality, whereas uncoupled training requires a second stage of competitive recruitment after the first one (for OMFS only) or two years of "core" training to progress to higher specialty training. The first two years of run-through training (ST1-ST2) are the same as for core surgical training. Dual-qualified maxillofacial aspirants and those in their second degree course are curious to know whether they should go for the uncoupled core surgical training or the run-through programme in OMFS. The General Medical Council (GMC) has now agreed that run-through training can be rolled out nationally in OMFS. To assess the two pathways we used an online questionnaire to gain feedback about the experience from all OMFS ST3 and run-through trainees (ST3/ST4) in 2016-2017. We identified and contacted 21 trainees, and 17 responded, including seven run-through trainees. Eleven, including five of the run-through trainees, recommended the run-through training programme in OMFS. Six of the seven run-through trainees had studied dentistry first. The overall mean quality of training was rated as 5.5 on a scale 0-10 by the 17 respondents. This survey gives valuable feedback from the current higher surgical trainees in OMFS, which will be useful to the GMC, Health Education England, OMFS Specialist Advisory Committee, and those seeking to enter higher surgical training in OMFS.
Clinical Otolaryngology, 2009
International Journal of Surgery, 2009
The introduction of the Calman system, the European Working Time Directive, the Hospital at Night project, and financial pressures to increase productivity has nearly halved the surgical case load that trainees are exposed to. With less time to acquire surgical proficiency, surgeons may be insufficiently skilled at completion of training [Moorthy K, Munz Y, Sarker SK, Darzi A. Objective assessment of technical skills in surgery. BMJ 2003;327:1032-7.]. We look at the current methods of assessing surgical competency and what new innovative methods are on the horizon. Methods: A Medline search was performed in April 2005 using the keywords 'surgical training', 'surgical competence', 'surgical simulation' and 'virtual reality'. Only papers published in English have been cited in this review. Articles were reviewed for relevance, impact within the field, and applicability to the UK training system. Results: A large number of articles explore the potential of training techniques-including wet and dry laboratories, computer simulators and virtual reality trainers-to complement traditional 'apprenticeship' surgical training. All of the methods demonstrate the ability to distinguish surgeons of varying competence. Discussion: The advantages of the training methods discussed are many and there is great enthusiasm for introducing skills assessment within a nationally standardised and validated surgical curriculum [Aggarwal R, Moorthy K, Darzi A. Laparoscopic skills training and assessment. Br J Surg 2004;91:1549-58.], as well as using it as an adjunct to traditional methods of training.
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, 2018
The study aimed to assess targeted simulation courses, including live animal operating, as complementary training tools with regard to 2 key surgical skills in early cardiothoracic surgeon training. Twenty UK surgical trainees (equivalent to cardiothoracic surgery resident physicians in the United States) in their first year of residency training were evaluated. Assessment of skills in pulmonary wedge resection and cardiopulmonary bypass were undertaken before and after 2 boot camp-style courses, including live animal operating (boot camp 1 and boot camp 2). Resident performance was evaluated by surgical trainers using objective structured assessment of technical skills matrices. Trainers completed a survey on skill development and trainer confidence in the trainee precourse and postcourse. Trainee assessment scores pre- and postcourses were analyzed using a 2-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test demonstrating a significant improvement in trainee performance in boot camp 1 in performing...
Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 2020
Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre -including this research content -immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
Advances in Medical Education and Practice
Surgical training in the UK has undergone major reforms over the last few decades. The focus has shifted from time based training to competency based training programs. This paper discusses the transformation of assessment in surgical training in the UK from the apprenticeship model to a more objective workplace-based assessment model. The paper describes the different milestones during this transformation process and discusses the assessment of surgical and nonsurgical skills in a measurable way; moreover, it highlights the strengths and weaknesses of different assessment tools.
Annals of Surgery, 2017
S urgical education has traditionally focused on the surgical clerkship during medical school and general surgery residency. Over the past 20 years, however, there has been a tremendous evolution in this very important mission of academic surgery. The most dramatic of these changes affecting resident training began with the implementation of residency work-hour restrictions in 2003. Changes in assessment of competency of the surgical trainee, challenges in providing resident autonomy in the era of reporting surgical outcomes and RVU-based compensation, and the increased emphasis on fellowship training, including integrated training programs or early specialization, have dramatically affected the training of surgical residents. Undergraduate medical education in surgery has been affected as medical schools have shortened the time spent on surgical rotations, while students are being asked to make decisions regarding choice of specialty earlier to consider new integrated specialty tracks. On a positive note, after selection of surgical specialty, many schools have an increased emphasis on preparation for residency training with ''surgical boot camps.'' Maintenance of certification of trained specialists has added to the administrative burden of surgeons already at risk for burnout. Finally, questions as to how to introduce new technology, or to retrain or retool practicing surgeons, have yet to be answered. Thus, one can safely conclude that the changes in surgical education are now extending throughout the lifetime of a surgeon. Despite these extensive changes and challenges existing at all levels, surgical education has only been the focus of the American Surgical Association (ASA) Presidential Forum twice over the past 20 years. In 2004, 1 with a report that preceded the presentation of the ASA ''Blue Ribbon'' panel, 2 and in 2012, with a review of the issues in general surgery resident training. 3 It is the purpose of this panel to provide an overview of surgical education from medical school until the late stages of a surgeon's practice. To lead the discussions, we have called on leading experts and innovators in surgical education from both the United States and the United Kingdom, and also members of the leadership of the American Board of Surgery (ABS).
