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Corn production can be increased by proper urea fertilizers. Fertilization techniquescommonly used by farmers are broadcast and deep placement. However, both techniques can lead to faster urea loss because urea is easily changed to ammonium (NH4+) then changed to ammonia (NH3), which leads to volatilization or leaching. This study aimed to compare urea fertilization techniques commonly used by farmers and to determine their effects on the growth and yield of corn on Vertisol during rainy season. The research was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with fertilization techniques as treatments and four blocks as replications. The treatments were without urea application (N1), deep placement technique (N2), and broadcast (N3). The urea dose was 348 kg.ha-1, obtained from soil sampling analysis. The variables observed include (1) climatic condition, (2) physical and chemical properties of soil, (3) plant height, (4) effect of N fertilization on root and shoot, (5) chlorop...
Ilmu Pertanian (Agricultural Science), 2019
Corn production can be increased by proper urea fertilizers. Fertilization techniquescommonly used by farmers are broadcast and deep placement. However, both techniques can lead to faster urea loss because urea is easily changed to ammonium (NH4 +) then changed to ammonia (NH3), which leads to volatilization or leaching. This study aimed to compare urea fertilization techniques commonly used by farmers and to determine their effects on the growth and yield of corn on Vertisol during rainy season. The research was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with fertilization techniques as treatments and four blocks as replications. The treatments were without urea application (N1), deep placement technique (N2), and broadcast (N3). The urea dose was 348 kg.ha-1 , obtained from soil sampling analysis. The variables observed include (1) climatic condition, (2) physical and chemical properties of soil, (3) plant height, (4) effect of N fertilization on root and shoot, (5) chlorophyll content and nitrate reductase activity, and (6) yield. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at α= 5% levels and continued to be analyzed using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5%. The results showed that the fertilization techniques significantly affected all variables. Deep placement (N2) and broadcast (N3) technique gave different effect only on N content in the leaf, which was 3.31% (N2) and 2.16% (N3), and also on the plant height. Based on this research, farmers still use broadcast technique since it is more efficient in terms of time and energy.
Foliar application of urea is considered as an important crop contingency strategy to supply nitrogen (N) especially under rainfed conditions. An experiment was conducted during kharif seasons of 2019 and 2020 at Pathankot, Punjab to study the effects of soil and foliar application of N on growth, yield and economics of rainfed maize (Zea mays L.). The experiment was conducted in randomized block design having eight treatments in different combinations of soil and foliar application of N with three replications. Soil application of N (100% RDN) plus 2% urea foliar sprays at 15 and 30 days after sowing (DAS) (T8) resulted in 19.9, 15.5, 16.0, 18.7 and 59.3% higher plant height, cob length, grains per cob, 1000-grain weight and water use efficiency (WUE) respectively, as compared to control. The same treatment also produced 60% and 67.8% higher grain and straw yield and 182% and 46.2% higher net returns and BC ratio as compared to control. Regression analysis showed that the yield attributes effectively influenced the grain yield. Application of 75% RDN plus 2% urea sprays at 15 and 30 DAS was statistically similar with T7 (100% of recommended basal N and no foliar N) and T8-100% of recommended basal N (90 kg urea/ha) & urea (2%) spray at 15 and 30 DAS indicating that foliar spray with urea was effective vis-à-vis maize growth and yield thereby increasing monetary benefits and saving of the N nutrient.
Maize is a major staple crop grown and widely consumed in western Ethiopia but it is low due to declining soil fertility and requires application of high fertilizer for optimum production. A field experiment was carried out on farmers’ field to study the effect of blended NPSB and urea fertilizer rate on yield and yield components, and economics of highland maize for two consecutive cropping seasons on Ultisol of Liben Jawi district. Three rates of nitrogen (150 250 and 350 kg urea ha-1) and four rates of blended NPSB (150, 200, 250 and 300 kg NPSB ha-1) were combined in factorial arrangement forming 12 treatments and tested with negative control and recommended (119/69 kg NP ha-1). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Combined application of blended NPSB and Urea was significantly affected mean yield and yield components of maize. Significantly higher biomass and grain yield of maize were obtained with application of higher nitrog...
