2022, IASET

The scope of judicial activism not a limited one. It is used to look in the matters and enforce what is beneficial for the society at large. The word "JUSTICE" has no end, this critically tells that justice is for all, 'rich or poor, strong or weak', even the king and queen were entrusted by karma to provide justice. The object behind the research paper is focused on the expansion of judicial activism in Indian democracy. The judicial activism in India had touched almost every aspect of life to provide positive justice. Many a times the right to judicial review and judicial activism act as a boon for the weaker section of society in protecting their rights by mere filling of a social interest litigation or a public interest litigation. Many a time, judicial intervention into the matter of executive and legislature has provided society with the upper hand in getting justice. Judicial system is a means of providing 'JUSTICE 'to all, and also to take all relevant and possible steps to protect the interest of JUSTICE. Judicial activism legal framework in Indian constitution integration towards fundamental rights.