International journal of surgery (London, England), 2017
This study aimed to assess training of Senior House Officer-grade equivalent doctors in postgraduate surgical training or service (SHO-DIPST) in surgical specialties across the United Kingdom (UK), against nationally agreed Joint Committee on Surgical Training Quality Indicators (JCST QIs). Specific recommendations are made, with a view to improving quality of training, workforce retention and recruitment to Higher Surgical Training. Prospective, observational, multicentre study conducted by the Association of Surgeons in Training, using the UK National Research Collaborative model. Any centres in the UK providing acute surgical services were eligible. SHO-DIPST with a permanent contract, on out-of-hours 'on-call rota' were included across four, one-week data capture periods (September to October 2016, February to March 2017). Adherence to five quality indicators was reported using descriptive statistics. P-values were calculated using Student's t-test for continuous dat...
International Journal of Surgery, 2019
BMJ Open, 2015
Objectives: Increasing numbers of minor surgical procedures are being performed in the community. In the UK, general practitioners (family medicine physicians) with a specialist interest (GPwSI) in surgery frequently undertake them. This shift has caused decreases in available cases for junior surgeons to gain and consolidate operative skills. This study evaluated GPwSI's case-load, procedural training and perceptions of offering formalised operative training experience to surgical trainees.
Indian Journal of Surgery, 2022
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow is a community of health professionals working together to develop and improve patient care. The College is dedicated to supporting its members through education, training and continuing professional development. Furthermore, the College is committed to good global citizenship and has supported Fellows, Members and staff in their volunteering efforts.
Introduction: Medical students across the United Kingdom (UK) report poor satisfaction with surgical teaching. The Surgical Skills Day (SSD) begins to address this by exposing medical students to surgery through an easily accessible one-day practical workshop. This study shows how the SSD encourages undergraduate engagement in surgery. Method: Feedback forms were emailed to attendees of the SSD and their anonymised responses were used to evaluate the SSD. Results: A total of 144 students attended the SSD across three years and the feedback response rate was 74% (n = 107). Key findings were that 100% of respondents (n = 107) would like the SSD to be an annual event, 79% (n = 83) were more inclined to pursue a surgical career following the event, and 97% (n = 103) would like to see practical surgical skills incorporated into the curriculum. The SSD was able to engage undergraduates with surgery through mentorship, practical skills, specialty exposure, and teaching of the General Medical Council (GMC) mandated skills. Conclusions: Undergraduate surgical teaching in the UK is insufficient. The student-led annual SSD showed improved engagement in practical surgical skills and increased enthusiasm for a surgical career. In light of this, the authors feel the SSD or similar event should be integrated into the UK medical school curriculum.
Published in 2013, the Shape of Training review is an independent review of postgraduate medical training overseen by Professor David Greenaway. This review has set out recommendations for the structure and delivery of training for the next 30 years, including a framework and timescale for this reconfiguration. There is a wide range of key themes, listed in Table 1. The changes proposed in its 19 recommendations are far reaching, with implications for both current and future surgical trainees in the UK.
Background: The advent of simulated surgical skills courses has brought dynamic changes to the traditional approach to acquiring practical skills in surgery. Context: Teaching is a core part of the surgical profession, and any trainee can be involved in the organisation of skills training courses. This paper outlines the importance of organising surgical skills courses for trainees, and provides a practical guide on how to do so within busy clinical environments. Innovation: The paper examines how to plan a course, how to design the programme, and provides tips on faculty staff requirements, venue, finance and participants, with additional suggestions for assessment and evaluation. Implications: We recommend the organisation of skills courses to any trainee. By following key ground rules, the surgical trainee can enable the acquisition of advanced learning opportunities and the ability to demonstrate valuable organisational skills. Any trainee can be involved in the organisation of skills training course Postgraduate education
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