Controlled-release urea may be a good management strategy to increase the efficiency of N fertilizers. In a 3-yr study (2008–2010) conducted on a clay soil near Quebec City, Canada, we compared the effect of polymer-coated urea (PCU), nitrification inhibitor urea (NIU), dry urea and urea ammonium nitrate 32% (UAN) on corn yield, plant N accumulation and soil NO3-N remaining at harvest. Corn was fertilized with urea and PCU at 50, 100 and 150 kg N ha-1 in addition to an unfertilized control (0 N), and NIU and UAN at 150 kg N ha-1. Urea, PCU, and NIU were pre-plant broadcast whereas UAN was side-banded at the six-leaf stage of corn. Response to N fertilization occurred in all years but the magnitude of the response varied with years. In wet years (2008 and 2009), PCU and NIU resulted in higher grain yield than urea but the increase was greater for PCU (+0.8 to 1.6 Mg ha-1) than for NIU (+0.3 to 0.6 Mg ha-1). In a dry year (2010), no significant difference was found between urea, PCU and NIU. Yields and apparent N recovery were comparable for PCU and UAN except in the dry year, when plant N accumulation was much higher for the UAN treatment. At harvest, soil NO3-N was increased by PCU in all years. Economic analysis revealed that despite 30% higher cost, PCU gave comparable net returns at equivalent N rate than UAN in wet years. We conclude that controlled-release urea, particularly PCU, would be an additional option to farmers instead of sidedressed UAN application for fertilizing corn grown in eastern Canada.
Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (CJMS), 2023
Nitrogen can dramatically stimulate plant productivity as well as yield potential of intensified agriculture system. The unavailability of Nitrogen fertilizer specially urea during critical period (sowing season, drought, flood.) hamper the rice production. It is noticed in literature that the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer increased if it is applied in plants through foliage along with soil application. Present research work was planned to evaluate this theme so that the loss of yield due to unavailability of urea can be reduced by foliar application at various growth stages of rice. A research work was conducted to examine the “Performance of different percentage of urea as foliar fertilizer on growth and development of rice (Rabi dhan 1).” at the Agronomy and Agricultural extension Department Field, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh from December 2022-May 2023. Rabi Dhan-1 rice variety with six different percentage of urea as foliar application were used for this experiment. 1. T1= N0% Control, 2. T2= 65% of recommended dose (N 50% as SA + 15% as FA), 3. T3= 70% of recommended dose (N50% as SA + 20% as FA), 4. T4= 75% of recommended dose (N50 % as SA + 25 % as FA), 5. T5= 80% of recommended dose (N60% as SA + 20% as FA) , 6. T6= N100% Soil application (Traditional practice). The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The significant effect of liquid fertilizer was found on almost all the parameters under studied. All the phenological and growth parameters showed the highest performance in T4 = 75% of recommended dose (N50 % as SA+ 25 % as FA) and lowest in T1= N0% Control. The result showed that the phenological characters like plant height, total number of tiller hill-1 was highest inT4 while the lowest was in T1. Plant height was increased with the increase of the age of plants. Chlorophyll content increased slowly at the early stage of crop growth and later declined. All the yield contributing characters like plant height, total number of tiller hill-1, effective tiller hill-1, panicle length, number of grains panicle-1, number of filled grain panicle-1, 1000 grain weight and grain yield were varied significantly due to different doses of fertilizer application.
Maize growers need balanced crop nutrition to maximize its yield potential and get the most out of their fertilizer investment. In practice, this requires making all of the required nutrients available to the maize crop by the right amount or rate. So, the objective was to determine the optimum blended (NPSZnB) and urea fertilizer rates on growth, yield and yield components of maize in Toke Kutaye district west Showa Zone. The experiment was laid out using randomized complete block design in factorial arrangement with three replications. The treatments consisting of four rates of blended (150, 200, 250, 300 kg NPSZnB ha ) and 1 three rates of Urea (150, 250 and 350 kg ha ) were tested with negative control and blanket recommended NP 1 (119/69 kg ha ) having a total of 14 treatments for 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 cropping seasons. Application of 1 urea and blended fertilizer levels were significantly (P<0.05) affected almost all the growth, yield and yield components of maize in both...
Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2018
This study aims to determine the effect of organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer on growth, yield, and quality of sweet corn (Zea mays L. saccharata) and soil health. The research was conducted in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia in December 2016 until March 2017. This research was designed using a randomized factorial block design 2 x 4 with three replications. The arrangement of treatments are as follows: The first treatment was organic fertilizer (poultry manure that has been composted and combined with Biomax-Grow biofertilizer) consisting of 2 levels that are, 0 and 15 ton ha-1. The second treatment was the dosage of urea fertilizer consisted of 0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1. The results showed that application of integrated use of organic fertilizer and urea fertilizer would decrease the use of urea and be recommended for sweet corn cultivation. Organic fertilizer gives a better postharvest quality of sweet corn and a better soil health with respect to soil respiration as well as fungi and bacterial population.
An experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Kafr-Elsheikh, Egypt, during 2019 and 2020 to study the effect of different forms and rates of slow release urea nitrogen fertilizers; sulfur (SCU), formaldehyde (FCU) and dolomite (DCU), coated urea with fast release (un coated) urea fertilizers (UCU) on growth, yield and grain quality of maize yellow hybrid Single Cross168. The experiment was laid out in completely randomized blocks design with four replicates. The treatments were (UCU at 120, SCU, FCU and DCU at 60, 80 and 100 kg N fad.-1). Results showed that, using slow release nitrogen fertilizers caused significant increase on most growth parameters, yield and grain quality. The highest values were obtained by SCU followed by FCU and then DCU at 100 kg N fad.-1 except chlorophyll a, b and carbohydrates content which increased with DCU at 100 kg N fad.-1. Using slow release nitrogen fertilizers can lead to saving mineral fertilizers, reduces nitrogen loss in the soil, reduced environmental pollution and also, provides the plant with the nutrients it needs throughout its growth.
Nitrogen is the most yield liming nutrient that can be highly soluble and lost through leaching, volatilization and denitrification. In this view an experiment was conducted to determine the effects of urea stable and convectional urea on nitrogen use efficiency and crop performance of wheat in Vertisols of Ambo District, west Shewa Zone. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The treatments were different rate of urea stable and convectional urea applied at planting and in split: (Control, 23 kg N ha -1 from urea stable applied once at planting, 23 kg N ha -1 from urea stable in split application, 46 kg N ha -1 from urea stable in split application, 46 kg N ha -1 from urea stable applied once at planting, 46 kg N ha -1 from urea in split application, 69 kg N ha -1 from urea stable in split application, 69 kg N ha -1 from urea in split application, 69 kg N ha -1 from urea stable applied once at planting). Agronomic use efficiency was...
Plant and Soil, 1984
Field studies were conducted on an Indian Vertisol to determine the fate of lSNlabeled fertilizers applied to dryland sorghum in two successive rainy seasons. In the 1981 season, a split-band (SB) urea application of 74kg N/ha, half amounts placed 5 cm deep and 8 cm from opposite sides of plant rows at 4 and 19 days after emergence, was superior to preemergent applications of either surface-applied (S) or incorporated (I) applications at the same rate; 907 mm of rainfall fell during the sorghum growing period. Percentages of applied N recovered in the soil-plant system after the sorghum harvest were 94%, 74%, and 72%, respectively, for the SB, I, and S application methods. Substantial quantities, 39%, 45%, and 42% of the added N for the SB, I, and S treatments, respectively, remained in the soil after the final harvest. Plant utilization of added urea-N was greater in 1980 when rainfall during the growing season was 212 mm less than in 1981. S or I applications of urea at 74kg N/ha, with above-ground plant tSN recoveries of 48.0% and 48.6%, respectively, were also equally as efficient during 1980. Residual soil N derived from fertilizer was of little value for a sorghum crop in the following rainy season and for a safflower crop in the post-rainy season in a double-cropping system.
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Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS), 2024
Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2011
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Agrárias - Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2020
International Journal of Plant & Soil Science
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Asian Journal of Applied Science and Technology (AJAST), 2024
Soil Science Society of America Journal, 1987
Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2017