Heny Alpandari



Corn production can be increased by proper urea fertilizers. Fertilization techniquescommonly used by farmers are broadcast and deep placement. However, both techniques can lead to faster urea loss because urea is easily changed to ammonium (NH4+) then changed to ammonia (NH3), which leads to volatilization or leaching. This study aimed to compare urea fertilization techniques commonly used by farmers and to determine their effects on the growth and yield of corn on Vertisol during rainy season. The research was arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with fertilization techniques as treatments and four blocks as replications. The treatments were without urea application (N1), deep placement technique (N2), and broadcast (N3). The urea dose was 348 kg.ha-1, obtained from soil sampling analysis. The variables observed include (1) climatic condition, (2) physical and chemical properties of soil, (3) plant height, (4) effect of N fertilization on root and shoot, (5) chlorop...