Social memory and ritual performance

2013, Journal of Social Archaeology


Lancashire. His current fieldwork focusses on the landscape setting and prehistoric occupation of caves and rock-shelters in the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire. His broader research interests include the British Neolithic, particularly pottery, small scale societies in prehistory and the Holocene archaeology of caves.

Key takeaways

  • When we are considering social memory and the transmission of knowledge we are interested in a particular kind of memory creation: remembering a lesson learnt.
  • This paper will analyse social memory by examining three different ways that bodies, places and objects might work together around memory and commemoration.
  • Over time these embodied performative funerary rituals, such as the ethnographic examples discussed above, allow a more socially integrated memory of the dead to be indexed by a place, monument or artefact.
  • I next want to discuss examples of social memory that are less obviously associated with formal ritual practice.
  • (Connerton, 1989: 70) MEMORY AND THE ORIGINS OF RITUAL PERFORMANCE This brief review has begun to suggest how different practices around memory and the management of memory can all share a similar form.