Decay width and coupling constants of charm and bottom mesons

2018, Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure — PoS(Hadron2017)

In the last decade, charmed and bottom meson spectroscopy have seen great success in experimental sector. Experiments like LHCb, Babar etc are providing many new states which are being added to their spectroscopy. Newly predicted states like B(5970), D 2 (3000), D * (3000), B(5840) and many more still need to be assigned their proper place in the spectroscopy. So we studied the decay constant and the coupling constants of these states using the heavy quark effective theory as our model. We analyzed the two-body strong decays of the above states to their ground state mesons with light pseudo-scalar mesons (π, η, K). We also obtained the ratios among their strong decays, which can be confronted to the experimental data for the verification of their J P states. In addition to this, we also study the strong decays of their spin and strange partners, which are still experimentally not observed, and may be useful for future experiments in searching for these heavy-light mesons.